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1、天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ 群:175569632A HOTEL XXX 大酒店大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要培训活动纲要Task : Group Handling 题目:题目: 团队接待团队接待Code 序号:序号: OH-SM-RM-D101Objectives: At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to ensure a highly Focused approach to handle the group and achieve the

2、market target. 目的:目的: 课程结束后,每个学员将能够学到高度集中接待团队的方法, 确保目标市场的实现。Standard:The sales associate will handle and process all group and co-ordinate with other departments. Group booking will be handled efficiently and accurately to ensure smooth operation for all departments conceded.Special benefits are to

3、be considered to be given to the tour guide if necessary. The sales associate will inform all departments concerned ofrevision on group bookings. 标准:标准: 每一位销售部员工将能够处理和协调团队接待,团队的预订必 须有效和准确,以确保各部门接待顺利,如果有必要团队的领 队将给予特殊的关照,关系到团队预订修改问题销售部员工必须及时 通知有关部门。Resources: LCD, Group Booking Form, Head Projector, W

4、hite Board 培训器材:培训器材: LCD,团队预订单,幻灯机,白板Method培训方式培训方式Training Steps培训步骤培训步骤Time时间时间Ice Break打破僵局Introduction 介绍Lecture讲解Buzz Group集体讨论Lecture F/C 1And explanation讲解和解释Ask one question: 提问 How will we handling the group reservation? 我们如何处理团队预订?W.I.F.M 我们将获得什么我们将获得什么 The correct use of group booking fo

5、rm will result in high efficiency and convenient for group handling. 清楚填写团队预订单,高效快速接待团队。First, when we received a group reservation fax, what will we do?( ask trainees) 首先,当我们收到一份团队预订单时,我们该如何 去做? ( 提问学员)Divided trainees in several groups to discuss and then critique after discussion: How do we fill

6、out a group reservation form and send confirmation letter to the travel agency ? 将学员分成几组讨论然后评估。 我们如何填写团队预订单并给客人回复预订? Answer in Flip chart 1 Group name 团队名称 Booking travel agency name 预订旅行社名单 Arrival time and departure time 到达及离店时间 Type of room required, i.e. single, double or twin.房间类型要求,单间或双人间Arriv

7、al/ departure transport with time, i.e. by train, by air, by bus, etc.到达及离开间(交通工具),火车,飞机或 汽车。 Meal information 饮食信息 Company or agent responsible for group arrangement if applicable 公司及团队负责人 Exchange rate 兑换率 Payment 付款方式 Special request 特殊要求 Attach reservation fax copy附上预订传真Note:2 minutes5 minutes15

8、 minutesLecture讲解Role play角色扮演Lecture讲解Summary 总结 Handouts 学习资料24 小时之内给旅行社回复确认信。小时之内给旅行社回复确认信。All standard & Procedure be written in the flipchart and showing to trainees: 所有的标准和程序将在白板上写明并展示给学员。Group Arrival 团队到达 (use whiteboard 1 written key point) 用白板展示要点What do we do when the group arrival? Speci

9、al pay attention: group leader/ tour guide 当团队到达时我们该如何去做?特别注意领队和全 陪W.I.F.M 我们能从中获得什么?我们能从中获得什么? When you know that, you can handle the group check in more smoothly. 当你了解这些,你将能够更顺利的帮助客人登记入 住Review key points 回顾要点 Give an example to show what a correct reservation form is。 给学员展示一份填写非常明确的预订单。10 minutes6 minutes5 minutes5 minutesTotal 61 minutes


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