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1、IOMP 政策法规及医学物理师认证 Beijing - January 2013 胡其健胡其健 Raymond Wu, PhD Chairman IOMP Professional Affairs Committee IOMP政策法规 政策法规1 The Medical Physicist: Role and Responsibilities 医学物理师(MP) 的地位和职责 政策法规2 Basic Requirements for Education and Training of Medical Physicists 医学物理师教育和培训的基本要求 IOMP政策法规 Prepared by

2、 Professional Relations Committee Work Group PRC工作小组起草 Approved by IOMP Council in Beijing 2012 年五月在北京 World Congress 2012 代表大会表决通过 政策法规1 医学物理分支学科 Radiation Oncology Physics 放射肿瘤物理学 Medical Imaging Physics 医学影像物理学 Nuclear Medicine Physics 核医学物理学 Medical Health Physics (Radiation Protection in Medici

3、ne) 辐射防护与医学保健物理学 Non-ionizing Medical Radiation Physics 非电离辐射医用放射肿瘤物理学 Physiological Measurement生理物理学 政策法规1 医学物理师职责a Establishment and implementation of technologies 新技术的设立 Radiation safety 辐射安全与防护 Measurement of radiation 射线测量 QA programs 质量保证 Optimization of radiation 放射线的优化使用 政策法规1 -医学物理师职责b Comm

4、issioning and supervising of complex or new procedures 新技术的验收与规程的临床测 试 Specification of equipment 设备的技术规范 Acceptance and commissioning of equipment 新设备的验收和临床测试 Supervision of maintenance 设备维护 Research and teaching 科研和教学 政策法规1 -医学物理师职责c 一号申明政策法规列出 二十七项医学物理师的 日常职责 X-ray source 1900 Xoft X-ray source E

5、NIAC 1946 2MV Van der Graaf Unit 1975 How do we keep up IOMP政策法规2 Basic Requirements for Education and Training of Medical Physicists 医学物理师资质基本要求和培训医学物理师资质基本要求和培训 IOMP Working Group on Policy Statement No. 2 10 August, 2010 Approved by the IOMP Council in WC 2012 Beijing, China 法规法规2于于2010年起草,年起草,20

6、12年年5月在北京通过月在北京通过 International Day of Medical Physics 国际医学物理节 An annual event November 7, birthday of Marie Sklodowska-Curie 居里夫人的生日 to draw the attention of the global community to the educational events to bring together as many medical physicists as possible from all over the world to participat

7、e in this exercise 团结世界各地医学物理师每年共同庆祝 政策法规2 Educational qualification and clinical competency training in one or more sub-fields of medical physics 受过物理或同等学历的本科 教育并经过临床医学物理的训练 MPs practicing in hospitals/clinical environments shall also participate in a program for continual professional development医

8、学物理师应接受继续教育课 程 医学物理师的基本受教育水准 Bachelors degree in physics or an equivalent degree in a relevant physical or engineering science subject 物理系或同等工程系本科毕 业 Masters degree in medical physics or an equivalent degree in an appropriate physical science subject 持有医学物理或同等学历的 硕士学位 医学物理专业临床工作训练 At least 2 years f

9、ull-time equivalent under the direct supervision of a Certified Medical Physicist (CMP) or equivalent至少接受两年的 医学物理的专业培训 Should be well-structured and designed to provide the trainee with extensive hands-on experience on a comprehensive range of clinical physics work processes and services 训练内容应涵盖各类临床

10、物理工作 继续教育 Medical physics organizations should establish and maintain their own national CPD systems to support the continual professional development of their members Participation in accredited CPD programs Research activities Clinical practice 北京国际医用放射物理讨论会 1990 年五月 亚洲及太平洋医学物理国际会议1991 年 杭州会议 2006

11、 年九月 北京国际医学物理讨论会及医学影像物理 ISEP - 2007 年六 月 Annual Growth Rate 法规2 职业认证 An MP who has fulfilled the education and training requirements should sit for a formal professional certification assessment 医学物 理师完成了学业及培训后应接受职业认证 Upon passing the formal professional certification assessment the MP would become

12、a CMP 成功通过认证过程之后才成 为临床医学物理师 美国情况 RSNA began certifying MP since 1936 ABR took over Certification since 1949 ABMP began operation since 1987 Since 2001 ABMP focused on MRI & Health Physics by agreement with ABR IAEA INT/6/054 Strengthening Medical Physics in Radiation Medicine WG2- Clinical Requireme

13、nts, educational Materials, Accreditation & Certification 在2010年4月 23日正式成立 11 成员发起组织 ABFM, ACMP, ACPSEM, CSMP, CSMPT, FMOFM, HKAMP, IMPS, KSMP, LAMP, and NAMP 2012年通过相关法规 2013年选举办事机构 国际医学物理师认证委员会 (IMPCB) On October 24, 2011, the final text of the Guidelines was approved by IMPCB and published in the

14、 WC2012 Proceedings 国际医学物理师认证委员会 (IMPCB) 法规2 认证过程 Certification should be by examination, conducted by a country-specific, geographically regional or other designated Medical Physics Certification Board IMPCB 指导方针 (模板) Part I is designed to test the competence of the candidate in fundamental aspects

15、 of medical physics (General Medical Physics).第一部分测试候选人的医学 物理(普通物理)基础 Part II is designed to determine the competence of the candidate in a specialty area of medical physics.第二部 分测试候选人在医学物理某一领域的能力 Part III is designed to determine the candidates knowledge and fitness to practice clinical medical phy

16、sics in a designated specialty. 第三部分测试候选人 在某一领域的知识和临床实践能力 专业认证 Goal -目的是经过公正严格的审查和考试决 定该考生的知识和训练是否达到标准 Competency is a potential byproduct not a guarantee 拿到证书并不代表有工作能力 National certification board must focus on the goal and not on the byproduct as it will come if done ethically - 国内认证委员会必须做到公 正不阿 专业认证 如何做到公正不阿 国家认证委员会要有


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