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1、托福听力笔记Part A:1.听到什么,不选什么,即选最响亮音的同义词,不要选同音词,只有建议题,省略题可以听到什么选什 么。2.第二个人的话是重点 3. 注意意思相反的两个选项,正确选项必居其一。一、一、听力场景听力场景(一)(一)娱乐场景娱乐场景 1 音乐会 永远好听 喜欢 classical music, 不喜欢 Rock good bargain/deal/price/buy; discount; %off 东西巨贵 cost you an arm and a leg, cost sb dearly, dear sth, make a fortune,cost a bundle 价钱公

2、道 fair, reasonable, affordable, acceptable. 6 养花种草 花草长势 阳光水份: sunlight; water regularly 摆哪儿合适:窗前 sunlight;角落里 shade 7 照相 效果:模糊 blurry 用光,胶卷:闪光灯 flash, 焦距 focus, out of focus, adjust the focus, 照相 shot, a roll of film, 冲卷 develop, 放大 enlarge 8 邮局 不满意:It took forever to arrive. 9 外出吃饭(go out for lunch

3、, dine out) 上哪儿吃:一角 dime, 五分 nickel, 1 分 penny, 分 cent爱尝鲜 appetizer 开胃物,打包酒菜 carryout,腌制 souse, 喜欢安静:prefer a quiet place 谁请客:我请客 This is my treat; Let me treat you; Let me pick up the bill. Foot the bill AA 制:go fifty fifty, Lets spit the check, two bills 点错菜:order,菜单 recipe *侍者常用语: Bring the menu-

4、are you ready to order now? take your order-Ill be with you in a momentrecommend sth-specialty 特色serve food- Ill take care of it. Ill see to it. 10 贪吃场景 吃完:eat up, clean out, empty, go out. 谁打扫:残羹冷炙 leftover *饭量小 eat like a bird, 饭量大 eat like a horse, 酒量大 drink like a fish, 能睡 sleep like a log, 能抽烟

5、smoke like a chimney 11 吃 apple-pie 好吃 out of the world, pizza 难吃 taste awful, *一份 helping/serving/bite,吃一点 take a bite of 12 咖啡 爱喝,别上瘾 be addicted to,戒掉 be off 不喝不加奶的咖啡 not drink it black 不喝因为咖啡因 caffeine 13 着装 style,正装 formal suit, 休闲装 casual jeans. Color (蓝色最好),navy (blue), solid blue, deep/light

6、 blue.褪色 fade, faint, lose the color.不褪色 retain its color. Size: 松 loose,紧 tight, Its tight on waist. 缩水 shrink Design: 条 stripped,点 dotted,格 plaid,做工精细 elegant, 短裤 shots 14 减肥 on diet 身体好,身材好 perfect shape, good/excellent condition 要坚持,需锻炼 Ive got to get a shape.*slim苗条机会少 15 理发 价贵,去哪儿理 换发型,不好认 mak

7、e out/recognize *理发店:hair salon, hairdresser,发型师 stylist *修流海 trim the bangs,鬓角 side,中分 parting in the middle,左分 parting to the left,耳朵上 over the ear,到后背 in the back. 16 渡假 宠物:谁看 have sb to do sth, 与宠物相处,宠物喜欢你 be attached to,掉毛 shed 旅行社:订机票 book/reserve, 房间:取消 cancel, 换房 switch room *乖一点 be good *Ho

8、tel or Motel: ashtray, 肥皂和手巾 soap and towel, front desk. 17 海滩 爱去 干什么 enjoy lying on the beach, take a sun bath, play sand volleyball, swimming, surfing(冲浪) 没钱去不了18 晚会 party -the more the merrier 19 天气 天气变化:多云 overcast,大风 high wind,暴风雪 blizzard,倾盆大雨 downpour/pouring,阵雨 shower, (雨雪) 停 light up,放晴 cle

9、ar up, (好天气)持续 keep up/hold on,变暖 warm up picnic/barbecue 总在下雨天 sunshine. 天气好,心情好:Its nice/good to have sth for a change. 天气与穿衣:收衣服 put away/pack,找出衣服 get out 是不是要买衣服:羊毛衫 wool sweater,羽绒服 down jacket,靴子 boot,手套 glove,围巾 scarf *美国天气预报三项指标:湿度 humility,降雨量 precipitation,温度 temperature 20 机场 天气不好影响航班:th

10、e flight was delayed/canceled due to the bad weather 21 运动 爱运动,耽误学习 喜欢所有 beach/gym activities.冰球 ice hockey,棒球 base ball, football * hiking 远足, cycling 骑车, rock-climbing 攀岩, skiing 滑雪, jogging 跑步, golf * tennis 网球:正/反手 fore/back hand,续弦 restring,球场 court,接/发球 serve/refurn,出界 go out of bounds. (二)学习场

11、景 1 论文 题目难定(太大)too broad a topic 资料难查(太多)too much material to cover 多找教授(时间) 打字困难(机房)机少人多,想买机 2 笔记 考笔记 be based on the lecture/notes 字难认 make out/recognize handwriting 3 考试 永远难 was supposed to be easy 不推迟 put it off, hold off, delay, postpone 分数低:及格 passing grade,不及格 failing grade,好分数 perfect grade

12、心里不好受 down take-home exam 开卷考试,workshop 研讨会, seminar 研究会 4 评价教授 小对话中(不好) ,段子题中(好) 不迟到 punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂 run over time/late, 要求严,出题难,给分低 *听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark *听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words *打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time. 5

13、 作业 作业多:Ive had enough of it.(Ill never have enough of it.高兴语气) *have ones hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to ones eyes/ears/neck with work. Have a million things to do. Study 48 hours in a day. 想迟交,不迟交:交作业 hand in/ turn in, 迟交 extension, 多给时间 extra/more time6 熬夜 常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth

14、不熬夜 get out of it, wise 7 书店 有货没货 in stock/ out of stock 印,不印 in /out of print 过时 out-dated, 最新的 updated/current 平装 paper back,精装 hard back 8 图书馆 还书:recall a book, library loan, 续借 renew, 传记作者 biographer, 微缩胶片 microfiche 罚钱:overdue, late return, fine , moratorium(暂停,推迟), 9 电话 定主题,听语气,背套话 电话号码本:yello

15、w pages, telephone directory,干扰 static,接通 put through 占着电话 tie up, be off 下线断线,过会打给你 get back to sb. 10 选课 先学入门课 intro/basic/prerequisite,再学高级课,教授得同意 approval/permission/signiture 三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course 课程难,心情不好 少选明智,多选犯傻,时刻准备退课 drop(三)生活场景 1 找房 抱怨:dormitory太小太脏太吵管的太严;apartment东西

16、老坏室友难处 neat, considerate. 找房难,不愿搬,抱怨多,怕涨价,减装修 房东 landlord,租户 tenant 2 噪音 室内:调音 turn down,隔音 sound proof,没意识到 室外:airport, highway, traffic 3 空气污染 室内:开窗,空气窒息 stuffy,卡住了 window is stuck 室外:没办法,抱怨多 4 装修 少花钱 afford,新床 new couch 旧家具往哪放 where do you want it to go? 5 修理 什么坏了,找谁:管道工 plumber, 水龙头/管子漏 leaky faucet/pipe, 下水道堵塞 clogged drain, 灯泡 bulb, 电线 wiring, 电灯 light , 电工 electrici


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