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1、小学六年级下学期英语结业试卷小学六年级下学期英语结业试卷听力部分:40%一、选择你所听到的单词,将字母代号填入括号内:(10 分) ( ) 1. A. his B. is C. sit ( ) 2. A. food B. foot C. look ( ) 3. A. us B. use C. bus ( ) 4. A. tea B. sea C. dear ( ) 5. A. whose B. who C. shoe ( ) 6. A. fine B. kind C. cat ( ) 7. A. leg B. let C. bed ( ) 8. A. hat B. cap C. sad ( )

2、 9. A. got B. not C. hot ( )10. A. take B. lake C. cake二、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母代号填入括号内. (7 分) ( ) 1. A. pupil B. people C. paper ( ) 2. A. son B. sun C. some ( ) 3. A. tree B. sweet C. street ( ) 4. A. right B. write C. white ( ) 5. A. coat B. cant C. count ( ) 6. A. cake B. take C. make ( ) 7. A. thank

3、B. think C. thin三、听句子,根据其意思,选择适当的回答。(12 分) ( )1. A. Thank you. B. Yes, I can. ( )2. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. ( )4. A. Yes,it is B. Its in Hunan ( )5.A .Good afternoon. B. Good evening. ( )6. A. Im from China.B. Im 12. 四、选择你所听到的句子。(12 分) ( )1. A. What do you do at weekends? B. What do you do

4、at home?( )2. A. Can I help you? B. Can I help her? ( )3. A. Whats the price of this box? B. Whats the price of this pencil-box?( )4. A. Could you tell me the way to the nearest bank? B. Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office? ( )5. A. What does Bobs father do? B. What does Jims father

5、 do? ( )6. A. My sister is a young woman. B. My teacher is a young woman. 笔试部分: 60%一、选择 am, is, are 填空。(10 分)(1) Where your parents? They in the supermarket. (2) There a pen on the desk. There some milk in the bottle. (3) That an eraser. Those buses. (4) My father 42 years old. (5) How are you? I fi

6、ne. (6) What these? (7) Where my shoes?二、找出不同类的单词。(10 分) 1. morning, coming,going _ 2. table,coffee , milk _ 3. pencil,shop, clock _ 4. thin, tall, yellow _ 5. jeans,camera, shirt _ 6. six,fifty, fine _ 7. Korea, New York, Brazil 8.USA, China, David 9. red, blue, colour 10. Carson, Smith, Mrs 三选择 wh

7、o, which, where, what, whose, how old, how, how many 填空。 (8 分) (1) A: is Linda from? B: England.(2) A: is that man? B: Hes my uncle.(3) A: is your sister? B: Shes eleven. (4) A: friends have you? B: I have four. (5) A: are you? B: Im OK, thanks. (6) A: book is this? B: Its mine. (7) A: boy is your b

8、rother? B: That thin boy. (8) A: is that? B: Its my pencil-box.四、根据汉语要求选择正确的英语句子。(8 分) ( )1. 今天天气很好,咱们散散步吧。 A. Its fine today. Lets go for a walk.B. Its a bad day today. Lets go on foot. ( )2. 你去买东西时,售货员会问你 ? A. What can I do for you? B. What do you like? ( )3. 你向别人介绍自己的老师时,你说_ A. Kate, this is my t

9、eacher. B. Kate, this teacher is my. ( )4. 你去医院看病时,医生要问你:_A. Whats wrong with you? B. Whats this?五、给下列句子选择合适的应答句,将答句前的字母代号填入括号内:(10 分)( ) 1. Which grade are you in? A. Its a computer. ( ) 2. Where are you from? B. Im in Grade Six. ( ) 3.Whats Jims telephone number? C. Glad to meet you, too. ( ) 4. H

10、ow are you? D. Its 8943-5634. ( ) 5. Glad to meet you. E. Yes, there is . ( )6.Is Miss Yang your teacher? F.Yes, I am ( ) 7. Bye, have a nice day. G. I am from Changsha. ( ) 8. Is there a pen in your bag? H. Thanks a lot, you too.( ) 9.What is this? I. Im fine. ( )10.Are you in my English class? J.

11、No, she isnt.六、选择填空。(10 分) ( )1. What _doing? A. are they B. do they C. does they ( )2. Are you a student? _. A. Yes,Im. B. No,I not. C. Yes,I am. ( )3. What does that woman do? _. A. Shes a teacher. B. Shes Nans mother. C. Her name is Nan. ( )4. What colour are your new pencils? _. A. Their red. B.

12、 Theyre red. C. Theyre colour red. ( )5. Miss Li is teaching _Chinese. A. their B. they C. them ( )6. Would you like to leave a message?_ A. Sorry,shes out. B. OK. C. Excuse me.( )7. _pencils do you want?Two. A. How much B. How many C. How old( )8. _? Fine,thank you. And you? A. Can I help you? B. How do you do? C. How are you?( )9._cap is this? Its _. A. Whose;mine B. Who is;my C. Whos;mine( )10._is the man over there? Hes Toms brother. A. What B. Where C. Who 七、补全对话。(每空一词)(4 分) A:Good afrernoon!Can _ _you? B:Yes,please. I_



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