人教新起点英语四年级下册《Unit 5 communication》(lesson89)教案

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《人教新起点英语四年级下册《Unit 5 communication》(lesson89)教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新起点英语四年级下册《Unit 5 communication》(lesson89)教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ (人教新起点)四年级英语下册教案(人教新起点)四年级英语下册教案Unit 15 CommunicationLesson 89教学目标:教学目标:1. 1. 情感目标:情感目标:培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的意识。2. 知识目标:知识目标:(1) 能够根据图片和借助字典,读懂本课故事并理解故事的大意。(2) 能够正确朗读本课故事, 语音、语调、正确、自然。(3) 能够在教师的帮助下改编故事,并能初步复述、表演故事。3. 3. 能力目标:能力目标:在阅读训练中初步培养学生的阅读能力。教学重点

2、:教学重点:配图故事的阅读理解。教学难点:教学难点:改编故事,初步复述、表演故事。教具准备:教具准备:磁带学具准备:学具准备:字典教学过程:教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ARevision Review the words and phrases in Unit 15.Do you often make phone calls to your friends?Whats your phone number?Whats your e-mail address?Review the words and phrases in Unit 15.Yes, I do./ No, I dont.My p

3、hone number isMy e-mail address is中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ BCDETake out a picture. Listen to the tape.Listen to the tape again. And do the exercise about part BRead the story again and translate into Chinese.Role play.Look at the picture and listen to the tape.Listen and read the sentences in Part B. Then write the answers in the blanks.Read the story after the tape. Translate one sentence by one sentence.Role play.


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