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1、分 类 号 密 级太 原 理 工 大 学 硕士学位论文题题 目目 煤 升 温 氧 化 过 程 中 氡的析出与自然发火指标气体关系的实验研究 英文并列题目英文并列题目 Experimental Study on the Relationship of Radon Emanation and Mark Gases in the Process of Coal Oxidation 研究生姓名 刘 艳 专 业 安全技术及工程 研 究 方 向 安全工程 导 师 姓 名 邬 剑 明 学 衔 职 称 教 授 学位授予日期 论文提交日期 2007/5 授予学位单位太原理工大学地 址 山西 太原太太 原原 理理

2、 工工 大大 学学太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文I煤升温氧化过程中氡的析出与自然发火指标气体关系的实验研究摘 要煤炭自燃不仅在中国发生,在美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚等地区也普遍存在。据调查,在我国,煤炭自燃已经烧失的煤炭资源达 42 亿吨以上,每年因自燃直接烧失的煤炭资源量达 1013.6Mt。据初步估算,煤炭自燃所造成的经济损失(含潜在的经济损失)每年在 200 亿元以上。煤炭自燃不仅浪费了煤炭资源,而且引起了严重的环境污染和生态平衡的破坏,还可引发煤矿瓦斯突出、粉尘爆炸等灾害,是危害煤矿安全生产的主要因素之一。煤炭自燃的早期预测预报和火源探测技术一直是矿井防灭火的关键技术。目前,在煤炭自燃早期

3、预测预报方面,已形成一套完善的理论,其中指标气体分析法是自然发火早期预报的一种有效方法。在煤炭自燃火源探测方面, “煤层自燃火源位置精确探测技术”是近年发展起来,并普遍使用的一种方法。该技术由太原理工大学防灭火课题组经过多年的研究应用,在生产实践中已经起到了很好的效果。其探测原理是随着煤温的升高,氡的析出率增加。但目前氡及其子体在煤岩中的运移规律尚未完全搞清,没有形成一个公认的理论。为此,山西省安全工程中心建立了一个多功能煤自燃及测氡实验台,进一步研究煤升温氧化过程中,氡及其子体的运移规律及其与自然发火指标气体的关系。太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文II本文主要是利用大型煤自燃与测氡实验台来进行

4、实验研究,其主要目的是研究煤自然发火时,上覆煤岩体中氡的运移规律,并利用指标气体验证火源探测结果,进一步提高探测精度。通过设计并进行煤升温氧化过程的实验,选择有代表性的实验数据进行分析研究。对实验数据进行拟合后,得到在煤升温氧化过程中,随着煤温的升高,氡及指标气体浓度的变化情况,发现 Rn 与 CO、CO2、CH4的浓度有规律的增加,且在变化趋势上存在相关性。在比较各种相关性检验法之后,本文选用模糊数学的相关性检验法对 Rn、CO、CO2和 CH4的实验数据进行归一化处理,然后对其进行相关性分析,得到 Rn 与 CO、CO2和 CH4的相关性。关键词:煤炭自燃,氡,指标气体,相关性,实验研究太

5、原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文IIIEXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIPOF RADON EMANATION AND MARK GASESIN THE PROCESS OF COAL OXIDATIONABSTRACTCoal spontaneous combustion (sponcom) exists widely not only in China but also in other countries, such as America, Russia and Australia. A great mount of coal resource has

6、 been lost due to the coal sponcom, with the lost of 4.2 billion tons. Besides, the loss quantity has been increased by 1013.6Mt every year. It is estimated that the economic loss, including potential loss, resulted from coal sponcom is more than 20 billion yuan every year. Not only does the coal sp

7、oncom wastes coal resources, but also leads to serious environmental and ecological problems. Moreover, coal sponcom has brought many disasters, such as gas and coal dust explosion. It is the harm to mine safety production.The early-predicted technology of coal sponcom and the detection of fire loca

8、tion are the key technologies in mine fire preventing and fighting. Presently, the mark gas analyzing method has been widely used in coal mines. The precise detection technique for the coal fire location of sponcom, which has been used for fire detecting, is a method developed recently and has been

9、widely used in 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文IVdomestic and overseas. Its principle is that the radon emanation increased with the coal temperature rising. But there is no perfect theory for the transfer of radon and its daughters in the worldwide range. Therefore, Shanxi research center of safety engineering has

10、built an experiment rig for coal spontaneous combustion & radon measurement to study the relationship of radon and temperature, radon and mark gases, in the process of coal oxidation.In order to research the radon transfer and testify the detection result of radon detection by using mark gases, this

11、 paper has designed experiments of coal oxidation in the use of the experiment rig. After many experiments, it has selected the representational data to analyze and study. Trough data fitting, the concentration distribution of radon and mark gases with the coal temperature rising has been received.

12、It has found that the concentration of Rn, CO、CO2 and CH4 has increased regularly, and the change tendency has correlation. Compared with several correlativity test methods, the thesis has selected fuzzy correlativity test method to analyze the experimental data of Rn, CO、CO2 and CH4, and has receiv

13、ed the correlativity of Rn, CO、CO2 and CH4.KEY WORDS:coal spontaneous combustion, radon, mark gases, correlativity, experimental study太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文V目 录第一章 绪 论11.1 问题的提出.21.2 国内外研究动态.31.2.1 煤炭自燃预测预报技术 .31.2.2 煤炭自燃火源探测技术 .41.2.3 氡探测技术 .41.2.4 煤自燃过程实验模拟 .61.2.5 小结 .71.3 本文所做的工作.8第二章 煤炭自燃理论 .92.1 煤炭自燃概述.92.1.1 煤炭自燃 .92.1.2 煤炭自燃的不同阶段 .102.1.3 煤炭自燃的机理 .112.2 煤炭自燃防治关键技术.132.2.1 煤炭自燃预测预报方法 .142.2.2 煤炭自燃火源探测技术 .152.3 本章


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