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1、 中公黑龙江教师考试网:http:/ 黑龙江教师考试网官方微博:http:/ 2014 年特岗教师招聘考试中学英语专家预测(词汇与结构一)欢迎来到黑龙江教育信息网,黑龙江中公教师考试网提供黑龙江教师招聘、黑龙江教师资 格证考试信息、历年中小学教师招聘、考试培训、面试辅导、最新教师考试讲座等全方位 教师考试信息,预祝广大考生顺利通过考试。 1. I didn t see your sister at the meeting. If she _ , she would have met my brother.A. has comeB. did comeC. cameD. had come【答案】D

2、 。解析:此句是虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时。句意为:我在会议上没有看见你的姐姐。如果她来了的话,一定会遇到我的哥哥。2. Youd better _ loudly when they are sleeping.A. speakB. to speakC. not to speakD. not speak【答案】D。解析:Youd better(not)do sth.为常见句式。题意为“当别人睡觉的时候你最好不要大声讲话。”故选 D。3. The company hopes to sell _ these machines.A. millionsB. millionC. mil

3、lions ofD. million of【答案】C。解析:millions of 是常见词组,数以百万计的。4. The reason why the traffic was stopped was _ the bridge was broken.A. howB. thatC. becauseD. For【答案】B。解析:reason 作主语,后面的表语从句只能用 that 引导。中公黑龙江教师考试网:http:/ 黑龙江教师考试网官方微博:http:/ 5. You _ practise the drums while the baby is sleeping.A. needntB. mi

4、ghtntC. mustn tD. wont【答案】 C。解析:neednt 不必;mightnt 可能不;mustnt 表示禁止,在此相当于 cant,且语气更强;wont 不将。由句意可知 C 为正确选项。6. Lily is kind and always _ her help to others.A. offersB. sharesC. makesD. Receives【答案】A。解析:offers 提供。根据句子的意思应该是提供帮助,而且只有 A 与句中 to 搭配。故选 A。7. He moved away from his parents, and missed them _ t

5、o enjoy the exciting life in New York.A. too muchB. very muchC. enoughD. so much as【答案】A 。解析:考查 too.to 结构,正确答案为 A。8. -Have great changes taken place in your village?-Yes. A new school was _ in the village last year.A. held upB. set upC. sent upD.brought up【答案】B 。解析:set up 意为“建立”;hold up 意为“举起,支撑,继续下

6、去,阻挡,拦截”;send up 意为“发出,射出,长出,使上升”;bring up 意为“教育,培养,提出”。本题正确答案为 B。9.The fact remains _ we are behind the other groups.A. thatB. whichC. what中公黑龙江教师考试网:http:/ 黑龙江教师考试网官方微博:http:/ D. It【答案】A。解析:remain 是连系动词,后面可跟表语从句。10.- Has your former classmate come back from America?- Yes, he _ there for eight year

7、s.A. has stayedB. staysC. was stayedD. stayed【答案】D。解析:既然答句说他已经回来了,那么他在美国待了 8 年是过去的事了,所以答案选 D。11.-This dress was last years style.-I think it still looks perfect _ it has gone out this year.A. so thatB. even thoughC. as ifD. ever since【答案】B。解析:so that 以便于;even though 虽然;as if 好像;ever since 自从。根据答句的前后

8、两部分可以推测出转折的逻辑关系,所以应该选 B。12.“One World One Dream“ fully _ the universal values of the Olympic spirit - Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream.A. dreamsB. reflectsC. understandsD. Remarks【答案】B。解析:dreams 梦见;reflects 反映;understands 理解;remarks 评论。根据句意应选 B。13.I left my pen on the de

9、sk and now its gone; who _ it?A. tookB. has takenC. will takeD. had taken【答案】B 。解析:此处用现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响或结果,即笔不见了是由于某人已经把它拿走了。中公黑龙江教师考试网:http:/ 黑龙江教师考试网官方微博:http:/ 14.-How was the weather then?-Hardly _ off the plane when it started to rain.A. I had steppedB. had I steppedC. I steppedD. did I step【答案】B 。解析:Hardly 表否定,后要用倒装句,排除 A、c 两项;根据时态,应选B 项。15.In the cinema, there was an old man _ beside me.A. atB. sitC. sittingD. to sit【答案】C。解析:现在分词作定语,句意为:在电影院有个老年人坐在我旁边。中公黑龙江教师考试:http:/



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