Cisco构筑3G网络基础 拓展3G网络应用

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《Cisco构筑3G网络基础 拓展3G网络应用》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Cisco构筑3G网络基础 拓展3G网络应用(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 2001, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 2001, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.构筑构筑3G网络基础网络基础 拓展拓展3G网络应用网络应用Cisco is Empowering 3G Mobile Systems2 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2 23G RANs Transport networks Cisco Gateway

2、SolutionIPv6 in Mobile Networks3G Core Network Requirements and Solution 3G Service Platform: CMXCisco 3G solution overview3 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3 3Mobile Operator CAPEXMobile CAPEX TrendLimited CapEx demands the maximization of returns on capital investments, making invest

3、ment protection critical, particularly in the RAN since it accounts for 70% of CapExSource: CiscoToscanaSource: Gartner Research as revised by Cisco BD4 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.4 43GPP RAN Evolution Rel6+Backward compatibility with previous architecture and protocolsSplit contr

4、ol and user planeMore features should be handled by the (i)NodeB(+)Evolution to IP Cost-efficiency, scalability and robustnessBetter QoS because multimediaFaster hand-over, less delayMore traffic means more processing RNC cant handle everything5 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.5 5RAN-O

5、 Solution基于基于IP的的GSM/UMTS无线传输网优化方案无线传输网优化方案 应用场景应用场景 1RNCBSCNode-BBTSMobile Operator NetworkPLMNCell-SiteOptimized GSM and UMTS RAN Backhaul: Abis + Iub over IP获益于:获益于:减少RAN回传网络的资源要求,更快、更便宜地扩容 GSM/GPRS/UMTS网络,而无需更改RAN网络的设计;与 3GPP R5/R6 IP RAN 传输协议兼容,支持FR, EFR, HR, AMR 等语音速率,不影响语音质量 ;单一的IP汇聚网络,无需增加费用

6、,快速地在现有RAN上开展UMTS业务,简化UMTS/GSM网络的运维费用和升级成本与无线厂商设备无关,可以将多厂商设备集成到同一个RAN中,运营商级别的可靠性;基站IP电话和局域网为技术人员提供语音和网络连接;通过IP/SNMP维护、管理和监视基站设备,节省运维成本,提高效率,缩短平均故障恢复时间(MTTR);SDH E1 Transparentto RANVendors基于现有基站回传链路实现优化基于现有基站回传链路实现优化6 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.6 6RAN-O Case Study: Ericsson Busy H

7、our GSM Efficiency Gain ResultsRecovered 100%of bandwidth fromidle channelsRecovered 50%+of bandwidth from active channels80%+ totalbandwidthrecoveredReduce2 TDM Abis E1sTo 1 IP E1!7 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.7 7RAN-O Case Study: Siemens Busy Hour GSM Eff Gain Results50%+ totalba

8、ndwidthrecoveredReduce2 TDM Abis E1sTo 1 IP E1!8 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.8 8RAN-O Case Study: Nokia Busy Hour GSM Eff Gain Results50%+ totalbandwidthrecoveredReduce2 TDM Abis E1sTo 1 IP E1!9 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.9 9RNCBSCNode-BBTSMobile Operator Network

9、PLMNCell-SiteOptimized GSM and UMTS RAN Backhaul: Abis + Iub over IP获益于:获益于: 可以为基于IP的RAN选择多种高容量、低费用的传输技术,不仅仅是 E1,还包括以太网、802.xx; 将UMTS和HSDPA数据从 E1上分流到基于IP的网络中,节省运维费用; 当网络需求增长时,可以更简单、更快、更便宜地扩容; 从专线向宽带回传网络迁移时,设备提供投资保护; Cisco业务保障代理(SAA)有效地、及时地监视网络的性能(延迟、抖动、丢包、服务级别等);Broadband IP BackhaulT1/E1GSM/GPRS/ED

10、GE pathUMTS Voice and Signaling pathHSDPA and UMTS Data OffloadRAN-O Solution基于基于IP的的GSM/UMTS无线传输网优化方案无线传输网优化方案 应用应用场景场景 210 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1010RAN-O Solution基于基于IP的的GSM/UMTS无线传输网优化方案无线传输网优化方案 应用应用场景场景 3RNCBSCBTS/Node BMobile Operator NetworkPLMNOptimized GSM and UMTS

11、RAN Backhaul: Abis + Iub over IP获益于获益于: 基站上的IP连接带来新的用户,基站成为多种业务和企业客户的接入点,创造新的利润增长; 基站点路由器可用于连接其他无线设备,可快速部署下一代无线网络技术,无缝地升级到4G;Broadband IP BackhaulE1Mobile IP/FA, VoIP, Content Caching, Multi VPN, IP Multicasting, QoS, PPP, DHCP, Routing综合业务基站点综合业务基站点IP PhonesIP PhonesQoS, Security11 2004, Cisco Syst

