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1、Please dont tick; Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (不要打对勾,要用铅笔或黑色水笔涂黑) 例如: 1.ABCD 2.ABCD 3.ABCD 4.ABCD 5.ABCD1.连线题连线题 Group 1 作家作品连线作家作品连线 Column A Column B ( ) 1. T. S. Eliot a. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ( ) 2. Wallace Stevens b. Si

2、ster Carrie ( ) 3. Theodore Dreiser c.The Oversoul ( ) 4. Ralph Waldo Emerson d. Anecdote of the Jar ( ) 5. Robert Frost e. The Waste Land Group 2 作品中人物与作品连线作品中人物与作品连线 Column A Column B ( ) 1. Benjy a. Sister Carrie ( ) 2. George Hurstwood b. The Sound and the Fury ( ) 3. Emily c. Mrs Warrens Profes

3、sion ( ) 4. Vivie d. A Rose for Emily ( ) 5. Jim e. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn“God help men that help themselves” is found in _ work. A. PaineB. FranklinC. FreneauD. JeffersonFrom 1732 to 1758, Benjamin Franklin wrote and published his famous _, an annal(年表、 编年史) collection of proverbs.(谚语)

4、A.The AutobiographyB. Poor Richards Almanac C. Common SenseD .The General Magazine_ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club. A. Henry David ThoreauB. Ralph Waldo Emerson C. Nathanial HawthorneD. Walt WhitmanTranscendentalists(超验主义者)recognized _ as the “highest power of the soul”. A. I

5、ntuitionB. logic C. data of the sensesD. thinkingThe common thread throughout American literature has an emphasis on the _. A. RevolutionB. ReasonC. IndividualismD. RationalismThe publication of _ established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism. A. NatureB. Self-r

6、elianceC.The American ScholarD. The Over-soul There is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually _ on the Puritan soil. A. RomanticismB. Puritanism (清教主义) C. Mysticism (神秘主义)D. Unitarianism (实用主义)In the history of literature, Romanticism is regarded as _. A. the thought

7、that designates(标出、定名为)a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience. B. The thought that designates man as a social animal C. The orientation that emphasizes those features which men have in common D. The modes of thinkingMar

8、k Twain wrote most of his literary works with a _ language. A. GrandB. pompousC. simpleD. vernacularMark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his _. A. international themeB. waste-land imagery C. local colorD. symbolismThe Age of Realism is also what Mark Twain

9、 referred to as _. A.the golden ageB. the silver age C.the gilded ageD. the roaring ageThe impact of Darwins evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the 19th century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American _. A. m

10、odernismB. NaturalismC. VernacularismD. local colorismWhich of the following figures does not belong to “The Lost Generation”? A. Ezra PoundB. William Carlos Williams C. Robert FrostD. Theodore DreiserThe following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature except _. A. William FaulknerB. F. Sc

11、ott. Fitzgerald C. John SteinbeckD. Ernest HemingwayWho, one of the most important poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement”? A. J. D. SalingerB. Ezra Pound C. Richard WrightD. Ralph EllisonTheodore Dreiser is generally regarded as one of Americans _. A. naturalistsB. reali

12、stsC. modernistsD. romanticistsThe book from which “all modern American literature comes” refers to _. A. The Great GatsbyB. The Sun Also Rises C. The Adventure of Huckleberry FinnD. Moby DickThe American “Thirties”, lasted from the Crash(股市崩盘), through the ensuing Great Depression, until the outbre

13、ak (开始) of the Second World War in 1939. This was a period of _. A. povertyB. important social movements C. a new social consciousness (意识)D. all of the above“The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.” This is the shortest poem written by _. A.T. S. EliotB. Robert Fro

14、st C. Ezra PoundD. E. E. CummingsEarly in the 20th century, _ published works that would change the nature of American poetry. A. Ezra PoundB. T. S. Eliot C. Robert FrostD. Both A and B The imagist writers followed three principles; they respectively are direct treatment, economy of expression and _

15、. A. clear rhythmB. blank verse C. free verseD. heroic couplet“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both” In the above two lines of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken, the poet, by implication, was referring to _. A. a travel experienceB. a marriage decision C. a middle-age crisisD. ones course of lifeIn Faulkners



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