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1、北鼎教育 北外 考研辅导第一品牌 Tel: 010-56209730 010-52405590 18801029581 QQ: 1773179289 2286168591 2318056559 2012 年北外高翻研究生入学考试阅卷感想北外高翻学院教授 李长栓 http:/ 今年阅卷中发现的主要问题,与往年相同。为了对今后报考的人有些指导,这里再次做简单归纳。我主要负责批改第四题,就先讲这一题。原文是: 我认识一位从中国来美国的暑期交换学生,她告诉我一件她觉得奇怪的事情。她寄宿在一个美国人的家里。这家夫妇俩都是律师, 有 4 个从上高中到小学的男孩。那个人家房子很大,有游艇和私人飞机,非常富有

2、的样子,生活却很简单。有一次,父母两人出外度假,临走前在家里的大冰箱里为留在家里 的 4 个孩子放好一模一样大小 的 4 份食品,不分大小,每人一份。而且,还给他们每人分配一份工作,修整草地、洗游泳池、清理厨房、厕所等等。 这 4 个孩子,大的食品不够吃,小的吃不了。大的向小的要,小的就以代做自己那一份家事为条件,把吃不了的分一些给大的。 这确实是一个典型的美国家庭,说它典型,不是说它拥有的财 产 (这个家庭显然要比许多其他美国家庭富 有 ),而是说它的价值观。 主要问题包括: 一、相当一部分同学,语法错误满篇,水平差距很大。我请这些同学放弃侥幸心理,等外语达到较高水平时,再报考不迟;不要浪费

3、自己的精力和老师的精力。如果 是想测试自己距离北外的要求还有多远,也不需要通过考试。做份卷子或随便翻译一篇东西,找老师看看,如果超过三处语法错误或拼写错误(汉译英),就不会有 录取的希望。因为语法错误、拼写错误,往往伴随用词不当、搭配不当、句子结构不当。这就说明差距很大,没有任何录取希望。 北鼎教育 北外 考研辅导第一品牌 Tel: 010-56209730 010-52405590 18801029581 QQ: 1773179289 2286168591 2318056559 二、为了增加句子的复杂程度,随意把句子连接起来。翻译的目的是为了有效的交流,不 是为了“炫技”。高考时骗老师的那一

4、套,根本别拿来使用。不要总想着在主句前后用个分词短语 、 with 短语,加 上 which、 that;这样做弄巧成拙。不是不可用,而是不可滥用。这个问题在 第 3 题表现更突出。 原 译 1: She temporarily lived in an American family of six members, with the couple both lawyers and four boys old enough to attend school, with the eldest in high school and the youngest in primary school. 原

5、译 2: She went to an American homestay with the couple both being lawyer and four boys ranging from primary to high school. 改译 : She lived in an American family. The parents were both lawyers and the four boys were attending primary to high school. 也有同学做得很好: 1. She was hosted by an American family. T

6、he couple were both lawyers and they had four sons attending schools ranging from high school to primary school. 2. She was living with an American family, and the couple were both lawyers. They had four boys who were attending primary to high school. 再举一例: 1. I have recognized an exchange student d

7、uring summer vocation coming from China to America who told me a thing that she felt strange. 2. I was familiar with an exchange student for summer vacation from China to America who told me one thing that she felt strange. 北鼎教育 北外 考研辅导第一品牌 Tel: 010-56209730 010-52405590 18801029581 QQ: 1773179289 2

8、286168591 2318056559 直截了当翻译即可: I know a student who came to the United States for a summer exchange program. She told me a story she felt strange. 三、译文逻辑。原文有几处逻辑问题,译文如能改进,会使故事更通顺。如:原文说,这家人有飞机、有游艇,但又说他们过着简单的生活,这不符合逻辑。如果说 这简单的生活,是指夫妇外出时,让孩子吃方便面之类的东西,又与文章的重点(谈价值观,但又不清楚是什么价值观)不符合。所以,原文没写好。如果译文以某 种方式把“简单

