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《2012安徽省泗县三中高二英语学案:选修八 unit 4 4 新人教版选修)高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案unit 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012安徽省泗县三中高二英语学案:选修八 unit 4 4 新人教版选修)高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案unit 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学案四学案四高考高考语语法复法复习链习链接接:介介词词Study the following:1.我进去时,他正在读书,没有抬头看看。a. When I went in, he was reading a book and didnt raise his head to have a look.a. When I came in, he didnt look up from his book.2.因为生词太多,这文件我理解不了。b. As there were too many new words in it, I was not able to understand the document

2、.B. With too many new words in it, the document was beyond me.3.万一要我帮忙,请来电话,号码是 285-3254。c. Please ring me up in case I can help you. My telephone number is 285-3254.C In case you need my help, just ring me up at 285-3254.4.两个老太太隔着篱笆拉起了家常。d. The two old women who were separated by a fence began to t

3、alk about their family affairs.D The two old women were chatting over the garden fence.5.比赛结果是 3 比 2,客队赢了。e. The result of the game was 3 to 2, and it was the team from abroad that won.E The score was 3 to 2 in favor of the visiting team.6.决议以 74 票赞成,31 票反对,8 票弃权的结果获得通过。The resolution was adopted by

4、 74 to 31 with 8 abstentions.7 干的都是同样的工作,他们得到的报酬却比我多一倍。They were getting twice as much as I was getting for the same job.8 起初大家还互相说说话,可是没多久,由于身上背的东西太重了,他们连话也不想说了。At first they talked with each other. But soon talk became a burden against the weight they were carrying.Translation work:9.In Italy and

5、Great Britain, they have passed a ban against all cigarette advertisements on TV.10. In order to make reasonable inferences we should read and think beyond the printed words.11.We drank to his great success.12.The old man was in the warm sun in front of the house.13. I saw him on his kneels. 14.He m

6、ade his way to the main hall for a lecture by Mr. Smith.Exercise:1.-When do we need to pay the balance ?- _ September 30.A. In B. By C. During D. Within2. They had a pleasant chat _ a cup of coffee.A. for B. with C. during D. over3. In order to change attitudes _ employing women, the government is b

7、ringing in new laws.A. about B. of C. towards D. on4. The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the area.A. in B. on C. at D. with5. _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of 6. It was a pity

8、that the great writer died _ his works unfinished.A. for B. with C. from D. of7. You cant wear a blue jacket _ that shirt- itll look terrible.A. on B. above C. up D. over8. -You know, Bob is a little slow _ understanding, so- So I have to be patient _ him.A. in; with B. on; with C. in; to D. at; for

9、9.He suddenly saw Sue _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crow of people to get to her.A. across; across B. over; through C. over; into D. across; through10. -What do you want _ those old boxes ?- To put things in when I move to the new flat.A. by B. for C. of D. with11. Rose was wild with joy _ the

10、 result of the examination.A. to B. at C. by D. as12. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _ the developments and recorded every detail. A. in B. for C. at D. on13. I know nothing about the young lady _ she is from Beijing.A. except B. except for C. except that D. besides14. Luckily, the bullet

11、narrowly missed the captain _ an inch.A. by B. at C. to D. from15. I feel that one of my main duties _ a teacher is to help the students to become better learners.A. for B. by C. as D. with用括号里所用括号里所给给的介的介词词填空:填空:1. Teachers traditionally decide both what classrooms learners will learn and what orde

12、r they will learn_. (in, from, for)2. To snack is to eat small amounts of something _ meals.(within, between, as)3. She is not very tall or short, with quite a good figure _ a woman of her age.(of, for, to)4.You can come to see me _ lunch time, and Ill be at home.(toward, within, around)5. Their rud

13、eness, greed and cruelty were _ comparison.(in, on, beyond)6.I could not tell whether he was sweating _ heat or _ fear.(from, with, of; from, in, of)7. The room is 5 meters _ width.( of, in, at)8. The eastern part of Australia is superior _ climate to the western part.(in, to, over)9. In a way, any

14、hypothesis is a leap _ .(over, into, onto)10. There are sometimes an infinite number of methods to solve a problem, and the selection of one method _ another is often influenced by the computer system to be used.(over, after, with)11.He set aside a sum of money every week _ his old age.(to, for, over)12. He did not reach the town until _ the close of the evening, and he went at once to see about his dinner and bed at the principal hotel.(in, toward, throughout)13. We only know he is a journali


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