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1、自考英语(一)课堂笔记(自考英语(一)课堂笔记(unit20)Text A You Cant DO It Because It Hurts Nobody本课主要单词本课主要单词1.tough adj. 强壮的;粗暴的;老的;艰苦的1)The tough mountaineer succeeded in getting to the top of the mountain.(那位强壮的登山运动员成功地登上了山顶。)2)Camels are tough and hardy creatures. (骆驼是能吃苦耐劳的动物。)3)Those tough law-breaking youngsters

2、should be dealt with seriously. (应该严肃对待那些无法无天的青少年。)4)She complained about the tough steak.(她抱怨牛排太老。)5)They had a tough time during the war. (战争期间她们苦熬度日。)6)Hell be tough on you if you bother him. (如果你麻烦他,他会对你不客气。)7)It was tough to get a satisfactory job.(找一份令人满意的工作很不容易。)2.crime n. 罪;罪行criminal n. 罪犯

3、adj. 犯罪的;刑事的1)He committed a crime against the security of the state. (他犯了危害国家安全罪。)2)It is a crime to waste so much food. (浪费那么多食物是一种罪过。)3)The president is determined to bring down the crime rate. (总统下决心使犯罪率下降。)4)The wanted criminal had no place to hide. (被通缉的罪犯无处可藏。)5)The man was found to have a cr

4、iminal record.(那人被发现有犯罪记录。)6)The criminal police are working on a major case. (刑警队在着手一起大案。)3.drunk adj. 醉的1)He was so drunk that he could not walk. (他醉得路都走不起来了。)2)He was charged with drunk driving. (他被指控酒后驾车。)3)The young man was drunk with success. (那个年青人因为成功而喝醉了。)4.custom n. 习惯;风俗customs n. 海关custo

5、mary adj. 习惯上的1)It is her custom to go for a walk every morning. (她惯常每天早上去散步。)2)They didnt know much about the customs of the country they were going to visit. (对他们将要访问的那个国家的风俗习惯他们了解得不多。)3)It wont take you long to pass the customs. (通过海关检查不会花你们太多时间。)4)It is customary to exchange gifts at Christmas.

6、(圣诞节时人们互赠礼物是一种习俗。)5.admit v. 承认;准许进入admission n. 承认;准许进入1)He admitted his guilt to the police. (他向警方承认犯罪。)2)The boy admitted to his teacher that he was wrong. (那男孩向老师承认自己错了。)3)There were no windows to admit air. (没有窗子可使空气流入。)4)David was admitted into the school basketball team. (大卫被纳为篮球队的队员。)5)None

7、of them admitted to cheating on exams.(他们都不承认考试作弊。)6)She admitted to having a strong like for light beer. (她承认自己很喜欢淡啤酒。)7)His admission that he had committed the theft proved Johns innocence.(他承认偷窃,从而证明了约翰的清白。)8)He was refused admission into the club. (他未获准加入俱乐部。)9) Admission to the park is free. (公

8、园免费进入。)请注意下面几组词,找出其构词的规律:admit/admission emit/emissiontransmit/transmission submit/submission6.tape n. 磁带 v. 用带子捆扎;用胶布封住;把录于1)The teacher asked us to listen to English tapes when we had time. (老师让我们有空时听英语磁带。)2)She spent a whole morning taping the presents.(她花了一个上午的时间捆扎礼物。)3)As there was nobody at ho

9、me, he taped a note to the door.(因为家中无人,他便用胶布把一张字条粘贴在门上。)4)The robber taped the watchmans mouth. (抢劫犯用胶布封住守门人的嘴。)5)He taped the conversation secretly. (他偷偷把谈话用磁带录了下来。)7.jail n. 监狱1)He was put into jail for armed robbery. (他因武装抢劫被送进了监狱。)2)The young man escaped from jail. (那个年轻人逃出了监狱。)3)He was sentenc

10、ed to two weeks in jail. (他被判监禁两周。)8.fatal adj. 致命的;重大的fatality n. 死亡者;死亡事故1)He received a fatal wound in the battle. (他在战斗中受了致命伤。)2)The fatal eruption of the volcano caused unimaginable losses. (火山毁灭性的喷发造成了难以想像的损失。)3)Mutual trust is fatal to friendship. (相互信任对于友谊来说不可或缺。)4)The accident caused severa

11、l fatalities. (事故造成数人死亡。)5)They are trying to reduce the fatality of heart disease. (他们正努力降低心脏病的致命性。)9.threaten v. 威胁在前一单元中,我们学习了名词 threat,-en 是个动词后缀,加在名词或形容词的后面可以构成动词,如:1)加在名词后面:heighten, lengthen, hasten2)加在形容词后面:shorten, brighten, quicken10.tolerate v. 忍受;宽恕tolerant adj. 容忍的tolerance n. 忍受;宽容;忍耐力

12、1)I cannot tolerate his dishonesty. (我不能容忍他的不诚实。)2)We will not tolerate their distorting the fact. (我们不会容忍他们歪曲事实。)3)He is tolerant of different opinions. (他能容忍不同意见。)4)These plants are tolerant of extreme heat. (这些植物能耐酷热。)5)My tolerance of your impoliteness is limited. (我对你的无礼的忍耐是有限的。)11.limit n. 限制

13、v. 限制limited adj. 有限的1)She had reached the limit of her patience. (她已到了忍无可忍的地步。)2)He was fined for exceeding the speed limit. (他因超过车速限制而被罚款。)3)Try to limit your talk to 5 minutes. (请尽量把话在五分钟内说完。)4)He limited himself to 10 cigarettes a day. (他限定自己一天抽 10 支烟。)5)We must make good use of the limited reso

14、urces. (我们必须好好利用有限的资源。)6)Time is limited, we have to step here today. (时间有限,我们今天只能讲到这儿。)off limits 禁止进入within limits 适度的;在一定范围内without limit 无限制地12.celebrate v. 庆祝celebration n. 庆祝1)Well go to celebrate grandmas 70th birthday this weekend. (这个周末我们去庆祝祖母 70 岁生日。)2)They are singing and dancing to celeb

15、rate their victory. (他们唱歌、跳舞庆祝胜利。)3)The birthday celebration will be held at home. (生日庆典将在家举行。)4)The celebration of Chinese New Year used to include a display of fireworks. (过去中国新年庆典包括放焰火。)13.anonymous adj. 匿名的an 是一个前缀,用在元音字母或辅音 h 前,表示“非”,“没有”,“缺乏”,如:anarchy(无政府),anonym(匿名者)。onym 是个词根,意思是 name(名字),如

16、 antonym(反义词),synonym(同义词)-ous 是一个形容词后缀,如 dangerous, famous1)He was greatly disturbed by the anonymous letter. (匿名信令他极度不安。)2)The author wishes to remain anonymous. (作者不希望披露姓名。)14.cheat v. 欺骗;作弊 n. 骗子1)The old lady told the policeman that she had been cheated of all her savings.(那位老太太告诉警察她被人骗取了她所有的积蓄。)2)He was cheated into believing that he was an adopted son. (他被骗得相信自己是个养子。)3)He said that many high school students cheated on exams. (他说许多中学生考试作弊。)4)The singer was said to have


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