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1、1五下英语五下英语 期末专项练习期末专项练习 (四)(四)-写作练习写作练习一、请参照下图,写一段话。下列的提示词汇可以选用。要求语句通顺,条理清楚。不少于一、请参照下图,写一段话。下列的提示词汇可以选用。要求语句通顺,条理清楚。不少于 30 词。词。clean,clean, blackboard,blackboard, classroom,classroom, desk,desk, chair,floorchair,floorIts a fine today. Some students are cleaning the classroom.二、仿写:根据方框中所给的信息,仿照范文,请你介绍

2、一下根据方框中所给的信息,仿照范文,请你介绍一下 Aunt Mary 的基本情况。要求的基本情况。要求人物的关系、信息要符人物的关系、信息要符 合逻辑合逻辑。Aunt Mary, Dicks mother, the oldest daughter of my grandparents, 53 years old, one child, a teacherDick is my cousin. He is the son of Aunt Mary. He is 29 years old. And he is 18 years older than I am. Hes married and has

3、 two children, a boy and a girl. He is a policeman. We see each other very often. We get on very well. Mary_ 三、仿写。仿照例文,写一篇介绍自己的短文。三、仿写。仿照例文,写一篇介绍自己的短文。 My name is Lisa. I am 13 years old. I study in a middle school. My mother is a doctor. My father is a pilot. He can fly a plane in the sky. Im going

4、 to be a writer in the future. Because I enjoy writing stroies. I love my family. _2四、仿照范例,根据信息表提示的词汇,从四、仿照范例,根据信息表提示的词汇,从 Dan 和和 Lucy 中任选一人写一段话。要求语句通顺,条理清楚。中任选一人写一段话。要求语句通顺,条理清楚。 (5 分)NameAgeWants to goTransportTimeHelen8libraryby bike10 minutesDan10supermarketon foot5 minutesLucy9cinemaby bus1 hou

5、rHello,Im Helen. Im 8 years old. I am going to the library. I will go there by bike. It will take me about 10 minutes to get there._ 五、五、仿写:根据例文,介绍你的一位堂(表)兄弟姐妹。要求五句话。注意人称的变化。根据例文,介绍你的一位堂(表)兄弟姐妹。要求五句话。注意人称的变化。 ( ( 5 5 分分) )My name is Fiona. I am 12 years old. I am a student in Hongxing Primary School

6、. English is my favorite. Because it is a useful and popular language. My favorite fruit is peaches. I have a big happy family. We love each other and get on very well._六、下面是“我的理想”为题,仿照例文写一篇小短文,要求短文语句流畅,标点正确,不少于 5 句话。(共 5 分)I like to travel (= I enjoy traveling). I will be a pilot in the future. I c

7、an fly to other countries .I want to see more of the world. I will study hard to be a pilot. I hope I can be a pilot in the future. ( My dream )_ 七、这是来自美国小朋友七、这是来自美国小朋友 Jolin 的一封的一封 e-mali,仔细阅读,并回发一封信件,把你现有的情况向他介绍一下。,仔细阅读,并回发一封信件,把你现有的情况向他介绍一下。( (共共 5 5 分分) )My dear friend,My name is Jolin. I come f

8、rom Australia. Im 11 years old. I study in an international school in Sydney. My favorite subject is Chinese. Im interested in skating in winter. Im going to China this Summer holiday. I love China. From, Jolin3八、根据表格内容,仿照例句,将话语补充完整。八、根据表格内容,仿照例句,将话语补充完整。NameAgeHobby(爱好) Activities(活动)Wants to beAnn

9、twelvereadinggo to the librarya writerMikeelevensinging songslisten to musica singer仿照介绍仿照介绍 Ann 的样例,根据表格提供的有关的样例,根据表格提供的有关 Mike 的个人信息,写一段介绍的个人信息,写一段介绍 Mike 的短文。请你至少写出的短文。请你至少写出 5 句话。请句话。请 直接在答题卡上作答。直接在答题卡上作答。76.My dear friend,From,He is _Mike _ She is Ann, a lovely girl. She is twelve. She enjoys reading. After school, she often goes to the library. She wants to be a writer in the future.


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