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1、Chemistry 114.3 (Section 03) Fall Semester 2007Matt PaigeOffice Number : Thorv. 261 Telephone : 966-4665 Email : matthew.paigeusask.caCourse website:Log in to PAWS and look up Chem 114 under “Academics”(Contains course outline, announcements, FAQs, etc.)Copies of Prof. Paiges slides:Available on PAW

2、S a few days after lecture.Laboratories:Start Friday September 14th, or Monday September 17th.Textbooks:1. Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, Nivaldo Tro (2008)2. Chemistry 114.3 Laboratory Manual, 2007-2008 Edition.Available through the BookstoreEvaluation :Laboratory25%Mid term + Quizzes25%Homework

3、assignments10%Final Exam40%(Mid term Saturday Oct. 20th)Online homework system: “MasteringChemistry”(http:/ code comes with your textbookLog in to system and become familiar with it ASAP!What you need to get startedWhat you need to get startedREGISTER for MGCREGISTER for MGC Access kit (provided wit

4、h a new textbook): Follow the instructions given there! Course ID (see course website): chem114section03 Please note your Course ID NOW !Please note your Course ID NOW ! Student ID (see your student card) is needed when you register and sign up for YOUR sectionWhen you register for MGC, please provi

5、de your name as it appears in PAWS! When you register for MGC, please provide your name as it appears in PAWS! What you will find in MGC during this termWhat you will find in MGC during this term Weekly homework assignments (few exceptions) Logon EVERY week to note due dates! Usually, every Friday o

6、ne graded and one non-graded assignment will be made available. One week plus one weekend time to “hand-in” assignments (few exceptions) Logon EVERY week to work on assignments! Two types of assignments: - graded - non-graded Start with the graded assignment and then deepen and test your knowledge w

7、ith the non-graded assignment. You must work on your assignments alone! No external help is allowed! The electronic tutor will help you! You must work on your assignments alone! No external help is allowed! The electronic tutor will help you! Dont miss this chance to improve your knowledge in Chemis

8、try. Dont miss this chance to improve your knowledge in Chemistry. Maximize your learning experience and your final grade by using the MasteringGeneralChemistryTM website. Maximize your learning experience and your final grade by using the MasteringGeneralChemistryTM website.HELP?Prof. Ps office hou

9、rs:Tues, Thurs. 1:30pm - 3:00 pmAny email to me, include “Chem 114” in subject line!TALab StaffTutors often available through CS2Chemistry is the central science1. Materials science 2. Solar energy conversion 3. Information technology1. Manufacturing 2. Power plants 3. MetallurgyBiologyPhysicsGeolog

10、yEngineeringEnvironmental ScienceChemistry1. Mining 2. Mineral recovery 3. Oil and gas industry1. Human and Vet. Medicine 2. Cell biology 3. Pharmaceuticals1. Water/soil testing 2. Atmospheric science 3. Climate change Chapter 1: Matter and MeasurementsText sections 1.1 -1.8Key ConceptsPhysical and

11、chemical properties and changesDensity and percent compositionThe SI systemPrecision, accuracy and significant figuresDefinitions Matter anything that occupies space, displays mass Composition refers to the parts or components of a sample of matter and their relative proportions pure substance compo

12、sed of only one type of atom / molecule mixture contains two or more types of atoms / molecules mixtures can be homogeneous (same throughout) or heterogeneous (not the same throughout); can be separated by some physical process (e.g. filter)waterKool-Aidextreme Kool-AidExample of Physical ChangeThe

13、boiling of water is a physical change;water molecules are separated from each other, but their structure and composition do not change.Example of Chemical ChangeThe rusting of iron is a chemical change. The iron atoms in the nail combine with oxygen atoms from O2in the air to make a new substance, r

14、ust, with a different composition.Classifying MatterMatterPure SubstanceMixtureCompoundElementHomogeneous MixtureHeterogeneous MixtureCan it be separated by a Physical process ?Is it uniform throughout ?NoYesYesNoCan it be decomposed by a chemical process ?YesNoMeasurement of MatterSI : Systme Inter

15、nationaleMost commonly used prefixes in chemistryNanotechnology refers to length scales 1,000,000,000 times smaller than a meter !Derived UnitsDefn :Combinations of the base quantities of length, mass, time, temperature, etcmeters secondslengthvelocitytime=Examples :3x x metersvolumelengthlengthleng

16、th=% 100% %mass of componentcompositionxtotal mass= =3cmg volumemassdensityex:1 L = 1000 mL1 mL = 1 cm3H2O=1.00 g/cm3What is the volume (in mL) and mass (in kg) of a 1 m x 1m x 1m cube of water?1 m = 100 cmSo volume of cube = (100 cm) x (100 cm) x (100 cm) = 1 x 106cm3= 1 x 106mL or 1x103LMass given by: mass = volume x density = (1x106cm3


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