研究生英语Human Weaknesses

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1、IS HE LIVING OR IS HE DEAD?Vincent Willem van Gogh va. forerunner of Impressionism and one of the greatest painter in 19th. vb. Miserably, Van Gogh died not knowing the acclaim his art would receive. Today his legacy is immortal and he will be forever known as one of the greatest artists of the mode

2、rn era. v凡高生平:v 以下是电影梵高传中,童年凡高离家上寄宿 学校前的一段对白:童年凡高:“要呆多少时间?”预言家:“大概三年吧。”“然后呢?”“你会去巴黎、英格兰,在那里卖画,你还会恋 爱,遭到拒绝,丢掉工作后,在一个煤矿当传教 士,被解雇,再恋爱,再遭到拒绝,成为艺术家 ,和一个妓女结合,画了800幅画,在普若旺斯变 疯,在医院住上一年,37岁时自杀。”“我的画能卖出去吗?”“一幅!”Mark TwainvQuotations:v“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear not absence of fear.”v“Dont

3、go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”v“Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny spirit takes vtheir place.”Pre-reading tasksv1) Suppose you have a son and he h

4、opes to be a painter in the future. What suggestions will you give him?Artistic expression or the daily bread, that is the question.(In the text, we will meet a character who believes that the merit of every great unknown and neglected artist must and will be recognized and his works fetch high pric

5、es after his death. In other words, he or she will not become famous after death. Now lets read to find out what a group of artist friends did to reverse such an “ill fate”.)v 2). Frame techniquev(there is the double space between Para 13 and Para 14, Para 86 and 87 respectively.) v(The technique of

6、 inserting one story within another is a narrative method employed by many writers. It is often called the frame)v3). Now predict the likely scenarios to be enacted in the story on the basis of the title.RivieraRiviera is a narrow coastal region between the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea extending f

7、rom southeast France to northwest Italy. The Riviera is a popular resort area that is noted for its flowers grown for export and for use in perfumery.Monte Carlo is a resort in Monaco, forming one of the four communes of the principality. It is famous as a gambling resort and as the terminus of the

8、annual Monte Carlo rally.Monte CarloNice is a city of southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea northeast of Cannes. Controlled by various royal houses after the 13th century, the city was finally ceded to France in 1860. It is the leading resort city of the French Riviera and is known for its beach

9、es, casinos, and luxurious hotels.BR1- backgroud7.1Nice Language pointsv Para 1:vThat is to say, one has the flooding sunshine, the balmy air, and the brilliant blue sea, without the marring additions of human powwow and fuss and feathers and display.1. What does “fuss and feathers” mean? How is the

10、 language used here?“Fuss and feathers” means over elaborate or pretentious display. The two words both begin with the same consonant sound “f”, and they are put together, forming the alliteration with rhythmic effect. Other examples are “Round the rocks runs the river.”,” The sun sank slowly.”v2. W

11、hat does this sentence imply?It implies that the place is filled with natural beauty, and therefore it may be appealing to artists.v3.Translate the sentence into Chinese.v这就是说,你享有灿烂的阳光、暖和的空气 、波光潋滟的碧海,而且没有摆阔、矫饰、 炫耀这类扫兴的氛围。Para 1:as a rule: usually, but not alwaysAs a rule the weather here is quite wa

12、rm in winter.vAs a rule, we take the bus.v通常,我们乘公共汽车。vPara 1: vexclaim:va. v.intr.(不及物动词)To cry out suddenly or vehemently, as from surprise or emotion:v喊叫:由于惊奇或激动而突然或强烈地喊叫 :vThe children exclaimed with excitement.v孩子们激动地喊了起来vexclaim in with delightv欢呼vb. v.tr.(及物动词)vTo express or utter (something)

13、suddenly or vehemently:v大声地说出:突然或强烈地表达或说出(谋 事):vexclaimed her surprise.v她发出惊奇的喊叫vPara 6. instead, he dropped into a brown study, and was apparently lost to me and to the rest of the world during some minutes.1. What does “brown study” mean?vbrown studyva state of deep thought.v沉思vdrop into a brown s

14、tudy.v陷入沉思2. What does “lost” mean?It means thinking so hard about something, or being so interested in something, that you do not notice what is happening around you.3. Translate this part into Chinese. 而是陷入了沉思,有好几分钟,显然把 我和周围的一切给忘了。vPara 6 vflossy:va. Superficially stylish; slick:v华丽的,时髦的:表面上很优雅的;华

15、而不 实的:vwrote flossy articles about the lifestyles of the rich.v写关于富人生活方式的华丽的文章vb. Of, relating to, or resembling floss.v丝棉的,柔软的:丝的、有关丝的或象丝一 样的vflossy hairvPara 9 : smite:v打, 重击; 杀死v破坏, 毁灭(with), 打败; 惩罚v(疾病等)侵袭, 袭击(with)v使深深感动, 迷住, 使心中苦恼; 责备vsmite sb. on the headv猛击某人头部vsmite sb. deadv打死某人vbe smitten

16、 with a desire to do sth.v极想做某事vsmite on the doorv砰砰地敲门vThe sound smites upon the ear.v声音震耳。vThe population was smitten by the plague.v人们被瘟疫所折磨vHe was smitten by deep remorse.v他陷入深深的自责之中v and they bury the bird with elaborate pomp and the tenderest grief, without knowing, poor things, that it isnt children only who starve poets to death and then spend enough on their funera


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