Module 4 Unit 10 lesson4 Advertisements 说课课件

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《Module 4 Unit 10 lesson4 Advertisements 说课课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 4 Unit 10 lesson4 Advertisements 说课课件(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、说课内容:Module 4 Unit 10 lesson4 Advertisements,课 型:阅读课(Period One),说 课 人:平顶山市二高 盛淑玲,说课时间: 2010-6,Teaching Goals (教学目标),Teaching Important Points (教学重点),Teaching Difficult Points (教学难点),Teaching Methods and Learning Methods(教法及学法),Teaching Aids (教具),Teaching Procedures (教学过程),The analysis of the teachi

2、ng material and the students (教材分析说课及学生分析),Part 1:,Part 4:,Part 3:,Part 7:,Part 5:,Part 6:,Part 2:,Part 8:,About My Teaching Plan:,The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard (板书设计及学案设计),Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material and the students (教材分析及学生分析)1. The analysis of the teaching material

3、 Advertisements是北师大版必修四第10单元的第4课,这篇文章与以往的文章有所不同,并不是一个完整的篇幅,而是分为4部分介绍4种不同的商品,同时引入与广告相关的词汇,并了解广告文体的特点,是一篇典型的信息输出载体。通过学习阅读策略和广告文体的特点,以训练阅读技能为主,听说能力为辅,最终以写作为途径,解决一个实际问题,本节课的中心任务是Write an advertisement。,2. The analysis of the students(学生学习情况分析),高中英语新课程标准明确指出:“高中英语课程要有利于学生优化英语学习方法,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,

4、充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。” 结合我所教学生英语基础与能力较弱的实际,本课时我把阅读课文作为整体处理的同时,把每个教学环节所设计的问题和任务区分出不同的层次,由浅入深,循序渐进,使每个教学环节尽量符合多数学生的认知水平,力争全班绝大多数同学都能积极参与课堂活动。通过“任务型”活动培养学生 “跳读”、“寻读”、 “推理归纳”等阅读方法以及描述、讨论等组织语言、运用语言的能力。,Part 2 Teaching Goals (教学目标):,1. Language goals: 1)Master some new words: such as refrigerat

5、or, laptop, kettle, flash, electric, mobile phone, wire, bath, signal. 2)Learn about adjectives in ads : noisy, practical, convenient, reliable, useful, attractive.,2. Ability Goals,1)Distinction opinion and fact2) Learn how to describe the product using the adjectives 3)Sum up and try to design an

6、ads,3. Emotion goals( 情感态度目标):,1) By the way of participation and practice , I mobilize the students interest in learning and enhance mutual understanding and communication.2)Strengthen community awareness of collaboration in the process of group cooperation,Part 3 Teaching Important Points(教学重点),1、

7、raise the ability of reading2、Learn how to describe the product using the adjectives,Part 4 Teaching Difficult Points (教学难点), to help ss master some new words2. how to help the ss write an ads,Part 5 Teaching Methods and Learning Methods(教法及学法):,1. Teaching methods:1) Task-based Approach 2) For

8、m induction 3) Question & Answer Activity Approach2. Learning methods: 1)Task-based Learning 2) Inquiry learning 3) Cooperative Group Learning,Part 6 Teaching Aids (教具):,Multimedia 多媒体,blackboard 黑板,Part 7 Teaching Procedures (教学过程):,新课标提出:根据高中生的认知特点和学习发展的需要,在进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力的同时,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和分析

9、、解决问题的能力,为他们进一步学习和发展创造必要的条件。依据教材内容的编排,我把本课的教学过程分为以下个步骤来完成,Unit 10 Lesson4,advertisements,新课标提出:根据高中生的认知特点和学习发展的需要,在进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力的同时,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和分析、解决问题的能力,为他们进一步学习和发展创造必要的条件。依据教材内容的编排,我把本课的教学过程分为四大部分(pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading, assessment),八个步骤来完成,Video show,Warm-up A game: I

10、guess , I guess, I guess guess guess!(我猜,我猜,我猜猜猜!) 1. Read the information first. 2. Guess the price from the information about the product. The one who is closer can get 1point for your group.,Electric toothbrush: Its convenient, automatic, and easy to use .,¥151,May be: (¥50-¥180 ),back,laptop com

11、puter:It is very practical ,no bigger than a book and the latest type.,May be (¥10000-¥ 15000 ),¥12300,mobile phone:It has no wires or cables and the signals are clear and gives you freedom .,May be(¥1800-¥3300 ),¥2650,E-dictionary:it is small and good looking , but can do all the translation.,May b

12、e: (¥50-¥180 ),¥151,back,Radio alarm clock: It can be used as a radio and alarm clock, very practical but not expensive.,Maybe: (¥30- ¥ 100 ),¥58,shape:,design:,function:,price:,quality:,the way to use:,Example:I think electric toothbrushes are not very practical. Its a little expensive,convenient,e

13、asy to use,circle,square,too big,long,special,common,beautiful,attractive,popular,useful,useless,practical,stylish,expensive,cheap,dear,reasonable.,reliable,good,bad,excellent,modern,Q1: Which products are mentioned? Q2: Whats the price of the product?Q3:which of them do you think are not real?,Fast

14、 reading: Answer the questions below.,name of the product,price of the product,mini camera,special jewellery foryour ears,feline floor cleaners,199.99,80. 45,19.50,5.99,remote headphones,back,Careful reading: (group work) Read the text and note down the advantages of each product.(This part we will

15、play as a competition.)(each advert has at least 2 advantages),Reading strategies: Facts and opinions To find opinions, look for adjectives (e.g. amazing/ attractive).Facts give information which is, in theory, true. (e.g. has an automatic focus),(1)have no ;(2)can listen to the programmes while_(3) can listen to the music _ _ _(4) can listen to /TV up to metres away(5)signals glass, doors and walls(6)_ _sound(7) _value,wires,


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