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1、1一、常用词组和句型一、常用词组和句型 1. used to + v. A. 意思是意思是“过去经常做某事;过去曾经做过某事过去经常做某事;过去曾经做过某事”,to 后跟动词原形。词组表示后跟动词原形。词组表示 过去的习惯或状态。如:过去的习惯或状态。如: * This river used to be clean. But now it is seriously polluted. * We used to live in the city. * He doesnt smoke these days, but he used to. 否定句通常用否定句通常用 didnt use(d) to

2、+ v., 但多数人喜欢用但多数人喜欢用 didnt use to。如:。如: * He didnt use(d) to drink. * Did you use(d) to be a teacherB. 短短语语 be used to 的意思是的意思是“习惯习惯于于”, ,to 是介是介词词,后跟名,后跟名词词或或动词动词的的-ing 形形式作式作宾语宾语。如:。如:* He is used to this kind of job. * I am not used to getting up early. 词组词组 get used to 和和 become used to 也表示也表示“习

3、惯习惯于于”,其后跟名,其后跟名词词或或动动名名词词做做宾语宾语, ,这这两个两个词组词组表示表示动动作,而作,而 be used to 表示一个状表示一个状态态。如:。如: I am sure the foreign student will soon get used to our way of living. 2. the next day, ,next dayA. next day 表示表示“明天明天”,相当于,相当于 tomorrow,句子中,句子中动词动词的的时态应时态应是一般将来是一般将来时时。 。如:如:* I will call you again next day. Ple

4、ase wait for my call then.类类似的似的时间时间状状语还语还有:有:next Saturday, next week, next morning, next summer, next time, etc. B. the next day 表示表示“第二天第二天”,表示,表示紧紧接在后的那一天,句子中接在后的那一天,句子中动词动词的的时态时态通常通常是一般是一般过过去去时时。如:。如:* On Monday he arrived in Tianjin and the next day he called on me.类类似的似的时间时间状状语还语还有:有:the next

5、 Monday, the next month, the next year, the next time, etc.C. next 用在表示用在表示“(场场所、位置所、位置)最近的;隔壁的最近的;隔壁的”或表示或表示“(顺顺序、价序、价值值)次位的次位的”时时, ,往往往往应该应该加上定冠加上定冠词词 the。如:。如:* the next room * This bus is too crowded. Lets wait for the next one. * Turn right at the next corner. 23. not until, ,untilA. until 表示表示

6、动动作、状作、状态态的持的持续续, ,强调强调“一直到一直到为为止止”,或,或强调强调某个某个动动作或状作或状态态一直持一直持续续到另一个到另一个动动作或状作或状态态出出现现之前。常与表示延之前。常与表示延续续性性动动作的作的动词连动词连用。如:用。如:* I waited until three oclock, but he didnt come. * He lived with his parents until he graduated from college. B. not until 表示表示“到到为为止;直到止;直到才才”,常与表示瞬,常与表示瞬间间性性动动作的作的动词连动词连用

7、。用。如:如: * The noise of the street didnt stop until midnight. * The children didnt come home until it was dark. * I didnt know the truth until you told me.4. 包含包含 think 的几个常用的几个常用词组词组A. think of “想起想起; ;认为认为;想到;想到;考;考虑虑”。如:。如:* I cant think of his phone number. * This picture makes me think of my chi

8、ldhood. * I am thinking of changing my job. B. think about “考考虑虑;思考;思考”。如:。如:* What are you thinking about? * Are you still thinking about moving to the country? think of 表示表示“考考虑虑”时时与与 think about 接近接近 。 。C. think out “想出想出”, ,强调结强调结果。如:果。如:* I will think out a way of doing that work and let you kn

9、ow. * She thought out a plan at that moment. D. think over “仔仔细细考考虑虑”,相当于,相当于 think about carefully。如:。如:* I would like you to think over the plan. * I need a couple of days to think this matter over. 二、二、语语法:法: 现现在完成在完成时态时态(一一)* I have just done my homework. * Who has taken my pen? * I have studied

