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1、新视野新视野大学英语大学英语 读写教程读写教程第一册第一册Vocabulary and StructureDirection:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 【 【一一】 】 1.She felt like _ frustration, but she was determined not to lose her self-control. A. to cry out of B. to cry for C. crying out of D. crying for 2.All animals c

2、ommunicate, but our special method of speech is _ to human beings. A. aware B. unique C. absolute D. continual 3.The method he used turned out to be _ in improving the students English. A. effective B. ability C. response D. explicit 4.The boss refused to give any _ on the fact that his workers were

3、 out of jobs. A. response B. comment C. answer D. reply 5.The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who _ the murder last week. A. limited B. made C. did D. committed 6.They had to examine the dead tiger before they were _ as to who killed it. A. positive B. senior C. virtual D. vit

4、al 7.He could be _ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child. A. visual B. critical C. favorite D. essential 8.It was hard work but we all felt _ at the end of the project. A. embarrassed B. frustrated C. rewarded D. challenged9.The combination of virtual and traditio

5、nal learning will _ the scope of every lesson and increase the students interest. A. reflect B. instruct C. hinder D. expand 10.It would be best to deal with these issues at once, before problems _. A. arise B. reflect C. expand D. challenge 11.Jane said to her husband, “Dont worry. There is no caus

6、e for _ about our daughters ability to manage herself.“ A. care B. concern C. attention D. love 12.The tap wont _, and there is water all over the floor. A. turn off B. turn down C. turn on D. turn up 13.Wearing the right shoes and clothes _ being fit can make all the difference. A. in addition B. a

7、s well as C. also D. too 14.Please go away and let me get on with my work _. A. in peace and quiet B. at peace C. for silence D. in quietly 15.The idea _ to him so much that he took it without hesitation. A. appealed B. interested C. drew D. attracted 【 【二二】 】1.Even if they survive such a serious ac

8、cident, they will be badly hurt or _ for life.A. curedB. crippledC. caredD. contracted2.Disease _ during the journey and many passengers had to be rushed to hospital for treatment.A. broke outB. broke downC. started offD. started out3.A good swimmer should learn to _ the movements of his arms and le

9、gs.A. combineB. connectC. cooperateD. coordinate4._ what others say, I think hes a very kind and friendly young man.A. AlthoughB. ThoughC. DespiteD. In spite5.It is considered inappropriate for a former president to _ in commerce.A. occupyB. adjustC. conductD. engage6.The small town became a tourist

10、 attraction and its only restaurant became so crowded that the _ had to eat at home every night.A. localsB. citizensC. migrantsD. emigrants7.The students and their parents have repeatedly _ to the school board about heavy work assignments.A. toldB. complainedC. saidD. explained8.The products have be

11、en _ to strict tests before leaving the factory.A. subjectedB. adjustedC. objectedD. constricted9.Our television set is out of order. Could you come and _ it for us?A. see throughB. see outC. see toD. see over10._ they have taken matters into their hands, the pace of events has quickened.A. As thatB

12、. So thatC. Now thatD. For that11.When youre in Paris you cant help being _ of the way the streets are kept clean.A. effectiveB. relaxedC. consciousD. obvious12.The book offers some advice about how to make a good _ at job interviews.A. attitudeB. reactionC. effectD. impression13.He was a good worke

13、r who was _ to his family as well as to his work.A. consistentB. committedC. contentD. engaged14.It is very difficult, for the time being, to _ how much money is needed.A. accountB. signC. rangeD. estimate15.The teacher praised and rewarded the good _ of his students in class.A. statusB. behaviorC.

14、functionD. sign16.We must _ our attention on the question of reducing our cost.A. payB. focusC. absorbD. promote17.It is said that _ to the plan so far have been positive.A. reactionsB. viewsC. ideasD. opinions18.Have you ever noticed that Jack always _ a picture of quiet self-worth?A. impressesB. f

15、ocusesC. projectsD. communicates19.She has been known to become upset at the _ of blood.A. sightB. viewC. showD. range20.The age _ of the study population will greatly influence the final result.A. barrierB. positionC. distanceD. range【 【三三】 】 1. We consider _ the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. A. that it necessary B. necessary that C. it necessary D.that necessary 2. While she waited, she tried to _ her mind with pl


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