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1、卷一卷一21. -What about _lecture this morning? -Oh, it was too difficult _ lecture for me. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a 22. 一What does the sign over there read? 一“No person _c_ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area ” Awill Bmay Cshall D. must 23. Keep up a good state o

2、f mind even if you _d_fail plenty of times. A. must B. will C. can D. should 24Although the causes of cancer _, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.Aare being uncovered Bhave been uncovering Care covering Dhave uncovered 25. He left the place, _never _back again. A. determined; to com

3、eB. being determined; to comeC. determined; comingD. determining; coming26. Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _his boss. A. servesB. satisfiesC. promises D. supports 27. This kind of software for English study _d_ a lot of students who are weak in oral English.A.

4、leads to B. appeals against C. contributes to D. appeals to 28. The two countries are different _a_ their people use different body language. A. in that B. from what C. in which D. from which 29. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her

5、 first _. A. attraction B. attempt C. arrival D. article 30. She recommended that everybody _b_ the small town no later than 12 oclock the next noon. A. reachedB. reachC. should be reachedD. be reaching 31. Oh, its you. I _ you. Why are you looking so thin and pale? Ive been ill for weeks and still

6、under treatment. A. cant recognize B. could hardly recognize C. havent recognized D. wasnt recognizing 32. Well, I forgot to bring my dictionary here yesterday. - Actually you _ it here. You were not allowed to use it. A. neednt bring B. neednt have brought C. didnt need to bring D. dont have to bri

7、ng 33. At the meeting, a proposal that he should take charge of the project _. A. put forward B. came up C. bring up D. bring about 34. My English teachers inspiring words were deeply _ upon my mind. A. left B. affected C. influenced D. impressed 35. Its wrong for her to follow _ others say. Its tru

8、e. I cant agree _. A. whatever; more B. no matter what; more C. whatever; much D. no matter what; much 1. She loves the song in p_, because her mother used to sing it. 2. All the a_ to the castle were guarded by soldiers, so it was hard for us to get in.3. The radio program has an a_ of several mill

9、ion. It is well received. 4.Those who fail to meet these r_ will not be admitted to the university. 5. I dont want to get i_ in the quarrel between Tom and Jack. 6. The temple was o _ built hundreds of years ago. And it has been added to many times. 7.Some students in our class are worried about the

10、ir p _ and want many people to like them. 8.She d _ a speech on English during her visit to her mother school. 9. A drunken man cant fully be r_ for his actions, so sometimes its very dangerous to let him go home alone. 10.I feel really happy to be e _ in this famous university to teach advanced Eng

11、lish.第一节:单项填空(共 15 个小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)DCDAA BDABB BCBDA 第二部分:单词拼写: 根据所给首字母或中文写出单词(共 10 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)1. particular 2. approaches 3. audience 4. requirements 5. involved 6. originally 7. popularity 8. delivered 9. responsible 10. employed 卷二卷二三、单词拼写(0.510=5) Ks5u1Theres an e_ amount of informa

12、tion on the Internet. Thats why many people like surfing the Internet. Ks5u2Professor Wang in the English department is making a study of the s_ and differences between America and England. Ks5u3 All the buildings were completely d_ _ in the area by the powerful earthquake. Ks5u4That professor w_ _

13、so that he could not be heard by the others present. Ks5u5The people living in that apartment have free a_ _ to that swimming pool. They dont have to pay anything for swimming in it. Ks5u6This office closed _ _ (暂时地)due to a power failure, and soon it reopened. Ks5u7Its not the first time for us to

14、meet. Once I sat _ _ (对面)you during the meal. Ks5u8The school was _ _ (原先,起初)very small, but now it has been enlarged. Ks5u9Though the dog looked _ _ (凶猛的), it was gentle actually. Ks5u10The group of mountain climbers _ _ (惊慌失措)when they realized that they were lost in the mountain. Ks5u四、动词填空 (0.51

15、0=5) Ks5u1The rumor(传言)that the famous singer got divorced(离婚)soon _ (spread)from mouth to mouth. Ks5u2-Would you please come and help me with my homework. Dad? Ks5u-Sorry, but I cant help _ (do)it for you, as Im so busy now. Ks5u3With all his homework _ (finish), he felt quite relaxed. Ks5u4The worker has to work for the boss


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