12、ems, Inc. All rights reserved.1111思科无线传输优化方案阶段部署思科无线传输优化方案阶段部署3G启动阶段启动阶段2G用户占绝大多数;用户占绝大多数;3G用户很少;却不断增长用户很少;却不断增长回传资源以回传资源以E1为主,主要满足为主,主要满足Abis流量需求,兼顾流量需求,兼顾Iub流量流量思科无线传输优化方案用途:思科无线传输优化方案用途:利用利用IP E1的统计复用方式降低的统计复用方式降低TDM链路链路/时隙的调度和运维难度时隙的调度和运维难度UMTS Iub E1IP E1GSM Abis E112 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc.

13、All rights reserved.1212思科无线传输优化方案阶段部署思科无线传输优化方案阶段部署3G拓展阶段拓展阶段新增用户以新增用户以3G为主,为主,2G用户不断升级到用户不断升级到3G,3G用户数激增用户数激增新兴高速传输技术(如新兴高速传输技术(如WiMAX)可以为运营商带来更多用户)可以为运营商带来更多用户回传资源须同时满足回传资源须同时满足Abis、Iub和和IP流量需求流量需求思科无线传输优化方案用途:思科无线传输优化方案用途:利用利用IP E1的统计复用方式自动适应的统计复用方式自动适应Abis流量和流量和Iub流量的此消彼涨流量的此消彼涨利用各种高速利用各种高速IP网络

14、分流移动用户数据业务流量网络分流移动用户数据业务流量IP E1GSM Abis E1SDH/FE/xDSL/WiMAXUMTS Iub E1UMTS Iub E1WiMAX/WiFi13 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1313思科无线传输优化方案阶段部署思科无线传输优化方案阶段部署3G R5/B3G阶段阶段2G用户量不断萎缩,用户量不断萎缩,2G网络逐步停用网络逐步停用3G/B3G/4G基站基本具备基站基本具备IP接口(以接口(以Fast Ethernet为主)为主)回传资源升级为回传资源升级为Metro E/AToM/MSTP等,

15、但仍需支持等,但仍需支持Abis和和Iub E1思科无线传输优化方案用途:思科无线传输优化方案用途:提供对提供对3G/B3G/4G多种设备的多种设备的IP接口接口在新的回传网络上提供对原有在新的回传网络上提供对原有E1接口的支持,摆脱对接口的支持,摆脱对E1传输的依赖传输的依赖GSM Abis E1IP E1UMTS Iub E1UMTS Iub E1UMTS Iub/4GIP Fast EthernetSDH/FE/xDSL/WiMAX14 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.14143G RANs Transport networks

16、 Cisco Gateway SolutionIPv6 in Mobile Networks3G Core Network Requirements and Solution 3G Service Platform: CMXCisco 3G solution overview15 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1515Cisco Gateway Solution 2.5G GPRS ArchitectureHLRBSCBTSBTSMSMSGGSNSGSNCharging GatewayDNS/DHCPOMCRADIUSor prox

17、yGbGaGaGa (GTP)GnGn/Gp(GTP)InternetCorporateGiBorderGatewayForeign PLMNBilling SystemGpWAP GWRADIUSPCUGcSMS-CMSC/VLRSS7GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) Version 0 (GTP V0)Core NetworkIPGTP-MAP16 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1616Cisco Gateway Solution 3G UMTS ArchitectureRNCNodeBNodeBUEU

18、E3G-SGSNIuGnGn/GpInternetCorporateGiBGForeign PLMNGpRadio is based on CDMA and it is QoS Aware GTP Version 1 (GTP V1)Radio Network ControlCore NetworkIP3G-GGSNGaGaCharging Gateway17 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1717Cisco Gateway Solution 2.5G Mobile Architecture CDMA 1xEV (IS856)Mob

19、ilephoneSS7BSCBTSMSCGMSCPSTN3 x T1/E1n x T3/STM1n x T3/E3DACSHLRAuCEIRVLRInternetPDSN/FAPCFCDMA 1xEV Evolution, also known as High Data Rate, HDRPDSN Packet Data Services NodeFA Foreign AgentHA Home AgentPCF Packet Control FunctionR-P RAN to PDSN InterfaceA10 Bearer DataA11 Control DataMIP Mobile IP

20、GRE Generic Route EncapsulationR-PA10/A11PiRLPCDMARLPCDMARLPAbisRLPAbisA10/A11Layer 2Layer 1MIP GREIPPPPA10/A11Layer 2Layer 1R-PClient DeviceBTSBSC/PCFPDSN/FAMIPIPPPPLACMACBT/USBTerminalElementMobileTerminalGREMIPLayer 2Layer 1Home AgentA8/A9GRE18 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1818Ci

