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1、拉杆不够滑畅 No smooth enough of trolley system 车轮松动 Bad quality of wheel 轮子不转动 No working of wheel LOGO牌不洁 Logo no clean LOGO牌刮花 Scratched logo 包装胶袋小 No big enough of polybag/polybag too small 漏放天地盖 Missing cover board(up & down) 漏放防潮珠 Missing silica gel 吊牌吊错 Wrong hangtag / no the correct hangtag (red/b

2、lack) 针距太长 Bad stitching / distance of stitching is too long 吊袋毛边 Bad making of hanging pocket 吊袋包边倒针不牢 End/bad stitching of hanging pocket 条码错误 Wrong barcode 手把不牢固 Bad making of handle 车线不直 Bad stitching 包装不好 No good packing 清洁不好 (油污、线头) Dirt on material(oil and thread) 外箱尺寸不够高 No enough height of

3、export carton 外箱印刷字体不清楚 No clear print of export caton 箱唛上漏填箱号 Missed carton No. 外箱打包带用铁片接口 Security band w / metal / clip 前袋盖魔术帖的位置与袋口不对称 Wrong position of velcro at front panel 拉练尾绳烧烫不好 No good end-marking of puller string 手挽织带车前后扶车钱不重叠 Bad stitching of bandle P.P w/ body material 袋口包边反折不平 Bad end

4、 binding 布料色差 Color different of material 线头没剪干净 Drop tear uncutted thread 不干胶贴歪 Wrong sticker position at export carton 不干胶盖住箱唛 Sticker covered shipping Mark 箱唛上印错英文字母 Wrong printing of shipping Mark 丝印颜色不对 Wrong screen print color 丝印不好 Bad quality of screen print 拉练尾塑胶脱落 Easy to pull down the pull

5、er stopper 侧周与前后幅色差 Color different of body material & gusset material 车工不好 Bad workmenship 铆钉开花不良 Bad pouch of nail 肩带尺寸不够长 The length of shoulder belt is too short,it should be_cm 脚钉松动 No tight enough of nail 塑胶配件材质不良 Easy break of plastic Acc 外箱上正唛贴纸贴在右下角,正确应在箱唛中间 Sticker should be center of expo

6、rt carton No the right corner of bottom 活动底板PVC胶皮电压口和周边不平齐 Bad end-making of PVC Board 边织袋身接头太多(绳纸带) Bad end making of straw 看: See 朝前地:Frontward 以上: Above 意见:Comment 箱子歪角 No good standing of trolley / of pilot case 袋子手挽有长短 No the same drop length of handle 编织带有折痕 Folded P.P Webbing 手工不好 Bad workmen

7、ship 吊牌没有过胶 Hangtag without coating 前袋拉链车得不直 Bad making of zip(too rude) no straigtht enough 压扣太松 Easy to move of nail 包装入胶时袋子不可折叠,要平放Wrong packing, its flat-packed, not folded-packed 外箱颜色填错,应为单色 Wrong print of shipping mark”asscorted color”,should be “solid color” 外贸担保出货 Supplier ship this order w

8、/L/G 下次不可有此问题产生 No more happen from next order 从后来订单开始更正 To fix the problems from next order 外箱的填写部位为手写体 Shipping mark with hand writing 翻工后才可出货 Can ship the order after repairing 纸箱材质差 Bad quality of carton (too soft) 按钮锁开关不良 No good guality of lock 内里色差 Color difference of lining 袋子整理不平 Rude packing 前袋拉链车得不直 Bad making of zip (too rude) 袋身编织接口太多 Bad end-making of straw 外箱没印箱唛 Missing shipping mark 电压 Hot-seal LOGO电压不清楚 No clear print of logo LOGO(塑胶)车线不好 Bad stitch of logo 前袋包边破 Broken binding (front pocket) 前袋内文件破 Broken binding (organizer)



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