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1、-1-Unit3Unit3 Lesson20Lesson20 HowHow FarFar isis BeijingBeijing 一、一、用英语表示下列数字。用英语表示下列数字。1. 504 _ 2. 1312 _ 3. 8385 _ 4. 916 _ 5. 9800 _ 6. 3450 _ 7. nine thousand + one hundred = _ 8. four thousand one hundred and eighty-six + thirty seven = _ 9. six hundred and forty-five + twenty-four = _ 10. two

2、 thousand + three hundred and seventy-six = _二、二、看图完成句子。看图完成句子。1. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? Its about _ kilometers. 2. Its about _ kilometers from Beijing to Shanghai. 3. Its _ nine _ kilometers from Beijing to Ottawa.三、三、完成句子。完成句子。1. _far is it _ Shijiazhuang _ Beijing? 2. Its abo

3、ut _(278) kilometers. 3. How far _ it from China _ Canada? 4. Its _ (8500) kilometers.四、四、听录音写数字(英文)听录音写数字(英文) 。1. _2. _3. _4. _-2-答案:答案: 一、1. five hundred and four 2. one thousand three hundred and twelve 3. eight thousand three hundred and eighty-five 4. nine hundred and sixteen 5. nine thousand e

4、ight hundred 6. three thousand four hundred and fifty 7. nine thousand one hundred 8. four thousand two hundred and twenty-three 9. six hundred and sixty-nine 10. two thousand three hundred and seventy-six 二、1. two hundred and eighty 2. one thousand two hundred 3. about, thousand 三、1. how, from, to 2. two hundred and seventy-eight 3. is, to 4. eight thousand five hundred 四、1. two hundred 2. three thousand 3. four thousand 4. five hundred


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