[工程科技]Research Assignment TU Delft Contents Table Contents Table

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1、Research Assignment TU Delft Survey on Behavioral Observation Methods in Virtual Environments Samson Habte Tesfazgi ID No. 1031023 Supervisors dr. ir. C.A.P.G. van der Mast, Ing. A.O.Brugman, Delft University of Technology, Green Dino Virtual Realities Faculty of Information Technology and Systems W

2、ageningen Delft University of Technology Green Dino Virtual Realities Faculty ITS Wageningen, Section Human-Computer Interaction The Netherlands April 2003 Research Assignment TU Delft 2Contents Table Contents Table . 2 Chapter One: Introduction. 3 1.1 Research Problem Description. 3 1.2 Research Ap

3、proach. 5 1.3 Report Structure. 5 Chapter Two: VR Technology. 6 2.1 What is Virtual Reality. 6 2.1.1 Virtual Environment . 7 2.1.2 Virtual Reality Interfaces. 9 2.1.3 Modes of Interaction in VR System. 10 2.2 Virtual Reality Applications. 13 2.3 Current Challenges. 14 2.4 Concluding Remark. 16 Chapt

4、er Three: Behavioral Observation Methods in Real Environment. 19 3.1 Introduction. 19 3.2 Behavioral Observation . 19 3.2.1 Self Report. 21 3.2.2 Direct Behavioral Observation . 23 3.2.3 PsychoPhysiological Recordings. 25 3.3 Computer Based Behavioral Observation. 25 3.3.1 The Observer. 26 3.3.2 CAM

5、ERA . 30 Chapter Four: User Behavior Observation Methods in Interactive Computer Applications. 31 4.1 Introduction. 31 4.2 Usability Evaluation Methods. 31 4.2.1 Direct Observation. 32 4.2.2 Interview and Focus Group. 33 4.2.3 Questionnaire. 33 4.2.4 Performance Measuring. 35 4.2.5 Logging User Acti

6、ons. 35 Chapter Five: Discussion on Insights Gained from Related Domains. 38 5.1 Insights from Behavioral Observation Methods in Real Environments. 38 5.2 Insights from User Behavior Observation Methods in Interactive Computer Applications. 42 Chapter Six: Current Developments Toward Observation Methods in VEs. 46 6.1 Human Performance Measurement in Virtual Environments. 46 6.2 Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments . 47 6.3 Usability Evaluation Techniques.



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