21、sco Gateway Solution Cisco GGSN/PDSN LeadershipEnable Mobile Operators to provide VPN Services to Corporations/EnterprisesIP Rich-IOS Feature Set industry leading features and stabilityBroadest VPN Support in the industryProven IOT with all major RAN/SGSNs2.5G to 3G Migration: Software Upgrade OnlyH

22、igh-Density, High-AvailabilityMature Products on Mature Platforms7206, MWAM module in 6500/760019 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.1919Mobile Wireless Solution Refresher(1)Core NetworkChallenges-Voice-Centric Network Architecture-High cost of DS0 transport-Proprietary Technology-Rigid a

23、nd inflexible circuit switched technologyBTSMSCGMSCMSCMSCTodayPoint-to-point TrunkingAdvantages-Bandwidth Savings-Opex Reduction- Efficient Capex allocationPhase 1MSCGMSCMSCMSCVVVVPSTNBTSCustomers:T-Mobile, Globe, Amena, MTN,Telecorp PCS20 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2020Mobile Wir

24、eless Solution Refresher(2) Core NetworkPacket Transit/ Gateway-MSCAdvantages-Addition of softswitch-Further opex savings (collapsing the mesh)-Optimal routingMSCMSCMSCVVVVBTSSoft SwitchATM/IPPhase 2Serving MSCAdvantages-MSC Functionality-Lowered Entry, Scaling & Operations Cost-Deployment Flexibili

25、ty-3G readyVVBTSSoft SwitchATM/IPPhase 3Customers:TIM,T-Mobile*MSC21 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2121UMTS R99/R4 Model Leverage IP Network for SS7oIPGMSCHLRAUCSMS-IWMSCCore NetworkExternal voice/dataNetworksDSMS-GMSCPSTNISDNInternetIntranetCorporateExtranetRNCNode-BIurRNCIubIubRNSR

26、NSUTRANGGSNSGSNGnHIu-csIu-psGiAccess NetworkNode-BITPITPITPITPGr, Gs, Gd, GfIPMSCM3UA, HSL, orLow speed linksM3UA, HSL, orLow speed links22 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.22223G RANs Transport networks Cisco Gateway SolutionIPv6 in Mobile Networks3G Core Network Requirements and Solut

27、ion 3G Service Platform: CMXCisco 3G solution overview23 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2323Example: IPv6 in 3GPP Mobile ArchitectureISP UMTS will go to IP UMTS will use IPv6 IP (v4 or v6) for user applications IPv6 for IMS (mandatory & exclusive) Migration from ATM to IP(v6) in UTRAN

28、 GTP: tunneling over IP (intra & inter PLMN)PDNPDNIPv4SSDIPv4/v6IPv6(e.g. IMS)SSGSGSN (2G)NMSBTS (2G)NodeB (3G)RNC (3G)BSC (2G)GRX(GTP)SGSN(3G)CG, AAA, DHCP, DNS)GGSN (3G)CDN arch.GGSN (2G)BGCNCN(GTP)(GTP)RANRANCNCNRANRANDNS24 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2424Where IPv6 can appearRA

29、NNodeBRNCIPIP PDNATMIPATMIPMGWMSC-SR5 IMSGTP (transport)MS dataMS IMS data (SIP application)IP UTRAN (transport)MSGGSNSGSN25 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.25253G RANs Transport networks Cisco Gateway SolutionIPv6 in Mobile Networks3G Core Network Requirements and Solution 3G Service

30、Platform: CMXCisco 3G solution overview26 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2626Mp3GPP UMTS R5 Architecture- TS23.002-540 with IM SubsystemsR-SGWT-SGWT-SGWR-SGWExternal VoIP& IP MM NetworkLegacy MobileSignaling NetworkApplication& Services (SCP)PSTNLegacy/ExternalApplication& Services (S


32、oIP BearerLegacy SignalLegacy Bearer27 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2727Architectural Overview 3GPP/3GPP2: Evolution From TDM To PacketCELL SITEPCUNodeNodeB BBTSBTSBTSBTSBTSBTS1-3 x E1 or T1E3/STM-1 or T3RNCAGGREGATIONSITESCORE (MSO)SITESCell Site RouterIP/MPLSCoreSubscriberProvisio

33、ningCore C”MPLS PE/PAggregation A”Core C”MPLS PE/PCore P”MPLS PSIP Proxy, Location, Registrar, and Feature ServersAAAMediaGatewayPSTNSS7MSCVInternetSIP Proxy, Location, Registrar, and Feature ServersAAAMediaGatewayPSTNSS7MSCVDATACENTERn x E1 or T1Metro EthernetCell Site Router1-3 x E1 or T1n x E1 or

