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1、Dr. Raul Berro Global Director Global Swine Business UnitMycoplasma hyopneumonia Control: An important challenge in pig production 控制支原体肺炎:养猪生产的重大挑战控制支原体肺炎:养猪生产的重大挑战29/17/2010R BerroMycoplasma The Disease 支原体引起的疾病支原体引起的疾病Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaeMycoplasma hyopneumoniae One of the primary pathogens c

2、ausing Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (PRDC)引起猪呼吸道综 合症的首要病原体之一 Affects as many as 99% of US minimal impact on severity and incidence对病情严重影 响范围大的情况作用很小 Lincomycin林肯霉素: results inconsistent 效果不一 Tiamulin泰妙菌素: results inconsistent效果不一 Quinolones喹诺酮类: show some promise 有点作用 Florfenicol氟甲砜霉素: shows

3、some promise 有点作用189/17/2010R BerroM. hyo Medication One problem with any medication program is that once the medication is removedthe disease can begin to cause problems again. 药物治疗最大的问题是,一旦撤药病情就会复发199/17/2010R BerroM. hyo Prevention and Control 预防与控制预防与控制Management factors are important 管理很重要 All-

4、in/all-out production is probably the single most important management technique 猪场管理最重要 的技术就是全进/全出养殖 No more than 3 weeks spread in age 同圈猪相差不 超过3周龄 Medicated Early Weaning (MEW) has been shown to help control the MPS disease 断乳早期给药有助 于控制疾病209/17/2010R BerroM. hyo Prevention and Control Key to an e

5、ffective program to control PRDC (Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex) is an effective M. hyo vaccine 高效的支原体疫苗是有 效控制猪呼吸道综合症的关键219/17/2010R BerroM. hyo Vaccines 支原体疫苗支原体疫苗 Stimulate specific IgG and IgA antibodies 刺激生 成特异性IgG和IgA抗体 Decreases production of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF) 减少促炎症细胞因子的生成

6、Reduces potentiation of PRRS-induced pneumonia 减少由猪生殖和呼吸道综合症病毒诱 导的肺炎严重性229/17/2010R BerroM. hyo Vaccines Minimize clinical signs 最小化临床症状 Decrease incidence of lung lesions 减少肺部损伤 的影响 Decrease treatment costs 降低治疗成本 Improve ADG adjuvant compare469/17/2010R BerroVaccination Schedules 免疫程序免疫程序 Timing 时

7、间选择 One-dose vs. Two-doses 一针法VS两针法479/17/2010R BerroVaccination Timing 免疫时间免疫时间 Later is Better.Why? 晚一点比较好为什 么? Maternal Antibody Interference 母源抗体冲突 Protection needs to last for entire finishing period 保护需覆盖整个育肥阶段489/17/2010R BerroOne-dose vs. Two-doses 一针法一针法VS两针法两针法 One-dose product initially w

8、ell-received, however in most cases, did not provide adequate protection in face of M. hyo field challenge and mixed infections associated with PRDC 最初一针 法是比较受欢迎的,然而大多数情况下,面对与 PRDC混合感染的猪场,提供的保护显然是不够的 Laboratory vs. “Real World” 实验室数据与真实世 界499/17/2010R Berro Inadequate ventilation 通风不良 Poor medicatio

9、n program 药物治疗程序不佳 Improper timing of vaccination 免疫时机不对 Poor vaccine quality 疫苗质量不好 More viral related challenge 病毒性病原体过多病毒性病原体过多Causes of failures 免疫失败的原因免疫失败的原因509/17/2010R BerroSummary 小结小结 Respiratory disease is very costly 呼吸道疾病 带来严重的经济损失 M. hyo contributes to 支原体肺炎会造成 poor performance 生长发育不良

10、increased treatment costs 治疗成本上升 EP & PRDC 地方性肺炎与猪呼吸道综合症 Exacerbated by 情况恶化的原因 poor management 管理不善 over crowding 过于拥挤 secondary pathogens 继发性病原体存在519/17/2010R BerroSummary Antibiotic treatment is expensive & often ineffective 抗生素治疗价格昂贵且经常效果不佳 Disease can be controlled by 疾病是可以控制的 good management p

11、ractices 良好管理 proper ventilation 适当通风 vaccination 疫苗接种529/17/2010R BerroRecommended Programme 推荐免疫程序推荐免疫程序:2 shots program两针法: First shot: 3 weeks of age or older 1ml Intramuscularly 首免:3周龄或 以上时肌肉注射1mlSecond/ booster shot: 2 weeks 1ml intramuscular after the first Shot 加免:首免后2周肌注1ml1 shot program一针法

12、: 2ml dose intramuscularly once 一针2ml肌注539/17/2010R BerroConclusions 结论结论 Documentation that M+Pac is the best product to control M. hyo 据文献记载安百克是控制支原 体肺炎最好的产品 Targeted Use 使用目标 Science 科学 Safety 安全 Economics 经济 Product support 产品支持 Clinical signs reduction 减 轻临床症状549/17/2010R BerroM+PACM+PAC Raisin

13、g the Standard inMycoplasma vaccines 安百克安百克 全面提高了支原体疫苗的技术标准559/17/2010R BerroCountry Experience with M+Pac其他国家使用安百克的经验其他国家使用安百克的经验569/17/2010R BerroM+PAC the UKs No 1 M hyo vaccine 安百克在英国是最好支原体疫苗 M+PAC does what it claims to do 安百克实现了所承诺的效果 Reduces lung lesions by 93% 肺部损伤减少93% Proven superior perfo

14、rmance in large scale comparative blinded trials 在大范围对比性盲试验中证明效果最佳 Superior control when used as a single dose or 2-dose regime 无论是一针还是两针法控制效果都比较好 The UKs leading M hyo vaccine 是英国使用最广泛的支原体疫苗579/17/2010R BerroBrazilian M+Pac Study巴西的安百克试验巴西的安百克试验589/17/2010R BerroStudy n 1 试验试验1 Evaluation of the us

15、e of a vaccine in a commercial farm with enzootic pneumonia 评估疫苗在流行地方性肺炎的猪 场的使用情况 2 grups分2组: Grup A: vaccinated with M+PAC 用安百克免疫 Grup B: control non vaccinated 对照组 Serologies (ELISA) days 0, 15, 30 and 45 days after vaccination 在免疫后的0、15、30和45天进行ELISA检测 Evaluation of lung lesions at slaughter 解剖评估

16、肺部损伤 Evaluation of weight gain 评估增重情况599/17/2010R Berro0.1530.9141.2210.286 0.1530.1720.2860.15800. 0Dia 15Dia 30Dia 45Optic DensityM+PACControleSerological Response 血清学反应血清学反应609/17/2010R BerroLung Lesions Score 肺部损伤对比肺部损伤对比4.51000102030405060708090100M+PACControle619/17/2010R BerroMean Values 平均增重平均增重Treatments Weight


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