福建省宁化城东中学八年级英语上册 unit 2 keeping healthy topic 2 section d课件 仁爱版

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1、Section DApplesorangesmeatchickenchocolateice creambananahamburgerricewatermelonbeeftomatoessandwichesstrawberrysausagecabbagepotato chipseggplantMealFood DrinkBreakfastLunchSupperbread, eggsvegetables, fish, meat, ricenoodles, fruit, vegetablesmilkorange juice, waterhot water, milk1 Listen and numb

2、er the following pictures.录音1-P411234561 Make sentences with the structures in the box.should / shouldnt We must / mustntWe should take showers often.We should wash the hands before meals.1 Make sentences with the structures in the box.We should often open the window to keep the air fresh. We mustnt

3、 drink sour milk.1 Make sentences with the structures in the box.We should tidy our rooms and often sweep the floor.We mustnt spit in public.Work in groups, write down the good habits and bad habits around you.Good habitBad habitDrink a glass of milk every day.Spit everywhere.4. Washing hands before

4、 meals.1. Taking a walk after meals. 2. Going to bed early and getting up early.3. Drinking enough water every day.4. Going to school without breakfast.1. Eating too much meat.2. Going to bed late and getting up late.3. Throwing litter around.Can you give more suggestions on keeping healthy?1. We mu

5、st have enough food to keep healthy.2. We must have the right kinds of food.3. We should have different food.4. We shouldnt eat too little or too much.2 Complete the passage with the correct words.Some people think that smoking _ ( must/can) help him relax. In fact, smoking is really _ (healthy/unhe

6、althy). Do you know that there _ (is/are) over 4000 chemicals in cigarettes? These chemicals are _ (good/bad) for our bodies. They _ (must/can) cause cancer and other diseases.The smoke from cigarettes harms _ (only/ not only) smokers but also other people. Its called “second-hand smoke” and it _ (c

7、an/cant) be more dangerous and has higher risks. Smokers shouldnt use smoking to help them relax. They _ (must/mustnt) give up smoking as soon as possible.can unhealthy arebad can not onlycanmust1. Choose the answer to each question according to your lifestyle.( )1.How often do you walk to school?A.

8、 Never. B. Sometimes. C. Always. ( )2.How often do you eat candy?A. Often. B. Seldom. C. Never. ( )3.How long do you usually sleep at night?A. Less than 7 hours. B. More than 10 hours. C. 7-10 hours. ( )4.How often do you exercise?A. Less than three times a week. B. Three to six times a week. C. Eve

9、ry day. ( )5.How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?A. Never. B. Seldom. C. Often. ( )6.How long do you watch TV every day?A. More than 4 hours. B. 2-4 hours. C. Less than 2 hours.Testing How Healthy You AreScores: A = 1 point B = 2 points C = 3 points Total score: _Conclusion What you should do

10、to keep healthy. (6-9) Unhealthy(10-13) Just so-so(14-18) HealthyModal Verbs (): must/mustnt; may; canYou _ throw litter around. He thinks smoking _ help him relax.It _ even cause cancer. I _ ask him to give up smoking._ I borrow your newspaper and show it to my father?canMaymustntmustcanGrammar _ u

11、p late is bad for your health.How terrible!Its _ for your health.Dont read _ the sun.It will keep you _ during the day.inStayinggoodFunctions active选择正确答案。 1. Watching TV too much _ bad for your eyes. Ill go to bed right away. A. is B. are C. was D. be 2. If you feel _, you should go to school. A. b

12、ad B. worseC. better D. good 3. I cant keep myself active during the day. You _ take more exercise. A. must not B. must be C. need to D. may be 4. You had better ask your brother _ playing computer games. Its bad for him. A. to give up B. not to give upC. to give it up D. not give it up选择方框中的句子完成对话。

13、 A:Which is more important, wealth or health? B:In my opinion (观点), _ . A:I agree with you. But how can we keep healthy? B:I think _ especially (尤其) green vegetables and fruit. A:Can we eat too much meat? B:No, I think _ . A:What else should we do? B:We should _ . But remember not to do sports soon

14、after meals. A:I see. _? B:It is good. A. that is bad for our health B. Is going to bed early good or bad for our health C. health is more important than wealth D. we should eat healthy food E. do some sports every dayC D A E B What should we do to keep healthy? Please write a passage about it. The following questions may help you. How long do you usually sleep every night? How often do you exercise? How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?


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