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1、课题课题Unit 6 Section B (1a -4b)课型课型New教学目标教学目标一、知识与技能:一、知识与技能: 1) 单词:have, has, eat, eats, like, likes, oh, for, carrot, runner, lots of, dessert, egg, apple, chichen, fruit, vegetable, breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat, run, star, healthy, food, list. 2)句型:What do you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?Fo

2、r breakfast, I haveWhat does he/ she have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?For breakfast, he/ she has. 3)学完本课,学生能够用英语描述一日三餐的食谱。 二、过程与方法:二、过程与方法: 小组活动列出购物清单,使学生从完成半真实的任务转向了完成真实的任 务,从而达到了创造性活用所学语言的目的。使学生在与同学合作完成任务的 活动中主动探究和学习语言。 三、情感态度价值观:三、情感态度价值观: 懂得一日三餐应合理搭配饮食,才会健康,快乐。教学重点教学重点掌握本课新单词。教学难点教学难点掌握本课新单词。课前

3、准备课前准备录音机、多媒体课件录音机、多媒体课件教学过程:教学过程: Step1. Memory challenge Show some words about the food in groups of two, four or six on the screen quickly, let the students say out the words as many as they can to revise the words. 完成 Section B, 2a,2b,2c. Step2.导入新课:在大屏幕上出现三个盘子,分别代表一日三餐,并将 刚复习的食物放入盘中,引导学生表述三餐的食谱

4、。 本节课堂实录如下: S: For breakfast, I have hamburgers, tomatoes and salad. T: Yes, great! Then what about lunch? What do you have for lunch? S: For lunch, I have eggs, broccoli and carrots. T: Right! How about dinner? What do you have for dinner? S: For dinner, I have chicken, salad and ice cream. T: OK.

5、Well done!设计意图设计意图Step3.布置任务:要求同桌学生合作编对话,主题为询问别人一日三餐 喜欢吃的食物。学生上台展示时,可使用电脑将自己选择的食物直观地 放入每餐的盘中。 本节课堂实录如下: A: What do you like for breakfast? B: I like hamburgers and bananas. A: What do you eat for lunch? B: For lunch, I eat chicken, broccoli and ice cream. What do you have for dinner? A: For dinner,

6、I have rice, fish, vegetable soup and cucumbers. B: I think your dinner is very delicious. A: Thank you. Lets go to KFC. B: Really/ OK. Lets go! A: Not bad! 与学生讨论哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食品。 T: You have eaten healthy food. Lets look at Sandra. What kind of food does she eat? Now let me tell you. Listen careful

7、ly and answer my questions. Step 4. 完成 34 页 Section B 的听力练习 activity 2a, 2b 以及 Pairwork 2c.Step 5.巩固描述一日三餐食谱的方法:同步阅读“ Runner eats well!” 然 后完成 SectionB activity 3b.Step 6.完成 Section B Activity 3c:Write about what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.Step 7 Groupwork: You are going for a picnic with a group of friends. 1. Make a list of food to buy. 2. Read your list of food to the class. Homework 1.Eating healthily is very important.It can make you healthy and happy. Please write about what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 教学反思:教学反思:


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