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1、20102010 年江苏省高中英语口语等级测试纲要试行年江苏省高中英语口语等级测试纲要试行2010 年江苏省高中英语口语等级测试纲要(试行)一、测试目的高中生英语口语等级测试的目的是:落实 英语课程标准的要求,促进中学英语教学改革,提高学生综合语言运用能力,从而进行一步推进素质教育。 二、测试要求高中生英语等级测试分两级:一级和二级。两个等级的具体要求如下:一 级(一)能比较连贯地朗读所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文,语音语调基本正确。(二)能根据所读短文的内容回答问题。二 级(一)能运用“话题项目表” ,围绕日常生活中的有关话题进行交谈,不少于 6 句话。(二)能以简短的语句介绍本人、

2、家庭、班级、学校、某地、某人等情况。要求清楚地、比较流畅地表达主要意思,不少于 10 句话。三、测试内容(一)所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文(附录二)(二) “功能意念项目表”中相关内容 “话题项目表”中相关内容(附录一)四、试卷构成测试采用口试方式进行,共四大题,满分为 40 分。一 级(一)朗读短文(10 分)1.目的:测试语音、句子重音、连读、不完全爆破、意群和停顿、升调和降调等以及流畅程度。2.要求:能比较流利地朗读一篇所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文。(二)回答问题(10 分)1.目的:测试对所读短文的掌握情况。2.要求:能根据短文内容回答所提问题。二 级(三)情景对话

3、(10 分)1.目的:测试对日常交际用语的掌握情况。2.要求:能根据所给情景提示进行交谈,不少于 6 句话。(四)话题简述(10 分)1.目的:测试连续说话的能力。 2.要求:能按题目和提示要点连续说一段话,清楚地表达主要意思,不少于 10 句话。五、例卷及评分标准例 卷1.用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。 (10 分)In English, many words sound quite similar, so misunderstandings among English-speaking people are not uncommon.Once a man got on a bus for

4、 New York. He hid in the toilet, because he did not want to pay. But a passenger saw him. She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and said, “Theres a bum in the toilet. Tell the bus driver.“The message was passed from person to person. But somewhere along the way, it changed. The bus d

5、river was told that there was a bomb in the toilet .He immediately stopped the bus telephoned the police. When the police arrived, they told the passengers to get off the bus and stay far away. Then they closed the highway. That soon caused a 15-mile-*long traffic jam. With the help of a dog, the po

6、lice searched for two hours. Of course, they found no bomb!生词:bum 流浪汉2.根据所读短文的内容回答下列问题。 (10 分)1. Did a passenger see a man hide in the toilet?Yes, she did.2. What did she do then? She told the man in front of her what she had seen and asked him to pass the message to the driver.3. What message did t

7、he driver receive and what did he do?He was told there was a bomb in the toilet and he immediately stopped the bus and telephoned the police.4. What did the police do?They told the passengers to get off the bus and stay far away. Then they closed the highway. With the help of a dog, they searched fo

8、r two hours.5. What was the result?The police found no bomb, but the closing of the highway caused a 15-mile-long traffic jam.3.根据所给提示用英语交谈。 (10 分)提示:假如有人感到英语听力理解难,向你请教提高听力的方法。你建议他要多听,最好先从听英语广播或看英语节目开始。听收音机可选中国对外广播或 BBC 英语节目。听英语国家人士的讲话越多,理解起来就越容易。听别人讲话时,不要逐词去听,而要整体去理解,设法弄清楚主要意思。A:I find listening ve

9、ry herd. What shall I do?B: Well, I think you should practise a lot. A: But what shall I do first?B: Youd better listen to English on the radio or watch English programmes on TV.A: What programmes should I pick up on the radio?B: You should pick up China Radio International or BBC English programmes

10、.A: Do I have to listen to native speakers?B: Oh, yes. The more your listen to them, the better youll understand.A: Quite often I cant follow the speakers.B: When you are listening, you must try to catch the main ideas.A: I see. You mean I dont have to know each word exactly.B: Yes. You should liste

11、n as a whole, but not word for word.4.根据所给话题和内容要点介绍情况。要点:1. 纳尔逊曼德拉 1918 年生于南非;1942 年大学毕业后,成为一名律师; 2. 1944 年他帮助成立了非国大青年联盟,被选为主席;50 年代,领导多次和平行动;1962 年被投入监狱,直到 1989 年获释;1993年获诺贝尔和平奖;1994 年成为南非第一个黑人总统;3. 他为南非黑人的政治权利而斗争。Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa in 1918. After graduating from university in

12、1942, he became a lawyer. He helped to found the ANC Youth League in 1944. He was elected chairman of the organization. During the 1950s, he led many peaceful actions. In 1962, he was put in prison. He stayed there till 1989. In 1993, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. He became the first black pres

13、ident of South Africa in 1994. Nelson Mandela fought for political right for black people in South Africa.评分标准一、朗读课文一档(910 分)语音语调正确,朗读自然流利,且有节奏感。二档(68 分)语音语调基本正确,虽有一两处错误,但朗读还比较自然流利。三档(35 分)语音语调不够正确,朗读不够连贯,有一些错误。四档(02 分)语音语调较差,朗读不连贯,错误较多,影响意思表达。二、回答问题计分以小题为单位,每小题三个档次给分。一档(2 分)意思明白,语音语调正确,词语,语法合乎规范。二档

14、(1 分)意思明白,语音语调基本正确,词语、语法有些错误。三档(0 分)答非所问,或错误很多,不能达意。三、情景对话一档(9-10 分)意思明白,表达清楚,语音语调正确,词语、语法合乎规范。二档(6-8 分) 意思比较明白,表达比较清楚,语音语调基本正确,有个别词语、语法错误。三档 (3-5 分) 意思不够明白,表达不够清楚,语音语调较差,有些词语、语法错误。四档(0-2 分)只能说出一些与内容有关的词语,语音语调较差,错误很多。四、话题简述一档 (9-10 分)语音语调明白,讲述正确,表达清楚,不少于 10句。二档 (6-8 分) 语音语调基本正确,讲述比较连贯,表达比较清楚,不少于 10 句话,但有个别错误。三档 (3-5 分)语音语调基本正确,讲述不够连贯,有一些错误或不满 10 句话,影响意思表达。四档(0-2 分) 语音语调较差,错误较多,或只能说出一些与内容有关的单词。一级测试内容为朗读短文和回答问题,凡得 12 分以上者(包括 12分)通过一级。二级测试内容为情景对话和话题简述,凡得 12 分以上者(包括 12 分)通过二级。


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