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1、Date Night - 约会之夜第 - 1 - 页 共 72 页DateDate NightNight 约会之夜(20102010)* 嘿哟 一起来 * * Hey ho! Lets go * 爸爸? Dad? 妈妈? 我能吃早餐吗? Mom? Can I have breakfast? 亲爱的 别动 妈咪! 爹地! Hone, dont move. Mommy! Daddy! 排山倒海! Piledriver! 我爱你 你有多少膝盖啊? I love you! How do you have so many knees? 接招! 好了 Incoming! Okay! Yes! 夏洛特 宝贝

2、 我这就去给你做早餐 Charlott, sweeti, Ill make you breakfast in just a sec. 啊! 我这就起 这就起 Ah! Im up. Im up. 我起了 天哪! Im up. O, boy! 又来了 新的一天 Here we go. It begins. * 他们坚守阵线 * * Theyre forming in a straight line * * 他们勇往直前 * * Theyre going through a tight wind * * 孩子们乐到疯癫 * * The kids are losing their minds * *

3、在后座扭打成片 * * Theyre piling in the backseat * 妈妈 我早餐能吃披萨吗? 行! Mo, can I have pizza for breakfast? Yeah! 真的? 才怪 Really? No. 夏洛特 从椅子上下来 没门儿 Charlott, get off the chair. No way! 夏洛特 我数到三 我就不 Charlott, Im going to count to three. N, Mom! 又来了 1. Here we go. One. 妈妈. 2. Mom. two. 妈妈! 3 Mom! three. 你又数 321 了

4、? 次次管用Date Night - 约会之夜第 - 2 - 页 共 72 页Did you one-two-three her? It works every time. 你需要的话我来准备午餐 Ill start on the lunches if you want. 好的 好的 没问题 Yea, okay. Okay. Okay. * 他们想怎样 我也不知道 * * What they wan, I dont know * * 他们已经做好准备加速前进 * * Theyre all revved up and ready to go * * 他们坚守阵线 * * Theyre formi

5、ng in a straight line * * 他们勇往直前 * * Theyre going through a tight wind * 谢谢你先帮我弄了 A, thanks for getting it started for me. 你确定不用我做完吗? 不用 我来 Sure you dont want me to finish up? N, I got it. 要是果冻散开了奥利是不会吃的 You kno, Ollie wont eat it if the jelly bleeds ove, 所以还是我来吧 so its just easier if I do it. 等等 过来

6、 低一点 Wait. Come here. Crooked. 好 好了 Okay. Okay. 水泥就要裂开了 我们得把裂缝补好 O, that plaster is really cracking. We gotta get that leak fixed. 你有没有. 嗯 他周二来 Have you. Yea, hes coming on Tuesday. 那蜘蛛网呢? 打过电话了 What about the spider nests? Called the guy. 好的 拜 拜 All righ, bye. Bye. 减去第 42 行 one and change. We subtr

7、act from that line 42. 嗯 看来你们可以得到大约 600 块的退款 Wel, it looks like we will be able to get you a refund of about $600. 闭嘴 闭嘴!(在美语中表示惊讶) Shut up. Shut up! 闭嘴!闭嘴! 是吧? Shut up! Shut up! Yea, right? 我是不会闭嘴的 看见没? Im not gonna shut up. See that? 你让我家小妞很是兴奋啊你! Youre making my lady excite, you! 我喜欢你! I like you

8、!Date Night - 约会之夜第 - 3 - 页 共 72 页你们开心我就开心 Im glad youre happy. 是啊 我们要去西班牙玩风筝板啦 I know. Were going kiteboarding in Spain. 我说你们俩? 多性感啊是吧? Guys? Guys? How sexy is that? 你们想知道什么会更性感吗? Guy, you know what would be even sexier than that? 开设一个罗斯个人退休金账户 Is starting a Roth IRA. 我的天 等我们到了那 我们可以在沙滩上嘿咻 O, my Go

9、d. When were ther, we coul, lik, do it on the beac, 来个 20 次 lik, 嗯 我赞同这个 你理解吧 菲尔? Yea, Im gonna go with that. You know what I mea, Phil? 换了是你也同意不是吗? 嗯想想还不错 You woul, to, wouldnt you? Wel, food for thought. 跟她做 20 次如何? 别瞎说 Twenty times with her? Yeah? Jinx. 如你所见 地板都是橡木的 As you can se, the floors are

10、all pickled oak. 这房子当初的标价是 180 万 This house was originally listed at $1.8 millio, 不过现在只要 32 万哦 but now its $320 我觉得应该更低才对 You kno, I think it might come down more. 我同意 说得好 So do I. Good call. 那你就等它卖出去吧 Better to wait it out. 而且你管这叫拜占庭风格? And you call this Byzantine? 管他是拜占庭还是地中海的 你们说啥就是啥 Byzantin, Me

11、diterranean. Whatever you need it to be. 哈喽 小朋友们 Hell, my peeps. 福斯特一家 我最爱他们了 The Foster, I love them. 爸爸 来陪我玩乐高 好 一会玩 Da, come play Legos with me. Ye, ye, I will. 不过先让我眯一小会 But I am going to lapse into a mini coma for just a secon, 然后我们再来场史上最棒的乐高大战 and then were gonna have the best Lego battle ever

12、. 福斯特! 你们好 Fosters! What up?Date Night - 约会之夜第 - 4 - 页 共 72 页嘿 凯蒂 隔壁好吗? He, Katy. Everything okay next door? 嗯 等等 你们还需要我照顾小孩的吧? Yeah. Wai, you guys still need me to baby-si, right? 今天不是约会夜吗? Isnt it date night? 是啊 约会夜 没错 Ye, date night. Of course. 啊! 对了! 是约会夜 Hey! Yay! Thats right. Date night. 谢谢你来

13、凯蒂 我们可以去约会了 Thank you for comin, Kat, so we can go on date night. 你们没事吧? Are you two okay? 没事啊 只是 亲爱的 如果你太累的话. Sure. No. Liste, hone, if youre too tired. 我没事 我没事 我一整个星期都在期待呢 N, Im good. Im good. Ive been looking forward to this all week. 除非你太累了 Unless youre too tired. 不累! 这多有意思啊 是吧? 我们应该去 No! Itll b

14、e fu, right? We should go. 我们该去 是吧? 我们该去 该去 We should go. Should we go? Right? We should go. We should go. 牛排屋 Steak Hous, 马铃薯皮和鲑鱼还可以吗 福斯特夫妇? Howre the potato skins and salmon treating yo, Fosters? 非常好 麦克 谢谢你 非常好 谢谢 Just grea, Mike. Thanks so much. Very good. Thanks. 对了 周日奥利的朋友海登要办个生日派对 He, on Sunda

15、, Ollies friend Haden has a birthday party. 保龄球 弹力屋 面部彩绘什么的? Bowlin, bouncy hous, face painting? 小丑巴士 Clown bus. 什么意思啊? What does that even mean? 不知道 不过他们说你必须得穿 I dont kno, but they said you have to wear stuf, 不怕弄湿的衣服 that you wont mind getting wet. 要我准备礼物吗? Am I getting the present? 不过不要中国风的 也不要用电池的. Yeah. But nothing from Chin, nothing with batteries. 我看我还是自己来好了 You know what? Ill just



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