10、 English for about 3 years. * He has lived in this city since 1992. * They have seen the movie already. * I have met her before. 3完成完成时态时态所表示的意思:所表示的意思:现现在完成在完成时态时态表示表示过过去去发发生的生的动动作或存在的状作或存在的状态对现态对现在在造成的影响或造成的影响或结结果,果,过过去的去的这这个个动动作或状作或状态态也有可能持也有可能持续续下去。下去。(一一) 现现在完成在完成时态时态的构成的构成现现在完成在完成时态时态的句子的句子结结构

11、是构是“主主语语 + 助助动词动词 have/has + 动词过动词过去分去分词词”。如:。如:* I have had lunch already. * She has bought some books on history. 动词过动词过去分去分词词的构成方式有两种情况:的构成方式有两种情况:规则变规则变化和不化和不规则变规则变化。化。规则变规则变化的化的过过去去分分词词与与动词过动词过去式的去式的变变化一化一样样,也是在,也是在词词尾加尾加-ed 构成;不构成;不规则变规则变化的化的过过去分去分词词需要死需要死记记。 。(二二) 现现在完成在完成时态时态的句子的句子转换转换1. 肯定式

12、:肯定式:They have / Theyve just finished their homework.否定式:否定式:They havent finished their homework yet.疑疑问问式:式:Have they finished their homework yet?简简略答略答语语: :Yes, they have. / No, they havent. 2. 肯定式:肯定式:She has seen the movie already.否定式:否定式:She hasnt seen the movie yet.疑疑问问式:式:Has she seen the mov

13、ie yet?简简略答略答语语: : Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt.(三三)现现在完成在完成时态时态的用法的用法表示一个表示一个动动作作刚刚结刚刚结束或完成,但束或完成,但这这个个动动作所造成的状作所造成的状态态或影响目前依然存在,或影响目前依然存在,即表示即表示过过去的去的动动作作对现对现在的影响或在的影响或结结果,果,强调现强调现在的情况。常与副在的情况。常与副词词 just, already, yet 等等连连用。注意:用。注意:just, ,already 常用于肯定句中,常用于肯定句中,yet 常用于否定句或疑常用于否定句或疑问问句句尾。如:句句尾。如:

14、* We have already known each other. * I have just washed my coat. * The foreign teacher hasnt come here yet. 4* Have you read his new book yet?(四四)现现在完成在完成时态时态与一般与一般过过去去时时一般一般过过去去时时与与现现在完成在完成时时都可以表示在都可以表示在过过去去发发生的生的动动作。但作。但现现在完成在完成时态时态强调强调的是的是过过去去发发生的某一生的某一动动作作对现对现在造成的影响或在造成的影响或结结果,它重点果,它重点说说明明现现在的情

15、在的情况,是基于况,是基于现现在在时间时间的的时态时态,因此它不能与明确指出,因此它不能与明确指出过过去去时间时间的状的状语语如:如:yesterday, last week, last night, last month, ago, just now 等等连连用,但可以和一用,但可以和一些不明确指出些不明确指出时间时间的的时间时间状状语语如:如:already, yet, just, before 等等连连用。用。一般一般过过去去时态时态只表示只表示过过去的某去的某时间发时间发生的生的动动作或存在的状作或存在的状态态,叙述,叙述过过去的去的事事实实,不涉及,不涉及现现在的情况,甚至与在的情况

16、,甚至与现现在无关。因此它可以和表示在无关。因此它可以和表示过过去某去某时间时间的的时时间间状状语连语连用用如:如: * I have already been a teacher. I was a teacher two years ago. * We have had supper already. We had it at 7:00.三、三、练习练习用所用所给动词给动词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. Mary _ already _ (have) her supper. 2. I _ (not want) to see the film. I _ (see) it with my parents. We _ (see) it last Sunday. 3. -_ his mother _


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