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1、1.toss (为)掷硬币决定; n. 掷硬币决定; When one New Zealand school tossed its playground rules and let students risk injury, the results were surprising.话说。新西兰一个小学最近废除了所有禁止危险玩乐的校规。学生可以随便爬树翻墙老师 都不会阻止。学校最近操场在翻修,学生没得玩只好用废料自己搭一些东西。校长看到,决 定不如就让他们随便玩。目前有一个孩子摔伤了手。家长马上跑来学校,跟校长说,不要 被我们影响,请继续保持这样挺好的.#别人家的# 2、GNH,Gross Na

2、tional Happiness 国民幸福总值 GDP, gross domestic product 国内生产总值 GNP, gross national product 国民生产总值 3、deteriorate vt. 使恶化;vi. 恶化,变坏4、Exempt zempt vt.vt. 使免除,豁免;adj. 被免除的,被豁免的;n. 被免除(义务,责任)的人;免税人 来源:No part of society or social behaviour is exempt:linguistic factors influence how we judge personality, inte

3、lligence, social status, educational standards, job aptitude, and many other areas of identity and social survival. Aptitude n. (学习方面的)才能,资质,天资;适合性;倾向5、unfeelingly adv. 无情地,无感觉的;眼睁睁As a result, it is easy to hurt, and to be hurt, when language use is unfeelingly attacked. 6、In its most general sense

4、, corruption means the perversion or abandonment. 就其最一般的意义上说,舞弊就是堕落,就是背离准则7、prescriptivism 规范主义;descriptivism 描述主义 8、on this account adv.adv. 由于这个原因;以此 9、deviation n. 背离,偏离;离经叛道的行为; 10、ailing (爱玲)ADJ 形容词处境困难的;境况不佳的;衰退的;每况愈下的 Undercut 削价竞争; 风能(Wind Power)以及潮汐能(Tidal power)使得每况愈下的核工厂 Undercut those of

5、 the already ailing nuclear industry. 11、vicinity N-SING 单数名词邻近地区;附近 If something is in the vicinity of a particular place, it is near it. 12、Insulation n. 隔离,孤立;绝缘;绝缘或隔热的材料;隔声insulating adj. 绝缘的 A layer of foam(泡沫)was used to improve the insulation of the building. VERB 动词将隔离(以免受外界影响) If a person or group is insulated from the rest of society or from outside influences, they are protected from them. insulation They lived in happy insulation from brutal facts. 他们幸福地生活在不受残酷现实干扰的世界里。


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