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1、五年级英语下学期五年级英语下学期 Lesson4-6 练习题练习题姓名姓名 班级班级 . Fill in the blanks. 按照要求写单词。按照要求写单词。1.woman(对应词)_2.small(反义词) _3.sleep(现在分词) _4.hungry(同义词) _. Correct. 改错。改错。1.Would you like some meats?_2.They wants a snack._3.May I play with the baby, two?_4.Where is he pop?_5.She is readding the newspaper._. Fill in

2、 the blanks according to the first letters given below. 根据所给首根据所给首字母填空。字母填空。1.He is s a song to your mother.2.This man is on the t_.3.I cant s_ him, but he is q_.4.May I have some grapes n_ ,please?5.Jenny is l_ out the window. Draw. 在正确的选项前画笑脸。在正确的选项前画笑脸。1.What would you like to eat?( ) Yes, please

3、. ( ) Yes, I like. ( ) Some soup, please.2.Who is hungry?( ) Im hungry. ( ) Yes, please. ( ). Yes, I am.3.What are you doing?( ) Im reading a book. ( ) Im read a book. ( ) Im doing.4.Where is Danny?( ) He is there. ( ) There he is. ( ) This is Danny. Complete the following doalogue. 完成对话。完成对话。A. Exc

4、use me! May I help you?B. Yes, please._. 我想要些面条A. Sorry, we dont have any noodles.B. Do you have any donuts?A: Yes.B: _ (多少钱一个) ?A. Two yuan.B. _ (我买两个).A. Here you are.B. _(谢谢).参考答案参考答案. 1. man 2. big 3. sleeping 4. thirsty . 1. meat2. want3. too4. his5. reading. 1. singing 2. train 3. see quiet 4. now 5. loking. 1. Some soup, please. 2. Im hungry. 3. Im reading a book. 4. There he is. I would like some noodles.How nuch for one donut?Ill take two, please.Thank you.



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