河南省郸城县光明中学九年级英语上册 unit 1 the olympics lesson 6 diving “dream team”教学课件 冀教版

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河南省郸城县光明中学九年级英语上册 unit 1 the olympics lesson 6 diving “dream team”教学课件 冀教版_第1页
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河南省郸城县光明中学九年级英语上册 unit 1 the olympics lesson 6 diving “dream team”教学课件 冀教版_第2页
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河南省郸城县光明中学九年级英语上册 unit 1 the olympics lesson 6 diving “dream team”教学课件 冀教版_第3页
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《河南省郸城县光明中学九年级英语上册 unit 1 the olympics lesson 6 diving “dream team”教学课件 冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南省郸城县光明中学九年级英语上册 unit 1 the olympics lesson 6 diving “dream team”教学课件 冀教版(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Book 5 Unit1 The Olympics Lesson 6 Diving “Dream Team”Lesson 6 Diving “Dream Team”我和你刘欢、莎拉布莱曼演唱主题歌我和你 来源:新华社 刘欢和莎拉布莱曼开始演唱主题歌我和你 我和你,心连心,同住地球村, 为梦想,千里行,相会在北京。 来吧!朋友,伸出你的手,我和你,心连心,永远一家人。 You and Me From one world We are family Travel dream A thousand miles Meeting in Beijing Come together Put your ha

2、nd in mine You and Me From one world We are familyNo.2 No.2 come to knowcome to know: : Who are they?Who are they?Gao Min当年世界上唯一 突破600分大关的女子 跳水运动员,1992年奥 运会蝉联女子跳板跳水 冠军.她的技术难度和 稳定性已远远超过任何 对手,是当之无愧的跳 水皇后. Fu Mingxia伏明霞在巴 塞罗那奥运会上夺得10 米跳台冠军时只有14岁 ,是奥运史上最年轻的 冠军.在亚特兰大奥运 会上,她夺得台板双料 冠军,蝉联世界跳水冠 军第二人. Guo Jin

3、gjing2004和 2008年奥运会,郭晶晶获 得单人三米板金牌和双人 跳金牌,获得个人大满贯. 郭晶晶是继高敏、伏明霞 之后的新一代跳水皇后. No.3、 Think about it1.What is a “Dream TeamDream Team”? 2.Who are the best knownbest known members of Chinas Olympic diving team? 1992 in Barcelona1996 in Atlanta2000 in Sydney2004 in Athens2008 in BeijingFu MingxiaGuo Jingjin

4、gdivingDiving coachspringboarddiverDiving Championplatform1991 at the6th WorldChampionship,the platform champion,her first victoryat age 121992 Barcelona Olympics, platform Champion.1996 at the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta, springboard champion. 2000Sydney Olympic Games, springboard champion1994,19

5、95 at the 7th and 9th World Championships, the platform champion.Fu Mingxia 1992 Barcelona Olympics, platform Champion.1996 at the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta, springboard champion. 2000Sydney Olympic Games, springboard champion1994,1995 at the 7th and 9th World Championships, the platform champio

6、n.Fu Mingxia Learning aims 一、the new wordsdiving dream Dream Team Sydney dive diver Atlantan. 潜水, 跳水 v. 做梦, 梦见, 梦想, n. 梦, 梦想梦之队 n. 悉尼 vi & n. 潜水, 俯冲, n. 跳水者 亚特兰大美国佐治亚州首 府platform springboard champion age victory coach catch up with includen. 站台 n. 跳板, 出发点 n. 冠军 n. 年龄, n. 胜利 n. 教练 v. 赶上 vt. 包括, 包含Rea

7、d and Answer Read the text and answer : What did you read just now? In _,the U.S has the “_ _”:the In _,the U.S has the “_ _”:the team _the best athletes. But China has the team _the best athletes. But China has the “Dream Team”in _.“Dream Team”in _.Fu Fu MingxiaMingxia won her _victory in 1991.She

8、was won her _victory in 1991.She was only _-the _world champion only _-the _world champion ever. Then ,at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics,she ever. Then ,at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics,she became the youngest Olympic champion at age became the youngest Olympic champion at age _._.basketballbasketballDre

9、am TeamDream Team withwith divingdivingfirst twelveyoungest13No.1 Listen and Fill For many years, American divers won the For many years, American divers won the _gold medals at the Olympics. But not _gold medals at the Olympics. But not _. Today, Chinas dive _. Today, Chinas dive rsrs have the have

10、 the most victories. Now, other countries want most victories. Now, other countries want to _ China. They want Chinese to _ China. They want Chinese diving _!These countries include diving _!These countries include _ and the _._ and the _.China has won many gold medals in _since China has won many g

11、old medals in _since _.At the _Olympics in Sydney. Chinas _.At the _Olympics in Sydney. Chinas diving team won _of the eight diving events.diving team won _of the eight diving events.most anymorecatch up with coaches CanadaU.S.divingdiving 19841984200020005 5Fu Fu MingxiaMingxia is one of _best dive

12、rs.At is one of _best divers.At Atlanta in _,she won gold medals in Atlanta in _,she won gold medals in the womens _platform and the the womens _platform and the _ springboard events. She was the _ springboard events. She was the _woman in _years _ _both _woman in _years _ _both events. Since _,only

13、 four women have events. Since _,only four women have won both gold medals in diving.won both gold medals in diving.ChinasChinas 19961996 10-metre10-metre 3-meter3-meter firstfirsttotowinwin 191219123636No.2 小组讨论Lets do it! Talk about diving “Dream diving “Dream Team”Team” with a parter.Try using th

14、e following phrasas or any others you can think of :dream team ,catch up with, notanymore, good luck ,give up.请同学们任选一名梦之队 成员如:郭晶晶,陈若琳 等进行小组讨论No.3读读说说 Useful expressions Read the text 3 minutes, find out the useful expressions and explanation. 1. China has won many gold medals in diving since 1984. 2

15、. Fu Mingxia is one of Chinas best divers. 3. She was the first woman in 36 years to win both events. 4. Then, at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, she became the youngest Olympic champion at age 13. 5. For many years, American divers won the most gold medals at the Olympics. But not any more. 6. Today, Chinas divers have the most victories. Now, other countries want to catch up with Ch


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