2017届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 bookⅲ unit 4 green world

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《2017届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 bookⅲ unit 4 green world》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版 bookⅲ unit 4 green world(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2012 届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版届高考英语顶尖学案:大纲版此学案为此学案为 QQ1084591801 原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。Unit 4 Green world 绿色世界绿色世界核心词汇核心词汇1The food was good and we loved the atmosphere and the people._(总而言之)it was a great evening.2The books in the library are_(分类)according to the subject.3Why dont you go for a walk?I

2、tll give you an_(胃口)for your lunch.4This animal is found in Australia,and_(哪里都不)else.5Winning the match was just_(回报)for the effort the team had made.6用 appear 的适当形式填空:(1)They_not to know what was happening.(2)She had never been greatly concerned about her_.1.Altogether 2.classified 3.appetite 4.now

3、here 5.reward 6.(1)appeared (2)appearance高频短语高频短语1look _ for 警惕;留心2year _ year 年年3be _ in 与有牵连,涉及到4have an _ for 渴望,对有胃口5_ a large scale 大规模地;大范围地6_ away 去世;逝世7name._ 给取名;命名8_ detail 详细地1.out 2.after 3.involved 4.appetite 5.on 6.pass 7.after 8.in重点句式重点句式1_a life of privilege,Joseph Banks was the son

4、 of a wealthy family.约瑟夫班克斯是一个富贵家庭的儿子,生来就享受着特别待遇的生活。2_Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.是约瑟夫班克斯把英国皇家植物园变成了科技和经济研究中心。1Born into 2.It was知识详解知识详解1.appetite n.【教材原句】(P30)Many young men in his position would lead a cosy life,but young Banks had an appetite for knowle

5、dge.许多像他这样有地位的年轻人过的是舒适安逸的生活,而小班克斯却有着渴求 知识的欲望。(1)n.欲望;食欲;胃口(朗文 P81)Both of my kids have a healthy appetite.我的两个孩子胃口都很好。(牛津 P80)He suffered from headaches and loss of appetite.他患有头疼和食欲不振。(2)have an appetite for.渴求;喜爱He has a great appetite for knowledge.他求知欲很强。He has an appetite for wealth/power.他渴求财富

6、/权利。have a desire for 渴求have a thirst for 渴求have a hunger for 渴望;渴求 思维拓展 即境活用1完成句子(1)When I was ill,I completely_(没有食欲)答案:lost my appetite(2)The long walk gave him_(食欲旺盛)答案:a good appetite(3)He_(喜爱)learning.答案:has an appetite for2. appoint vt.【教材原句】 (P31)In 1768,the Royal Navy appointed James Cook a

7、s the commander of the Endeavour to take members of the Royal Society on an expedition to Tahiti.1768 年,英国皇家海军任命詹姆斯库克为“奋力号”船长,带领皇家学会成员返征塔希提岛。(1)任命(牛津 P82)They have appointed a new head teacher at my sons school.我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。(牛津 P82)They appointed him(as) captain of the English team.他们任命他为英格兰队队长。

8、(2)约定(时间、地点等)(牛津 P82)A date for the meeting is still to be appointed.会议日期尚待确定。 思维拓展(牛津 P82)She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor.她为儿子约定了看医生的时间。The time appointed for the meeting was ten oclock.约定的开会时间是十点。 即境活用2.In order to increase the sales,the company has _ a new sales director.Ach

9、osen BappointedCelected Dmade解析:选 B。appoint sb.“任命某人担任” 。3(2011 年武汉模拟)Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer,so he is often _ to finish some challenging tasks.Aappreciated BapproachedCappointed Dagreed解析:选 C。appoint sb.to do sth.“指派某人做” 。3. distinguish vi.& vt. 区别;辨别;显示特征;清楚地看见【教材原句】(P36)Car

10、eful observation and the ability to distinguish between characteristics lie at the heart of being a good scientist.仔细观察和区分事物的特征是成为好科学家最基本的素质。(朗文 P588)The twins are so alike its difficult to distinguish one from the other.这对双胞胎太像了,很难分辨谁是谁。(牛津 P580)At what age are children able to distinguish between

11、right and wrong?儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非?(牛津 P580)What was it that distinguished her from her classmates?是什么使她有别于她的同学?(牛津 P580)She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.作为运动员她已享有盛名。He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics.他在经济学方面的知识是卓越的。 即境活用4完成句子信不信由你,我羡慕你卓越的成就。Believe it or not ,I_.答案:adm

12、ire your distinguished achievements4. expense n U费用,支出;损失 C经费,支出金额;花费的东西【教材原句】 (P31).,it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition.英国政府赞助了这次考察中天文学部分所需的设备和经费。cut down expenses 节省开支spare no expense 不计成本at ones own expense 自费at the expense o

13、f.由支付费用,以为代价at any expense/cost 无论花费多少,无论作出怎样的牺牲思维拓展(朗文 P706)He did not want to devote more time to his business at the expense of his family.他不想牺牲家庭以在生意上投入更多的时间。As our money is tight,we have been trying to cut down expenses to keep the company going.由于资金很紧张,我们一直在努力节省开支以保持公司运转。They had spared no exp

14、ense to make the party a great success.为了让晚会成功他不惜费用。He finished the job at the expense of his health.他完成了那项工作,但却损害了健康。 即境活用5Mary has always been doing well in that company.Tomorrow she will go on a trip to Europe,_.Aall expenses paid Ball expenses payingCpaying all expenses Dpaid all expenses解析:选 A。

15、这是一个独立主格结构,意为“公司付钱” 。6.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living_.Abills BexpensesCprices Dcharges解析:选 B。句意:每月一千美元不是很大一笔钱,但却会帮助我们支付生活费用。expenses(支出花销)常用来指日常开销;本句中与 living 搭配,表生活开销。bills(账单)常与 pay 连用,表支付应还的钱;prices 价格;charges 收费。5. abandon n 放任;放纵vt. 遗弃;抛弃;丢弃;放弃;中止;(与 oneself 连用)使放纵,使听任【教材原句】 (P31)In growing stra


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