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1、大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ 1212 期期本文摘自今日美国报 news/world/story 版,是一天前发表的文章,红色句子是今天的翻译练习,大家加油!Stage Collapses Before Radiohead Concert; 1 DeadA massive stage collapse hours before a Radiohead concert was to begin Saturday left one person dead and three others injured, officials said.Emergency Medical Services de

2、puty commander David Viljakainen said a man who was trapped under the rubble was pronounced dead at the scene. Officials said he was in his mid-30s.A 45-year-old man was hospitalized with a head injury and two others were treated at the scene for minor injuries at the Downsview Park venue, said Vilj

3、akainen.The venue said on its website that the sold-out concert was canceled.Fire Services Platoon Chief Tony Bellavance said officials were alerted to a person trapped under the rubble and crews assisted in extracting the victim. “It was a crushing injury that killed the man,“ he said.Police spokes

4、man Tony Vella said crew were setting up the stage when it collapsed.“They were setting up when the top portion collapsed on top of them. Unfortunatly, four people were hurt. The remainder of the people, when they heard the stage coming down, ran from the area,“ Vella said.Dusty Lalas, an employee w

5、ith Toronto Radio Station “The Edge,“ which was sponsoring the concert, said the structure suddenly caved in.“There was a loud crash and it sounded like sheet metal and lightning and we just saw the stage collapse,“ Lalas said.Radiohead tweeted that “due to unforeseen circumstances tonights concert

6、at downsview park tonight has been canceled. Fans are advised not to make their way to the venue.“Radioheads website had listed the concert as being sold out, with 40,000 tickets sold.大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ Rivest, 33, said at around 4 p.m. the stage suddenly came down, crumpling and falling onto itself.“

7、It was like a tornado hit the stage and in just moments the stage came down with metal everywhere,“ she said.Rivest said security officials rushed to evacuate the area. She said there was possibly about 1,000 people there hours before Radiohead was to take the stage at 9:30 p.m. The doors for the sh

8、ow opened at 5 p.m. and other acts were scheduled to perform.Police said the park wasnt full, but there was a considerable crowd of people already waiting for the show amid sunny and clear conditions.Viljakainen said the Ministry of Labor would investigate to determine the cause of the collapse.版友答案

9、汇总版友答案汇总6 6 月月 8 8 日日今天的沙发是我的据官方报道 周六那天 在 Radiohead 举行音乐会数小时之前 一个巨大的舞台坍塌导致三人受伤 一人死亡在演出现场 Downsview Park 一名 45 岁的男人因为头部受伤被送往医院 另外两个人则因为受轻伤在现场接受了治疗 Vijakainen 说警察说当时公园并没有爆满 但当时风和日丽 仍有相当一部分歌迷已经聚集在里面等待演出开始zhang163_rabbyzhang163_rabby第一句:周六在收音机头乐队演唱会开始前几个小时,发生了大的舞台垮塌事件,导致一死三伤,官方表示。第二句:一 45 岁的男子因头部受伤住院,其他

10、两人因伤势较轻,直接在当斯维尔公园现场处理伤情,维尔亚凯宁说到。大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ 。 。第三句 Police said the park wasnt full, but there was a considerable crowd of people already waiting for the show amid sunny and clear conditions.警方说,当时公园并未爆满,观演条件很好但却有相当一部分人在等待演出了。amid sunny and clean conditions 不知翻译是否有误elf_larkelf_lark1. 官员称,周六 Radiohead 演唱会开始前几小时,巨型舞台坍塌,造成一死三伤。2. Viljakainen 说,其中一名 45 岁男子因头部受伤,入院治疗;其余两名伤者为轻伤,在 Downsview Park 就地治疗。3. 警察说,公园里并没有到处都是人。但是在这晴朗的天气里,有很多人已经在等待着这场演唱会了。



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