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1、探究高考新题型对话填空高三英语复习研讨会公开课8.Where does the conversation take place ?A. In Japan B. In England C. In American9. How will they go ?A. By bus B. By car C. By plane 10. Whats the climate like ?A. Its cold and sunny B. Its warm and rainyC. Its cold and rainy Listening Comprehension :M: How would you like to

2、 go to New York with me over spring break, Mary?W: Id love to, John ,but where shall we stay?M: At a friends house.I always s_ with him and theres room for you, too.W: Ok .He wont mind?M: Of course not.He is l_ forward to meeting you.W: Shall we drive to New York?M: Yes, it t_ about six hours.We can

3、 l_ at about noon and get there by suppertime.W: Whats the c_ like?M: It may be cold and rainy. B_ bring a jacket and good-walking s_W: Well ,when do we leave?M: How about Thursday? Can you be ready by noon?W: No p_Complete the following dialogue according to what you heard. tayookingakes eavelimate

4、etter hoesroblemTopic-centeredOralized 题型特征:1.整体性强( topic-centered)2.口语性强(Oralized)3.综合性强( comprehensive)考查目的:1.阅读理解能力,特别是跳读能力2.归纳、判断、分析和推理的能 力 ,找准主题、话题以及了解篇章结 构的能力3.熟练扎实的词汇和语法知识4.必要的文化、风俗习惯等背景知识5.一定的英美口语表达能力feeling puzz1ed?想不出词词形词性错误单词拼写错误线索一:上下文线索1.W:Thanks.Well,let me get a start.David and I have

5、 been m_for fifteen years.For quite some time we havent been very happy. We argue all the time.M:What do you argue about?W: Oh, everything.For example,when the children started school,I got a job.Well,anyway,by the time I p_ up the children from school.I only get home about half an hour before David

6、 .以通读全文,把握大意为前提,通过一些线索想出词。marriedpickedinterestedM: May I help you?W: Yes.Im i_in that dress in the window.M: Its a medium.W: Oh,thats my s_.May I try it on? W :All right.Oh, this isntbad.How much is this dress?M: 320 dollars on sale.You can hardly find a b_like this.sizebargain线索一:上下文线索2Mike: Why d

7、id you choose to go there? Jane: We went there b_ thecost was lower out of season.It was very good every day,and the two weeks went byonly too q_. We wereboth very sorry when we hadto l_.线索二: 逻辑及语义线索 1becausequicklyleave2.A: How often do you go on holiday? B: I g_ have two weeks holiday a year.A: An

8、d what do you prefer to do whenyou are on holiday?B: But I do like to visit museums, e_ if there is a specialexhibition on.generally especially线索二: 逻辑及语义线索 2线索三: 固定搭配及习惯用法线索 1Mr. Weaver ,I have been with this company now for five years. And Ive always been very l_ to the company .And I feel that Ive

9、 worked quite h_ here .But Ive never been promoted Bob,but rises here are b_ on achievements, not on the length of employment.1. Bob:Weaver: loyalhardbased2.B: Who will take part in it?A: Weve got three volunteers, and of course, I think of you to make it an F4.B: Me? But Ive never appeared on the s

10、tagebefore. Im afraid I cant make i_it线索三: 固定搭配及习惯用法线索 2线索三: 固定搭配及习惯用法线索 3.A.Great .Can you tell me exactly what happened ?B: Of course .I was taking a b_near my construction site at about three oclock yesterday afternoon .A school girl of about eleven walked by .Suddenly the dog started runninga_he

11、r .breakafter线索四: 文化背景及常识线索 11.A: .B: I say , is Egypt an Asian country ?Is it far ?A: Yes , quite far .But its not in Asia ;Its an A_country.B: Oh,yes.Ive heard of not only the Pyramids but the Aswan Dam .Do you want to see ?A: Of course .Ill go there by b_in the Nile .Africanboat2.W:They had a mea

12、l in their hotel?M:No,what they did was go to a restaurant .Anyway,they couldnt speak Chinese or English well.so they had to use s_languageto order the meal.Well,this seemed to work all right.The waiter nodded and smiled and sign2.W:They had a meal in their hotel?M:No,what they did was go to a resta

13、urant .Anyway,they couldnt speak Chinese or English well.so they had to use s_languageto order the meal.Well,this seemed to work all right.The waiter nodded and smiled and 线索四: 文化背景及常识线索 2线索五: 英语口语的习惯表达 1.Woman : Im going to write a paper about country fairs. Would you please introduce something abo

14、ut it?Man: With p_.leasure2.JEFF: Look out!There is a kangaroo!BONNY: M_ it! That was lucky. It can damage your car really badly.issed3.Mum: Jack!Jack :Yes?Mum: Come and look!Jack: Whats u_, Mum?p词形式 错误?分析句子结构,判断 所填词的词性.依据语法判 断词形1.Mary : Jay, I know you and Adrian were two of the first foreigners wh

15、o went to Lhasa by the famous Qinghai-Tibet Railway.Mary : So do tell me something about your trip!Jay : O_ 48 hour long trip from Beijing to Lhasa was unforgettable .句法词法词形以上下文为前提ur2.AB: Two years after Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong were sent into space, w_ they carriedout many experiments.here3.A: What do people usually talk about in English Corner?B: W_interests them, such as English study,movie,music books, national and i_affairshatevernternational句法词法词形词法: (名词-单复数、可


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