34、 T1DigitalCross ConnectMetro EthernetCell Site RouterSite nAggregation A”PCURNCSite 1Aggregation A”DigitalCross ConnectTOCELLSITESRNCHLRAAA28 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2828Contributions to end-to-end SLA/QoS3GPP 23.10729 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.2929IP Core 承

35、载网承载网本地网本地网1MGWUTRANPSTNMSC MSC MSC ServerServerServerMSC MSC MSC ServerServerServer本地网本地网MGWUTRANIP Core for UMTS CNFor Voice Traffic/SignalingClassification/Marking/Policing: Nb,McPer-Hop Behavior (PHB) Queuing/DroppingPer-Hop Behavior (PHB) Queuing/DroppingMPLS FRR for Bandwidth ProtectionG MSC G

36、 MSC G MSC ServerServerServerMPLS TE for NbClassification/Marking/Policing: Nb,Mc30 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3030Evolution of The Mobile Core Islands Of Disparate NetworksRetail LocationsRetail LocationsRetail LocationsI/T: Retail LocationWide Area NetworkCore3 x T1n x T3BSCBTSM

37、SCMSCMSCMSCCarrier VoiceTDM BackbonePartial MeshAMPSIS 136GSMCDMAVendor Management NetworkI/T Voice TDM NetworkPBXPBXPBXPBXPBXPBXSS7SMSCSTPSTPHLRSTPSTPGPRS or CDMA 1x NetworkMSC31 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3131Mobile CoreIP Multi Service Core Network: Building The Network of Netw

38、orksPowered by MPLS & MPLS ApplicationsVPN: Isolation Of Service Delivery And Network InfrastructureQOS Aware & EnabledTraffic Engineering and FRR for Bandwidth Protection SecurityAggregation:MSO/POPADMINNOCSS7LEA 1LEA 2LEA 3EnterpriseInternetAPP1APP 2APP 3I/T6513 C6513 C32 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc.

39、 All rights reserved.32323G RANs Transport networks Cisco Gateway SolutionIPv6 in Mobile Networks3G Core Network Requirements and Solution 3G Service Platform: CMXCisco 3G solution overview33 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3333Framework of solutions targeted at the Subscriber Internet

40、 EdgeA collection of Cisco devices that provide consistent mobile and IP servicesDelivers cost effective and scalable solutions to meet the needs of Mobile OperatorsDemonstrates Cisco IOS/IP value add servicesLeverage Catalyst 7600 family with IP, mobile & content functionalityWhat is CMX?Cisco Mobi

41、le Exchange网络管理网络管理高性能平台高性能平台负载均衡与持续的可用性负载均衡与持续的可用性移动服务移动服务服务选择服务选择内容监测内容监测高级计费高级计费分组网关分组网关34 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3434Cisco Mobile ExchangeFocus on Three Major LayersNetwork Manager Network Manager AggAgg. .Auth./ Access ControlAuth./ Access ControlService / Content Billing

42、Service / Content BillingMobile Internet EdgeMIPAccess NetworksAccess NetworksOwnersOwnersOff Net ServicesOff Net Services3GWLANCDMAGPRSFixedLRE, Cable etcCMXBillingAuthent.CorporateCorporateIntranetIntranetWirelessWirelessASPASPContentContentProviderProviderInternetInternetOn Net ServicesOn Net Ser

43、vicesStreamingStreamingLocalizationLocalizationL2TPGREIPSecMPLSIPV4IPV6GGSN802.11H.A.VPNPDSN1 Access3 Services2 Control35 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3535CMX Custome ReferenceAT&T WirelessChina MobileChina UnicomHutchison “3”LGTmm02MonetOrangeSKTT MobileThailandVerizon WirelessVoda

44、foneTechnologyGPRSUMTS1xRTT1xEVDOWLAN降低运营成本降低运营成本提高客户满意度提高客户满意度保护投资保护投资实现盈利实现盈利36 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3636MIND RTSMIND RTSAAA ServersAAA ServersADCADCBalance Balance ManagerManagerExport Export ServerServerOracle DB Oracle DB Server (OPS)Server (OPS)BUS TibcoProvisioning Pr

45、ovisioning Server(s) Server(s)MINDMINDAdmin (PC)Admin (PC)MIND RTSMIND RTSAAA ServersAAA ServersCRM and ProvisioningITITMediationMediationDCN7206720665096509G GGSNGSNSDP H3GBackBoneAAA Server Milan76037603CMXCMXCMXCMX Milan76037603CMX RomeGGGSNGSNItaly H3G High-Level Architecture37 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.3737



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