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1、Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 复习讲义复习讲义Section A1. At junior high school, I remember a friend helping me with a problem.在中学时,我记得一个朋友曾帮助我解决问题。【解析解析】help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人Lucy often helps her mother with housework on Sunday. (1)help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 Tom often h

2、elps me with my English. = Tom often helps me (learn) English. (2)help oneself to 自助自助, (进餐时进餐时) 自己取用自己取用(3)cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事禁不住做某事 (4)with the help of = with ones help 在在的帮助下的帮助下 With the help of my teacher, my English improved. 在老师的帮助下,我的英语提高了。= With my teachers help (4)help( to) do 帮忙做某

3、事帮忙做某事2. Junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories?(1a)中学生活结束了,你有什么特别的记忆吗 【解析解析】be over 结束结束 over 的用法:的用法:(1) “超过;多余超过;多余”相当于相当于 more than ( )There are over 40 students in our class. A.less than B.at least C.more than D.lots of(2) “在在之上之上” 【注注】:above ;over 与与 on 表表“在在之上之上”的区

4、别的区别above 只表示在上方或位置高出,与只表示在上方或位置高出,与 below“在在的下面的下面”相对;相对;over 指在正上方,与指在正上方,与 under 相对;相对;on “在在的上面的上面”,表面相互接触。,表面相互接触。 ( ) There is a bridge the river. A. on B. above C. with D. over (3) over “在在期间期间” over the years “这些年来这些年来;近几年来近几年来”常用于现在完成时态中。常用于现在完成时态中。【over 构成的短语构成的短语】 all over “遍及;到处遍及;到处” al

5、l over the world =around the world 全世界全世界 over there 在那边在那边 get over 克服克服 over and over 反复;再三反复;再三go over 复习,重温复习,重温 come over 顺便来访顺便来访3. .did homework carefully to meet the standards of s strict teacher.(1b)认真做作业,达到要求严格的老师的标准。 【解析解析】meet the standard 达标达标4. remember losing a schoolbag full of homew

6、ork. (1b)记得丢失了装满作业的书包。 【解析解析】remember vt. 成一行;连续;成一行;连续;He won the prizes _.(连续几次)(连续几次)【in 构成的短语构成的短语】 in a hurry 匆忙匆忙 in fact 实际上实际上 in front of 在在前面前面in (the) future 今后,将来今后,将来 in public 公开地,当众公开地,当众in order 秩序井然秩序井然in person 亲自亲自 in time 及时及时in a word 总之总之 in ones opinion 按某人的看法按某人的看法6. Someone

7、was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.(2a)某人被老师建议休息一会再跑。 【解析解析】advise advise doing sth 建议做某事建议做某事 advise sb to do .建议某人做某事建议某人做某事advise sb of sth.“把某事通知某人把某事通知某人”类似的类似的 v 还有还有 allow 允许允许 allow doing sth 允许做某事,允许做某事,allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事;允许某人做某事; permit 允许允许 permit doing sth 允许做某

8、事,允许做某事,permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事;允许某人做某事;7.Hes a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during P.E. Class.(2c) 【解析】 instruction n 说明;指示说明;指示 注:在这里与教学有关,指教师的课堂讲解,指导以及要求。注:在这里与教学有关,指教师的课堂讲解,指导以及要求。Read the instruction carefully before you take this medicine.服用此药前请认真阅读说明 8.Which teachers w

9、ill you miss the most after junior high school?(2d)中学毕业后,你会最怀念哪些老师? 【解析解析】 after prep 在在.之后;之后; adv 随后随后 conj 在在.之后之后【辨析辨析】after/ in 相同点相同点都表示都表示“在一段时间后在一段时间后”不同点不同点after当当 after 后跟一段时间时,用于一般过去时后跟一段时间时,用于一般过去时in当当 in 后跟一段时间时,用于一般将来时后跟一段时间时,用于一般将来时My mother left the school after two hours.He will ret

10、urn home in two days.9. I know that Ms. Lee was always patient with you in math class. 【解析解析】 patient= sick person n“病人病人”adj 有耐心的有耐心的be patient with sb./sth. “对对有耐心有耐心” be patient of 能忍受能忍受.的,容忍的,容忍.的,有的,有.可能的可能的 1. You have to be _ and wait until I finish my work.A. patient B. strict C. honest D.

11、active 10.She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.(2d)【解析解析 1】 work out 算出;制定出算出;制定出”The idea that little Jack thought out worked out very well.小杰克想出的主意很有效。 【解析解析 2】 no matter how 无论怎样无论怎样No matter how difficult things seem to be, you should say to _ “Never

12、mind!” A positive attitude is the key to success. A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourselves 11. He always took time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything. 【解析解析】take time to do sth 花时间去做某事花时间去做某事12.Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.因为她,我更

13、加努力,我的考试分数提高了一倍。【解析解析 1】 put in effort 做出努力做出努力 【解析解析 2】 double v. 加倍加倍; 是是的两倍的两倍 adj. 两倍的两倍的; 加倍的加倍的13.Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?(2d) 【解析解析】shall modal v. 将要将要; 将会将会 (1) Shall we/I do sth?我们做我们做好吗?好吗? (2) Lets 的反意疑问句为的反意疑问句为 shall we ?Lets go to the movies ,_?14.Loo

14、king back at these past three years(3a) 我记得回望过去的三年。 I remember many things 我记得学多事(3a) Trying to be on time for morning readings 尽力准时进行晨读。(3a) Running when the lunch bell rings 当午饭铃响起 的 【解析解析 1】look back at 回顾回顾Every time I look back at my childhood, I cannot help missing my dear grandma. 【解析解析 2】on

15、time 准时准时 in time 及时及时 in time 和和 on time 都可在句中作状语,但二者意思不同。都可在句中作状语,但二者意思不同。 选用 in time 或 on time 填空。. We students should go to school _.The doctor came _ and saved the little boys life. 【解析解析 3】morning reading 晨读晨读15.I remember the excitement of the school sports day each year.(3a)The many long hours of training Pride of overcoming fear(3a)【解析解析 1】excite v. 激动,兴奋激动,兴奋 excited adj. 兴奋的兴奋的 be/get excited about exciting adj. 令人兴奋令人兴奋 的的 excitement n. 兴奋兴奋 【解析解析 2】pr


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