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1、WtuWgifWtuWgif1第一卷 选择题共 95 分第 1 部分,英语知识运用,共两节,满分 45 分第一节,单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题一分,满分 15 分)1. If my train is on_ schedule, I will be home at midnight. A. the; the B. /: the C.a;/ D./;/ 2.A survey of Chinas citizens found that some smokers are unwilling to kick the habit because they arent fully_of the harm

2、 it does to health. A. fond B. ashamed C. worthy D. aware 3. He_ his engagement just before the wedding. A. broke out B. broke off C. broke away from D. broke up 4. Why is your English so good, Amy? Well, my uncle gives me a hand at home, for he_ in Australia for ten years. A. has lived B. lived C.

3、had lived D. has been living 5._ a certain doubt among the parents as to the necessity of childrens doing so much home- work. A. There existed B. There had C. It existed D. It had 6. She cared more about her students than her own health. Thats why two years passed _she was treated for breast cancer.

4、 A. since B. before C. after D. until 7. What do you think of the film 2012? Well, its good. At least its_the one I saw last time with Jean. A. as bad as B. not as good as C. no worse than D. not better than WtuWgifWtuWgif28. Id like several hundred books like this one. We may be_ but 1 can order so

5、me for you within two days. A. in store B. out of control C. in short D. out of stock 9. Can I pay the bin by check? Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment_ be made in cash. A. can B. need C. will D. shall 10. The reference she made to her friend, the poet, was interesti

6、ng but too_ for anyone to ap preciate. A. dull B. drastic C. obscure D. distinct 11._I believeland you will find the boy is very outgoing.A. Having a talk with the student B. One talk with the student C. Given a talk with the student D. If you have a talk with the student 12. I Promise to make you a

7、ll proud again in_ direction life may take me. A. whatever B. wherever C. however D. whenever 13. All her time _experiments. she has no time or films. A. devoted to do B. devoted to doing C. devoting to doing D. is devoted to doing 14 ._is known to us all that the old scientist, for_ life was hard i

8、n the past, still works hard in his eighties. A. It; whom B. As; whose C. As; whom D. It; whose 15. If the dog hadnt woken us, we wouldnt have noticed the fire and it _to the house next door. A. might have spread B. should have spread C. would spread D. could spread第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分

9、, )WtuWgifWtuWgif3It was not until I was in my teens that I began to realize my mother had trouble in seeing. Although she had a white cane,she 16 to use my sister and me as sighted guides. We were often 17 by other kids and often I found myself wondering why me. When I 18 16,1 started having sighte

10、d problems of my own. As I 19 with my impending ( 即将发生的)sight loss,I gained a new and better 20 of my mother. As a single parent she did things 1 used to consider 21 ,but now I understand. For instance,if my sister went out,I had to stay horne to help my mom. She 22 to be alone. As the years passed

11、and I became a mother,my sight worsened,but I 23 to believe that I would go blind.It wasnt until my oldest son developed the same illness and needed my support that I accepted my 24 .Since then I have been 25 using the services of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. I now use a white cane

12、 and I 26 a card showing I am a registered legally blind person. 27 the services of the CNIB,I feel I wouldnt have had the opportunities to do the things for myself that keep me 28 .My mother,nOw in her 56th year,lives with my husband,children and me. 29 I am going blind, she still relies on me for

13、mostly everything.and I am 30 about that. Having the love and 31 from my husband and children has strengthened my determination and independence.lt has 32 me to pursue my love of writing and to make a career for myself. I am very 33 for it. Going blind is an 34 affair,but with love aridsupport you c

14、an nnd your inner 35 and overcome what seems to be a disaster.16. A. refused B. preferred C. stopped D. began 17. A. made up of B.made fun of C.made use of D.made a study of 18. A. reached B. got C. grew D. became 19. A. lived B. continued C. worked D. struggled 20. A. relationship B. selection C. understan


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