湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 七上 第2课时 Units5-9 对接中考

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湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 七上 第2课时 Units5-9 对接中考_第1页
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湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 七上 第2课时 Units5-9 对接中考_第2页
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《湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 七上 第2课时 Units5-9 对接中考》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省2018年中考英语总复习人教新目标版同步:第1篇 教材过关 七上 第2课时 Units5-9 对接中考(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、WtuWgifWtuWgif1UnitsUnits 5-95-9对接中考对接中考 .单项选择1 12016怀化Mom, Im hungry. May I have some _?Sure. But dont eat too much.Ahamburgers BmilksCcake2 22016岳阳I often play _ chess after class.Aa Bthe C/3 32016张家界 If we want _ to a good college, wed better study hard.Ago Bgoing Cto go4 42016永州On the one hand,

2、they think that their children are too busy _ their studies.Awith Bfor Cby5 52016长沙Janes spoken English is pretty good.Yeah, she works hard and practices _ it both in and out of class.Aspoke Bto speak Cspeaking6 62016邵阳改编 She asked him to _ the ticket to her.Aborrow Bbuy Csell7 72015张家界 The money _

3、real. In fact, its not.Ais Blooks Cmust be8 82015岳阳Junko Tabei from Japan was _ woman to reach the Qomolangma in 1975.Aone Bthe first Ctwo9 92015邵阳This is _ room. Its very bright.WtuWgifWtuWgif2AToms and Tims BToms and TimCTom and Tims10102014永州_ is your new schoolbag?Its ¥30.AHow many BHow muchCHow long.中英互译1 1来休息一下。_2 2这道菜尝起来很美味。_3 3玛丽为什么喜欢音乐?_4 4Bad eating habits may do harm to your body._5 5I bought a pair of shoes for my 12yearold son._参考答案参考答案.15 CCCAC 610 CBBCB.1.Come and have a rest.2The dish tastes very delicious.3Why does Mary like music?4不好的饮食习惯可能对你的身体有害。5我给我 12 岁的儿子买了一双鞋。


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