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1、英语精度阅读方法英语精度阅读方法总体说来,十遍阅读法可以分为五个层次,每一遍都有极强的目的性,都有各自的侧重点。第一遍阅读重在训练阅读速度和理解能力;第二到第五遍从词语角度学习文章;第六到第七遍从句子层面进行突破;第八遍着重研究段落;最后两遍的阅读在篇章方面总体把握文章。下面以“SelfHelp Pioneer Dale Carnegie” 这篇文章作为范例,阐述十遍阅读法的具体运用。Self-help Pioneer Dale CarnegieHe Won Friends And Influenced Many PeopleIf ever there were a sad sack who

2、needed the keep-your-chin-up advice of Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), it was Dale Carnegie.Until he published How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1936, the founding guru of the self-help movement had failed at almost everything hed ever tried, professionally and personally.He never graduated from

3、 college. He tried careers in farming, teaching, salesmanship, acting, journalism and novel writing; all flopped. His first marriage ended in a bitter divorce. He lost most of his savings in the stock market crash of 1929.His failures often left him depressed. Once he was even suicidal. But his fail

4、ures made him fascinated with successful people. What exactly did they do? What were their methods?Carnegie decided it was simple self-confidence. All it needed was to be built up and constantly reinforced.He studied the subject for years and later compiled his observations into his classic book abo

5、ut speaking and interacting with people.That wasnt easy for him, either. Carnegie was an intensely shy man who never completely overcame his own fear of public speaking.Yet an estimated 50 million copies of his books have been sold in dozens of languages. His training courses continue to thrive nati

6、onwide, having taught more than 7 million people.Success at self-help was something he had to work at hard and learn as much as anyone else.Great Role ModelsSo he looked to those he most admired. His most famous books rely on quotations from and stories about Abe Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and other

7、 wise figures.“I realize now that healthy people dont write books on health. It is the sick person who becomes interested in health. And in the same way, people who have a natural gift for diplomacy dont write books on How to Win Friends and Influence People. The reason I wrote the book was because

8、I have blundered so often myself that I began to study the subject for the good of my soul.” Carnegie said in 1937.At least 15 million copies of the book have been sold since then, making it one of the most purchased books of the 20th century.Carnegie was born in rural Missouri. His real name was Da

9、le Carnegie. Despite rumors, he wasnt related to steel magnate Andrew Carnegie.He grew up in grinding poverty. He was painfully shy because of his shabby clothes and down-home ways.“I worried for fear girls would laugh at me if I tipped my hat to them.” he wrote in How to Stop Worrying and Start Liv

10、ing, his other bestseller.The turning point in his life came when Carnegie encountered the Chautauqua movement. It was a late 19th century religious movement that prompted spiritual health through adult education.Carnegie noticed the ability of the Chautauqua lecturers to enthrall crowds with their

11、strong words. Carnegie began practicing, lecturing the livestock in his fathers barn for hours on the subjects of the day.To test his public mettle, he then entered debate contests in school. The first time out, he lost. He lost the second time, too, and several other attempts after that.But he kept

12、 trying, and after several attempts, he won. Other victories followed, and soon he built up enough confidence to hold forth on any topic.Confronting FearsCarnegies experience taught him that the only way to overcome fears was to confront them and not be discouraged by initial failures.It was a lesso

13、n he needed.Carnegies first jobs were as a traveling salesman. He sold everything from correspondence courses to hog lard. It was hard work, the hardest part being interacting with people and convincing them to buy his stuff. Those who could interact well succeeded more often than not, he noted.It w

14、as the same thing with his brief acting career. Every night, he had to give the same performance to a new bunch of strangers- and make it convincing. Journalism and novel writing were similar, above all, he had to make his audience interested in what he had to say.That cant be done if the person try

15、ing to do the convincing doesnt believe what hes saying. Self-confidence, he reasoned, was the key not just in these pursuits but also in everything else.Eventually, he got a job at the YMCA teaching the one thing he knew he could do: public speaking.The YMCA was hesitant about giving him the job. I

16、t didnt think Carnegies course was worth the $2-a-night salary he requested. To persuade YMCA officials, he struck a deal to work on commission. Soon he was pulling in $30 a night.The essence of Carnegies job was getting his students to confront their fears of public speaking. Night after night, he simply made his students talk.“The way to develop self-confidence, he said, is to do the thing you fear to do and get a record of successful experiences behind you,” wrote Lowell Thom



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