9、的生活”做合理化处理,会使译文更加通 顺 (实际工作中可能需要和作者联系,让他修改原 文 )。 当然,不处理也不扣分。毕竟不是你们的责任。再如,留在家里的食品,是够每个孩子吃一顿,还是吃几天,原文没说清楚。多数同学 翻译的,像是只留了一顿饭。 但看起来夫妇是去度长假,所以,翻译为只留了一顿饭,似乎不合情理。译文要处理得模糊一些,让人看不出是几顿饭,但能猜出是几天的饭。又如,如果是留了几 天的饭,中国学生是每到吃饭的时候,就看到兄弟几个讨价还价,还是就看到那么一次。原文也没说清楚。从逻辑来看,夫妇俩只留了一顿饭,哥几个只交换一次更 为合理。但两口子又好像是长期到外边休假。矛盾。第四,原文说拿食物

10、交换工作,用的是“代做自己那一份家事”,给人的印象是,小的一点不用做了,不符合情 理。译文如果解释为“帮做自己的那份家事”,就更 合情理。 另外,原文说到飞机、游艇,想必是一个,不少同学翻译为复数,令人难以置信。还有的同学理解游艇存放在家里,也不合逻辑。一般就放在海边。至于飞机放哪 里,文章也没说,不好随便猜测院子很大,放得下飞机。也许存放在某个机场。所以,译文也不能太具体,避免把地方说错了。说到“大的”、“小的”,有同学翻 译 为 the younger one, the older one, 各自成了一个人。用复数更符合逻辑。不用精确说明谁跟谁要。 北鼎教育 北外 考研辅导第一品牌 Tel

11、: 010-56209730 010-52405590 18801029581 QQ: 1773179289 2286168591 2318056559 总之,原文充满了矛盾或不符合逻辑之处。要翻译好,讲一个令人信服的故事,并不容易 。实际上,我们平时翻译的材料,好多就是这样的水平。把这些乌七杂八的东西翻译为好文章,才能显示一个译者的功力。 最后,我怀疑原文作者根本没听过这个故事,是自己为了说明一个所谓的道理,自己胡编出来的。也许是作者写的很清楚,被试题的改编者破坏了逻辑。再就是我怀 疑,这对夫妇留一样多的食物,也没打算让他们交换。是那小的猴精,趁人之危,让哥哥替自己干活。这样的事情在中国也会

12、出现;作者无限上纲,凭空发了好些无 谓的感慨。这是题外话,与翻译无关。你们有时间,可以查查这篇东西的来源。 四、时态。原文讲述过去发生的故 事。整个故事的叙述用过去时。即使律师夫妇还没有把飞机卖掉、孩子还呆在原来的学校。 五、其他问题包括:不区分可数不可数, 如 a food; house, yacht, plane等可数名词不知道加冠词;搭配不知所云 : view of/on values, outlook of values 等等。 这里提供一份经修改的考生译文: I know a Chinese student who was in the United States on a summ

13、er exchange program. She told me something that she felt strange. She was hosted by an American family. The couple were both lawyers and they had four sons attending primary to high school. The family lived in a large house and had a yacht and a private jet. They looked really rich, but their life w

14、as simple. Once, the parents were leaving home for a holiday. Before departure, they stored in the big refrigerator four portions of food. The portions were identical: the same food, the same amount. Each boy would have one portion, old or young. In addition, each boy was assigned a job: mowing the

15、lawn, cleaning the swimming pool, cleaning the kitchen, and cleaning the toilet. Among the four children, the older ones did not have 北鼎教育 北外 考研辅导第一品牌 Tel: 010-56209730 010-52405590 18801029581 QQ: 1773179289 2286168591 2318056559 enough to eat and the younger ones had too much. When the older ones

16、demanded food from the younger ones, the young ones would only agree to share if the older ones helped them with their housework. This is a typical American family. It is typical not because of its assets this family was obviously much richer than others but because of the values it encourages. 第三题我也批改了一些。原文如下:


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