
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:44549633 上传时间:2018-06-14 格式:PDF 页数:6 大小:30.75KB
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1、Unit 3 1. An old friend of mine is coming to see me ,Hobo. 霍波,我的一个老朋友要来看我。1、Maybe we can order a pizza, 也许我们能点个比萨饼,2、It takes only 40 minutes by underground. 乘地铁(从阳光镇到北京市中心)只需花 40 分钟。3、Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing opera?为什么不去我们本地的剧院欣赏京剧呢?4、If you want to learn more about Chinese

2、 art , don t miss the opera shows there. 如果你想更多地了解中国艺术,不要错过那儿的戏剧演出。5、We are looking forward to meeting you soon. 我们盼望不久就能见到你们。6、Some families raise cows. and others grow wheat. 一些家庭养牛,另一些家庭种埴小麦。7、I think it is a wonderful place to live.我认为这是一个居住的好地方。Unit 4 1、Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle

3、School. 阳光动物园在阳光中学的北面。2、Go straight on , and you ll find the Panda House. 一直向前走,你们就会看到熊猫馆。3、They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long. 它们喜欢吃竹子,而且成天躺在那儿。4、Remember that they re dangerous. Never go near them. 记住它们很危险,不要靠近它们。5、Monkeys are clever and funny. They jump around and make people laugh

4、. 猴子聪明又滑稽,它们上蹿下跳,逗得人们大笑。6、What can you see across it? 你能看到它(桥)对面有什么?7、The flowers are in front of the shop. 花在商店的前面。8、Walk past the house,turn left and walk along the path next to the rive. 走过这座房子,向左转,沿着河边的小路走。9、How do I get there? 去那儿的路怎么走?Unit 5 1、Come on , Eddie , It s just a plane. I saw one yes

5、terday. 得了吧,埃迪,不过是架飞机罢了。我昨天还见过一架。2、Fish sleep with their eyes open. 鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。3、The Sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth. 太阳的体积是地球的约130 万倍。4、On their way home, they met Andy. 在回家的路上,她们遇到安迪。5、He searched the bushes. 他把灌木丛搜查了一番。6、“Here it is,”Andy said to himself. “在这儿,”安迪心里想。7、Now I am no

6、t afraid of animals any more. 现在我再不会害怕动物了。8、in China, in 1987, about 29 TVs per 100 families, but now most families have at least one TV . 在中国, 1987 年每 100 个家庭大约有 29 台电视机,而现在大部分家庭拥有至少一台电视机。Unit6 1、You complain too much. The bag isn t that heavy. 你真会抱怨,这个背包没那么重。2、Down the rabbit hole. 掉进兔子洞。3、Down, d

7、own, down. Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground. 掉啊,掉啊,掉啊,受丽丝向下掉了很长时间,然后才落地。4、She found herself alone in a long ,low hall. 她发现自己一个人在一个长而低的厅里。5、Alice tried to go through the door , but she was too big. 爱丽丝想通过那扇门,可是她个子太大了。6、She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and sm

8、aller. 她朝下看,发现自己的身体变得越来越小。7、Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door , so she decided to enter the garden. 不久,爱丽丝小得足以通过那扇门了,于是她决定进入花园。8、Alice had to go back to the table, but she was too small to reach the key. 爱丽丝只好回到桌子旁,不过她已太小,够不着那把钥匙了。9、She tried to climb up, but failed. 她试图爬上去,但是没成功。Un

9、it 7 1、Look out, Eddie! 小心,埃迪!2、Some families are not even able to pay for pens and notebook. 一些家庭甚至没钱买笔和本子。3、Suddenly, he heard someone shouting “ Fire! Fire! Help! ”突然他听见有人在喊“着火了!着火了!救命啊!”4、He went in and found his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. 他走进去,看到隔壁邻居79岁的孙奶奶正在厨房。5、Later

10、some firemen came and put out the fire. 后来一些消防员赶来扑了火。6、He was in hospital for two weeks. 他在医院住了两个星期。7、Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin. 不要将任何热的东西倒入垃圾筒中。8、I would like to recommend Daniel for this year s Young Star Award. 我想要推荐丹尼尔获今年的“新星奖”。9、We look forward to hearing from you soon. 我们盼望尽

11、快收到你的来信。Unit 8 1. That s it . 这就对啦。2、,I like watching them swim around. , 我喜欢看着它们游来游去。3、My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 我的狗是最聪明的动物。4、With eyes open wide, He hunts when I hide. 当我躲起来,他就把眼睛睁得大大的,到处找我。5、He d never bark or bite. And he doesn t like to fight. 他从不乱叫,也中咬人,而且不喜欢争斗。6、My dog is my best friend. And I ll look after him till the end. 我的狗是我最好的朋友,我会照顾他一直到最后。7、We don t have to feed her much. She doesn t need a gentle touch. 我们不用喂她吃很多。她也不需要温柔的抚摸。8、Put your goldfish in the sun. 把金鱼放在阳光下。9、She never worries because we take good care of her. 她玩忧无虑,因为我们把她照顾得很周到。


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