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1、 教师期望对学生的学业自我概念的影响:一项大学英语课堂的教师期望是指教师在对学生现有情况了解的基础上产生的对学 生将来行为或学业成绩的某种预测性认知。迄今,国外大量的研究己 证明教师期望是影响学生学业成绩和表现的一个重要因素,但是关于 教师期望对学生其他特质(如自我概念,成就动机)的影响的研究尚 不多见。此外,国内该领域的学者大部分都侧重于对教师期望效应的 理论阐述或这一效应对教育的重要启示,然而关于教师期望与学生特 质之间关系的实证研究却甚少。因此,本文试图探讨教师期望对学生 的学业自我概念的影响。本研究以教师期望效应理论为基础,旨在探讨(1)教师对学生 不适当的期望是否能够通过针对性的教师

2、培训得到改善;(2)教师期 望的改善是否有助于学生的学业自我概念的增强;以及(3)教师该 如何利用积极的、适当的期望以增强学生的学业自我概念,促进其学 业发展。本研究以145名大学非英语专业一年级学生和两名英语任课教 师为研究对象。研究者随意挑选其中一名教师以接受改进教师期望的 培训,并确定该教师所教的两个班级(73名学生)为实验组,而没 有接受培训的另一名教师所教的两个班级(72名学生)则为控制组。 在三个月的研究期间,作者采用问卷调查、课堂观察与学生访谈的方 式进行数据收集。两组学生分别接受了问卷调查的前测与后测,以评 估他们所感知到的英语任课教师对其个人的期望以及他们在英语科 目上的学业

3、自我概念。通过对研究结果的分析,我们发现实验组学生所感知到的期望显 著高于控制组学生。同样,实验组学生在英语科目上的学业自我概念 也显著高于控制组学生。因此,根据定量分析与定性分析的结果,本 研究得出结论:(1)教师对学生不适-的期望能够通过针对性的教师 培训得到改善;(2)教师期望的改善有助于学生的学业自我概念的增 强。本研究对大学英语教师如何利用积极的、适当的期望以增强学生 的学业自我概念以及促进学生的学业发展具有一定的启示。同时,本 研究的结果也为教师教育培训部门提供了真实有效的信息以促进有 效的英语教学。 关键词:教师期望,学生的学业自我概念,教师培训,教育启示AbstractTeac

4、her expectations are inferences that teachers make of the future behavior or academic achievement of their students on the basis of what they know about these students at present. To date, extensive research abroad has identified teacher expectations as an important variable in accounting for variat

5、ion in student achievement and performance. However, only a few has been conducted to explore the impact that teacher expectations have on students* other attributes (such as self-concept, achievement motivation). Moreover, researchers in this field at home have almost focused on the elaboration of

6、teacher expectation effect as well as its implications for teaching, but strikingly few empirical studies has been done on the links between teacher expectations and student attributes. Therefore, this paper has been an attenpt to explore the relationship between teacher expectations and students* a

7、cademic self-concept.Based on the theory of teacher expectation effect in pedagogy, the research aims to investigate whether teachers inappropriate expectations toward students can be improved through teacher training, and whether the improvement of teacher expectations helps to enhance students* ac

8、ademic self-concept. Besides, it attempts to find and discuss some implications for teachers so as to make use of positive teacher expectations to facilitate students5 learning.A sample of 145 college EFL freshmen and 2 English teachers from a college in Hunan province was adopted as the research pa

9、rticipants. One teacher was randomly chosen for the intervention program and received TESA-based training, and the students taught by this teacher were identified as the experimental group, whereas the students taught by the other teacher who was kq5t unknown of the training were identified as the c

10、ontrol group. The study lasted for three months with data collected regarding the students* perspectives on both their homeroom English teachers expectations toward them and their academic self-concept on the subject of English by means of questionnaires, classroom observations and interview. Both q

11、uestionnaires were administered to the student participants before and after the intervention.The results of the study reveal that the expenmental group tiasperceived significantly more expectations from their English teacher whoreceived TESA-based training than the control group does. Accordingly,t

12、he mean score of the experimental group students on academic *self-concept is significantly higher than that of the control group students. Therefore, both quantitative and qualitative analyses enabled the author of this thesis to conclude that the teachers inappropriate expectations toward students

13、 can be improved through teacher training, and the Vimprovement of teacher expectations helps to enhance students* academic self-concept.The findings from the study have wider implications for college English teachers to make use of positive teacher expectation effect as a purposeful pedagogical too

14、l to facilitate students* learning. They also provide valid and reliable information for teacher training administration which is supposed to be necessary to elicit effective teaching.Keywords: teacher expectation students,academic self-concept teacher training, pedagogical implicationsM. A. ThesisI

15、ntroduction作者签名:从#导师签名曰 期 : 年 一 月 外 日原 创 性 声 明本人声明,所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了论文中特别加以标注和致谢的 地方外,论文中不包含其他人己经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包 含为获得中南大学或其他单位的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我共 同工作的同志对本研究所作的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明。作者签名:射办 日 期 : 年 “ 月 劝 日关于学位论文使用授权说明本人了解中南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有 权保留学位论文,允许学位论文被查阅和借阅,学校可以公布学位论 文的全部或部分内

16、容,可以采用复印、缩印或其它手段保存学位论文; 学校可根据国家或湖南省有关部门规定送交学位论文。IntroductionTeachers are facing a wide range of individual differences in the classroom. Inevitably, there is great variability in the expectations that teachers hold for different students even in the same classroom. However, most teachers know a little bit about teacher expectation effect (Pygmalion effect), or the idea that ones expectations about a person can lead that person to behave and achieve in ways that confirm those expe



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