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1、科学技术史(英)笔记整理Lecture 1: introductionPossible definitions of “science”:The Latin scientia , root scireAllen Charimos 科学始于迷茫,终于更高的迷茫。Deng Xiaoping : Science and technology is the first productivityGeorge Sarton: mankinds unique activity of accumulation and progressionThree aspects of science:1.scientif

2、ic knowledge 科学知识2.scientific methods 科学方法3.scientific spirit 科学精神Three kinds of research methods of hist of scien plus-minus notation 正负术3.limit 极限4.numerical solution of the equation of a higher degree 高次方程的数值解法5.quaternary technique 四元术6.congruence expression 同余式7.equation 方程术8.Jia Xian triangle-

3、Yang Hui triangle 贾宪三角杨辉三角9.method of numeration for the carry digit 进位位置记数法chapter 5 Period from the Middle Ages to Renaissancesignificance of the navigation:The navigations have led to the journeys of exploration to discovery more unknown lands , greatly increasing human knowledge about the world

4、they live in.Navigations and astronomy, making the economy prosper.Lecture 6: scientific revolutions initiated by the astronomy progressOn the revolutions四论点:1.The earth is not static.2.The monn is a satellite of earth.3.the sun is the center of the universe.4.heavenly bodies happen to be where they

5、 are in a certain order and there is also law with their motion.Four key figures in answering what has caused planets,especially the earth to be in motion.1.Tychos main contribution is accurate and compete observation2.Kepler Johaness Kepler turned astronomy from the application of geometry into a b

6、ranch of physical mechanics3.Galileo Galileo revealed the truth behind the heavenly bodies way of the telescope and further developed the new(没记)4.Descartes Rene Descartes conceived a finite universe,where no position or direction is very special and the su is only a fixed star in our region.Tycho B

7、rahe 第谷 布拉赫1. a great deal of data about planetsTychos great contribution lies in that he has accumulated a great deal of data about planets through his long observation2. the star” Nova”1572 年 11 月 11 日,于仙后座发现新星,后命名为“第谷星”3. observation of comets4.successfully cultivated KeplerKepler, three laws of

8、Kepler1st law : law of ellipse The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci行星沿椭圆轨道绕太阳运动,太阳位于椭圆的一个焦点上2nd law: law of areaA line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.从太阳到行星的矢径在相等的时间内扫过相同的面积3rd law : the law of harmony 调和定律The

9、 square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.行星绕日一周时间的平方和行星各自椭圆轨道的长半轴的立方成正比R3/T2=kGalileo 1564 年 2 月 15 日生于比萨,米开朗琪罗死于 3 日后贡献: discovery of the planets of JupiterAccording to Aristotles theory, every object has its own fixed positi

10、on. Any object away from its fixed position will come back to its original position.Falling body doesnt depend on its mass.Descartes mechanical methodology 笛卡尔的机械主义方法论French philosopher, physicist, mathematicianFather of modern philosophy: DescartesFather of modern science: GalileoHis main achieveme

11、nts rest with his philosophy. To him, man or universe is a machine. The influence of his mechanical philosophy is profound, which later became the basic thinking mode of scientists after him.Lecture 8 Newtons erahis virtue of modesty: If I see farther than others, its because I stand on the shoulder

12、s of giantsNewtons laws of motion:1.Every object is in a state of rest or in a uniform linear motion ,unless exerted by an external force.2.The acceleration and the external force of the object are in the right proportion, the direction of the accelerating velocity and that of the external force are

13、 the same.3.There is always an equal counteraction opposite in direction, for every action, Newton lays claims to the third law as his discovery.Conclusions about optics: sunlight and the ordinary white light are made up of lights of its own color. These colors are inherent in nature, not caused by

14、prism.Newtons contributions:1.H has established mechanics as an independent discipline by laying the foundation for the axioms of the mechanics themselves.通过奠定力学的公理基础把力学确立为一门独立学科。2.He has expanded on the application of mechanics in all areas of the natural science.阐明了如何把力学应用到自然科学各个领域。3.He has establ

15、ished the unequivocal combination of geophysics and astrophysics by way of the interrelation between mechanics and the theoretical astronomy.通过使力学与理论天文学相联系确立了地上和天上物理学的明确综合4.He has laid a new foundation for the theory and practice of optics.为光学的理论和时间开拓了新的基础5.He has attached a new meaning to the conce

16、pt of natural science of mechanism.对机械论的自然科学概念赋予新的意义6.Through all these, he has opened up a new prospect for the whole natural science.通过所有这些为整个自然科学领域开创了新的前景。19 实际物理学的三大发现1.Electronic discovery J.J.Thomson2.X-ray discovery 伦琴 Roentgen3.radioactivity discovery 贝克勒尔 Becquerel居里夫人 Madame CurieLecture 18 the enlightenment movement 启蒙运动The movement first spread from Britain to France, soon to Germany and other countries. In the whole process Voltaire played an extremely importa



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