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1、Beijing 北京Shanghai 上海Liaoning 辽宁Guangxi 广西Hainan 海南双语CHINAREPORTINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY社址: 北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土城路6号邮编: 100088电邮: 编辑中心: 82803936采访中心: 82803956办公室: 82803009发行部: 82034385广告部: 82034358印刷: 解放军报印刷厂2016年6月8日星期三出版主编: 吴辉副 主 编: 柳鹏英文审校: 崔卫国June 8,2016Published on WednesdayEditor-in-Chief: Wu HuiDeputy Edi

2、tor-in-chief: Liu PengEnglish Reviser: Cui WeiguoOn May 25, Chinese tech giant Huawei filed patent infringe- mentlawsuitsagainstSouth Korean mobile phone rival Samsung in China and the United States. Hua- wei requested Samsung to respect its intellectual property, stop infringing its patents and com

3、pensate according- ly. Samsung responded in a statement saying“We will thoroughly review the complaint and take appropriate ac- tion to defend Samsungs business in- terests.” According to the indictment filed by Huawei in the U.S, Samsung has violated 11 U.S patents it holds relat- ed to LTE and 2G

4、and 3G technology. Liwenyu, director of intellectual property center of China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR), who analyzed the above- mentioned 11 patents said in an interview with CIP News,“these patents are filed from 2011 to 2014 and are granted successively. They cover core net- wo

5、rk, physical layer and high- level signaling processing of LTE technolo- gy and most of them are related to 3GPP Rel-8 of LTE. It is worth noting that the 11 patents have over 300 cog- nate appplications covering more than 100 countries and regions.” As a late-comer in smartphone mar- ket, why Huawe

6、i launched an attack onSamsungwhosemarketshare topped the world? We may find the an- swer in the reply by Huawei to CIP News,“We hope Samsung will stop infringing our patents and get the nec- essarylicencefromHuawei,and work together with Huawei to jointly drive the industry forward. Litigationis a

7、legal remedy to solve IP disputes and we hope to work with Samsung to find a better solution.” “What is behind litigation is busi- ness and what is behind the case is in- terest. On the world map featuring smartphone market share and patent layout, although Huawei has been al- ready among top 3, the

8、re is still a gap between Huawei and other leading companies such as Samsung and Ap- ple,”said Taoxinliang, dean of school of IP at Shanghai University. He indi- cated that at the backdrop of signing cross- licensing agreements with Ap- ple, Huawei hopes to sign similar agreements with Samsung and o

9、ver- take it in sales volume of products. Samsung made a quick response to Huaweis litigation. What strategy it will take attracts the industrys wide attention. What would Huawei be re- sponded if Samsung countercharge? Liwenyuanalyzedthepossible strategythatSamsungwilladopt. “Samsung may file reque

10、st for patent invalidation on patents involved in the case and file patent infringement lawsuits in the U.S and South Korea. Moreover, Samsung will likely reach cross-licensing agreements with Hua- wei based on its own standard essen- tial patents in a bid to pay less or no li-cence fees.”He added,

11、the two sides will possibly sue each other with un- fair competition and abuse of market dominant position. From Samsungs response, there is big chance for it to launch patent in- fringement litigation against Huawei. Taoxinliang suggested that Huawei handle the patent case in a quick man- ner in or

12、der to reach cross- licensing agreements with its rival. However, the patent wars between them will last for a long time. Huawei should adopt corresponding litigation strategies ac- cording to the rivals response. “In terms of the high- tech smart- phone industry, patent litigation is a planned, org

13、anized and large-scale business practice across countries and regions. The intention of patent litiga- tion is not to charge only one compa- ny for patent license fees.”Liwenyu believed when Chinese companies be- come larger in scale and more compe- tent in IP, they will seek to get a rea- sonable r

14、eturn through IP license. (by Feng Fei)本报记者冯 飞5月 25日, 华为技术有限公司在 中国和美国同时针对三星公司提起 专利侵权诉讼(本报于 2016 年 5 月 27日第1版曾作相关报道), 要求三星公司尊重华为公司的知识产权, 停 止未获得专利许可情况下的专利侵 权行为, 并就专利侵权行为进行赔 偿。 对此, 三星公司很快作出了回 应, 其发表声明称, 将对华为公司提 起的专利侵权诉讼展开辩护, 同时对 诉讼进行彻底评估, 并将采取适当行 动, 维护三星公司的商业利益。 据华为公司在美国提交的起诉书 显示, 华为公司声称三星公司侵犯了 其11件美国专

15、利的专利权, 这11件专 利的技术内容涉及 LTE 技术和 2G、 3G技术。 中国信息通信研究院知识产权 中心主任李文宇对上述 11 件专利进 行了分析, 他在接受本报记者采访时 介绍:“这 11件美国专利的申请日期 大都在 2011 年至 2014 年之间, 并先 后 获 得 授 权 。 专 利 技 术 内 容 覆 盖 LTE技术的核心网、 物理层及高层信 令, 且大部分专利与 LTE 基础版本 3GPP Rel-8 相关。值得注意的是, 这 11件专利有 300多件同族专利, 覆 盖全球 100多个国家和地区。 ” 作为智能手机市场的后来者, 华为公司为何向全球智能手机市场 份 额 排

16、名 第 一 的 三 星 公 司 提 起 诉 讼?从华为公司发送给本报记者的 回复中, 我们也许能找到答案:“华为 公司希望三星公司停止未获得专利 许可情况下的专利侵权行为, 以积极 合作的态度与华为公司一起推动产 业进步。诉讼是解决知识产权争议 的法律救济手段, 我们期待能和三星 公司找到更好的解决办法。 ” “诉讼背后是商业, 案件背后是 利益。在智能手机市场份额和专利 布局的 世界地图 上, 华为公司虽 然已位居三甲, 但与三星公司和苹果 公司相比, 华为公司的整体实力还 有一定差距。 ” 上海大学知识产权学 院院长陶鑫良在接受本报记者采访时表示, 在与苹果公司签署专利交 叉许可协议的大背景下, 华为公司 发起此次诉讼的最终目的不仅是欲 与 三 星 公 司 签 署 专 利 交 叉 许 可 协 议, 还存在从产品销量方面赶超三 星公司的考虑。 对于华为公司的诉讼, 三星公司 很快作出了回应, 其将采取哪种应对 策略受到了业界的广泛关注。如果 三星公司反诉, 华为公司又将如何应 对? 李文宇针对三星公司有可能采 取的应对策略进行



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