姓 名 徐维林 性 别男 出生年月1978-10

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《姓 名 徐维林 性 别男 出生年月1978-10》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《姓 名 徐维林 性 别男 出生年月1978-10(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 2姓 名 徐维林 性 别 男 出生年月 1978-10 出生地 湖北 婚姻状况 已婚 政治面貌 国 籍 中国 从事专业 单分子过程与催化 现工作单位及职位 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / University of California, Berkeley, Postdoc 人事关系所在单位 中科院长春分院 学习及工作经历: (从大学开始填,内容包括时间、单位、学位 、所学专业、从事专业、专业技术职务情况,时间段要连续,准确到月份) 9/19977/2001, Jilin University, Changchun, China, BSE Ap

2、plied Chemistry; 9/200111/2006, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, China: PhD Physical Chemistry; 1/20074/2009, Cornell University, the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Postdoc., Single molecule/ Single nanoparticle catalysis; 5/2009 7/2010, University

3、 of California, Berkeley, Chemical Engineering Department, Postdoc, Single molecule genotyping/restriction enzyme kinetics,; 8/2010 present, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / University of California, Berkeley, Chemistry Department, Postdoc, Single molecule photocatalysis, the developing of an

4、 integrated high resolution TEM with fluorescence optical microscopy and the developing of solar fuel cell. 如内容较多,本栏目填不下时,可另纸接续(下同) 。 3主要学术成就、科技成果及创新点: During his graduate study, in experiments, Dr. Weilin Xu invented an effective nonmetal electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution, which can replace no

5、ble metals, such as platinum (Pt). A new synergistic catalysis between Pt and carbon materials for oxygen reduction was also discovered by him. From his theoretical work, he supplemented the theory of normal pulse voltammetry (NPV). He also made a great discovery about a new inverted region between

6、the standard rate constant and reorganization energy. This inverted region could explain the puzzle observed many years ago in NPV experiments. He came up with a wealthy achievement characterized by eight papers (first author) published throughout his graduate career. When he was at Cornell Universi

7、ty for his first postdoc research, Weilin pioneered the in-situ single nanoparticle catalysis with single molecule methods. In this project, he obtained the following completely new information which had been masked in ensemble experiments: 1) It was found the catalysis on single Au NPs surface occu

8、rs via a Langmuir-Hinshelwood Mode; 2)The product formation and dissociation are found to occur at different surface sites;3)Three different subgroups of Au NPs were observed in monodispersed Au nanoparticles; 4) Monodispersed Au-nanoparticles display large static activity heterogeneity; 5)The activ

9、ity of individual nanoparticles fluctuates, attributable to catalysis-induced and spontaneous surface restructuring dynamics at a timescale of about 10-100 seconds; 6) Two subgroups of surface sites were found :Type-a with low activity and strong binding; Type-b with high activity and weak binding.

10、In theory he developed two different models which can be used to study the single-molecule kinetics of the heterogeneous catalysis by nanoparticle catalysts/enzymes with multiple active sites. In his second project at Cornell, he used single molecule fluorescence events to see the in real time catal

11、ytical behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes by pinpointing catalytic reaction sites on carbon nanotube walls. Theoretically he predicted firstly by studying the electron transfer properties of carbon nanotubes one can differentiate semiconducting tubes from metallic ones. Later on his experime

12、ntal data also validated this kind prediction. After he joined Prof. Mullers lab at UC Berkeley, he found an effective way to make probes from enzymes for single molecule genotyping; later on he used microfluidics to trap a single DNA-enzyme complex in its native state for real-time analysis without

13、 having to immobilize the DNA or the enzyme. Ron Larson, a chemical engineering expert at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US, says: 4this work represents a novel and elegant use of fluidics to trap and stretch single DNA molecules without interference by surfaces. He adds that the “look Ma, n

14、o hands” approach pursued by Xu and Muller has a number of advantages, not least of which is the ability to recover cleavage products for further study. From http:/blogs.rsc.org/lc/page/2/ In the same lab Weilin studied the DNA condensation kinetics induced by PEG with the assistance from low molecu

15、le salts. It was found this method can be used systematically to study DNA condensation under different conditions. In Prof. Alivisatos lab, Weilin studied the single molecule photocatalysis of TiO2by detecting two different reactive oxygen-species coming from electrons and holes with the same dye p

16、robe. It was revealed for the first time the properties of the catalytical sites for the excited electrons and holes are different on the same TiO2nanocatalyst. 5主要论著目录: ( 1. 论文作者、题目、期刊名称、年份、卷期 、页;2.著作:著者、书名、出版社、年份) 1. Weilin Xu, Susan J. Muller. Exploring both sequence detection and site-specific restriction endonuclease cleavage kinetics via single-molecule micro-fluidic trapping. Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 435-442. 2. Shen


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