高中高中英语必修4 Unit3重点词语及短语解析教案

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1、Unit3 A taste of English humourWarming Up,Pre-reading,Reading重点词语及短语解析重点词语及短语解析 1. feel vt. (1) 触,摸: She felt the dogs nose. 他摸狗的鼻子。 (2)感觉; 觉得 He began to feel uneasy. 他开始感到不安。 How are you feeling today, Mrs. Brown? 布朗太太,你今天觉得怎么样? I dont feel like sleeping, 我不想睡。 2. be content with adj.对满意的,满足的,安心的

2、Are you content with your present salary? 你对你目前的薪金满意吗? Are you content to go there alone? 你愿意一个人去那儿吗? 词语拓展词语拓展 (1)contents n. 内容,内部所有之物,目录 Are you content with the contents of the novel? 你对小说的内容满意吗? (2)content n. 不可数名词,满意的状态,满意 He lives in peace and content. 他生活于和平与满足之中。 to ones hearts content 尽情地,心

3、满意足 On Sundays children play in the park to their hearts content. 星期天孩子们在公园里尽情地玩耍。 3. astonish vt.使惊讶;使惊骇;使惊愕 We are astonished at his improvement. 他进步之快,令我们惊讶。 The barbarian customs of the villagers astonished us. 村民的野鸾习俗令我们吃惊。 词语拓展词语拓展 astonishing adj.令人惊讶的; astonished adj. 感到惊讶的; astonishment n.

4、惊讶,惊骇。 4. unfortunate 不幸的: She is an unfortunate woman. 她是个不幸的女人。 词语拓展词语拓展fortunate adj. 幸运的=lucky fortunately adv. 幸运地=luckily Fortunately for him, he has passed. 对他来说幸运的是,他过关了。 unfortunate adj. 不幸的,=unlucky unfortunately adv. 不幸地=unluckily 5. worse (1)adj. 更坏的 She got worse last night. 她昨天的情况恶化了。

5、What is worse 更坏的是 What was worse, it was getting cold. 更坏的是,天渐渐冷起来了。 (2)adv. 更坏地,更恶劣地 It is raining worse than ever. 雨下更大了。 词语拓展词语拓展 badly off 穷困的,潦倒的,是 worse off 的原级;well off 是 badly off 的反义词。 He is badly off while his brother is well off. 他过着穷困潦倒的生活而他的哥哥过着富裕的生活。 bad, badly 和 ill 的比较级都是 worse; wor

6、se still = what is worse =to make matters worse 更坏的是 worsen v.t.使更糟糕 be bad at sth.不擅长于 He is bad at English. 他不擅长英语。 be bad for sth. 对有坏处 Dont read in bed. It is bad for your eyes. 不要躺在床上读书。那样对你的眼有害。 be bad to sb.待某人不好 Her stepmother is bad to her. 她的继母虐待她。 do badly in sth.在方面做得不好 He did badly in t

7、he exam yesterday. 昨天他考得不好。 6. ordinary (1)adj. 普通的;正常的 He attended the party in ordinary dress. 他穿着便服去赴宴。 (2)中下等的;平凡的;平常的 an ordinary letter 平信 7. bore v.t.使(某人)感到无聊、厌烦 His stories bored me very much. 他的事使我感到非常厌烦。词语拓展词语拓展 bore sb. to death 使某人极度厌烦 boring adj. 无聊的,令人厌烦的 bored adj. 感到厌烦的,感到无聊的 I am b

8、ored; lets go to the cinema. 我闷了,咱们看电影去吧。 boredom n. 厌烦,无聊,厌倦 8. entertain vt. (1)使娱乐;助兴 They gave a dance to entertain their guests. 他们跳了一个舞以娱嘉宾。 (2)招待 We entertained them for dinner. 我们招待他们吃晚餐。 词语拓展词语拓展 entertaining adj. 令人愉快的,有趣的 an entertaining film 一部令人愉快的电影 entertained adj. 感到愉快的 entertainment

9、 娱乐,款待;娱乐活动(常用复数) entertainer n.表演者,艺人 9. throughout (1) prep.遍及;在全部 期间 Pauls songs are popular throughout the world. 保罗的歌在全世界都很受欢迎。 (2)adv. 各地;全部 The house is well built throughout. 这整幢房子都建筑得很好。 自始至终: The soldier stood perfectly still throughout. 士兵自始至终站着不动。 10. failure n. (1)失败 His failure disappo

10、inted his father. 他的失败使他父亲失望。 Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。 (2)衰败;减退 the failure of health 健康衰退 词语拓展词语拓展 fail sth. =fail in sth. =fail to do sth.做某事失败了 11. pick out (1)挑选出;拣出 Let me pick out some good ones for you. 让我来替你挑几个好的。 The best students have been picked out. 最好的学生已挑选好了。 (2)辨认出Its

11、 easy to pick him out in a crowd because he is very tall. 很容易从人群中辨认出他,因为他个子很高。 词语拓展词语拓展 pick vt.剔,挖;采摘 She is picking her teeth. 她在剔牙。 Dont pick the flowers in the garden. 不要采摘花园里的花。 pick up 捡起,接,便宜地得到 The bus stopped and picked up many people. 车停了,上来好多人。 She picked up many goods in the market. 她在市场

12、里买了好多便宜货。 12. cut off 切断,砍掉,剪下: Our water supply has been cut off. 我们断水了。 Be careful not to cut your finger off. 小心别切断了手指头。 词语拓展词语拓展 cut 切,割,剪,砍 The boy cut his finger while playing with his knife. 你孩子玩刀子时划破了手指头。 cut out 剪裁,删掉 She is cutting out a dress. 她在剪裁一件连衣裙。 You can cut out the unimportant de

13、tails. 你可以删除那些不重要的细节。 cut down 砍到,减少 Please cut the trousers down. 请把裤子改短。 He cut his article down to 1000 words. 他把文章缩减到一千字。 cut up 切碎 Please cut the meat up before making dumplings. 在包饺子之前先把肉切碎。 cutinto 把切成 Cut the apple into halves, thirds, quarters. 把苹果切成两半,三瓣,四瓣等。 cut short She cut her hair sho

14、rt. 她把头发剪短了。 cut in 插话 Dont cut in a word, please. 请不要插话。a short cut 捷径 13. convince 使相信;说服 I am convinced of its truth. 我相信他的真实性。 词语拓展词语拓展 convincing 使人相信的;说服人的 convinced 感到相信的;被说服的 14. direct 指导,指挥;监督;命令;书写;指向 The teacher directed the work of his students. 老师指导学生做作业。 I would act rather than direct

15、. 我宁愿当演员而不愿当导演。 词语拓展词语拓展 direct speech 直接引语 indirect speech 间接引语 director 导演,主任,董事长; direction 指导,说明书(常用复数): He did the work under my direction. 他在我的指导下做这件事。 in the direction of 朝着的方向 He walked in the direction of me. 他朝我走来。 15. star in 在中担任主角 Liu Dehua starred in the film A world without thieves. 刘

16、德华在天下无贼中担任主角。 词语拓展词语拓展 star sb. in 使某人在中担任主角: Zhang Yimou wanted to star Zhou Jielun in his new film. 张艺谋想让周杰伦在他的新电影中担任主角。 star n. 恒星,星星,明星: There are many stars in the sky on a clear night. 在晴朗的夜空里有许多星星。 Liu Xiaoqing is a famous film star. 刘晓庆是一个著名的电影明星。 a five-star hotel 一家五星级宾馆 16. outstanding adj.著名的;显著的: He is an outstanding scholar. 他是个著名的学者。 词语拓展 stand out 突出,显眼 His work stands out fro


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