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1、 中文摘要中文摘要我国新型农村合作医疗制度自实施以来取得了很大的成效,但是在实施过 程中也产生了一些新的问题。存在的问题有:自愿参加原则导致农民筹资不足。 新型农村合作医疗主要是对农民的门诊和住院费用进行一定比例的减免,在制度 设计上相对简单,并且受筹资水平的限制,保障程度一般较低,难以满足农民多层 次的医疗服务和医疗保障需求。从另一个角度看,由于不同特征人群的医药费用 呈明显的偏态分布(即医药费用主要集中在部分人群中),大部分人在短时间内 并没有直接的疾病经济风险。因此,在现阶段若完全依靠自愿,很容易出现老弱 病残者参加合作医疗而青壮年不参加的逆选择现象。计划经济时期的合作 医疗虽然也是坚持

2、自愿参加的原则,但是在当时自上而下要求推广这一制度的情 况下,在合作医疗费的收取上仍具有一定的强制性,且集体经济为合作医疗获得 相对稳定的资金来源提供了制度上的保证。综上所述,由于新农合制度在运行过程中未能紧密联系农村实际情况,再 加上缺乏必要的政策影响以及相应的借鉴,从而约束了新型农村合作医疗制度 的发展。本文通过对当前农村实际情况的分析,提出了有关新型农村合作医疗 制度的几点思考。关键词:新型农村合作医疗制度;问题;思考本科毕业论文2AbstractAbstractSince the new type of rural cooperative medical system pushed f

3、orward, it has made great progress,but it has also produced some problems in the process of being implemented.There are some problems: Voluntary principle leads to peasants financing shortage. New rural cooperative medical system is mainly to the clinic and hospital fees for a certain proportion of

4、relief, in the design of the system is relatively simple, and by the level of funding constraints, security level is generally low, difficult to meet the farmer of multi-level medical service and medical security needs.From another perspective, due to the different characteristics of population medi

5、cal costs were skewed distribution(i.e.,medical expenses,mainly concentrated in the crowd),most of the people in a short peirod of time and there is no direct disease economic risk. Therefore, at this stage, if rely entirely on voluntary, appear very easily vulnerable persons participating in the co

6、operative medical treatment and the young do not attend to the“ adverse selection“ phenomenon. The planned economy period of cooperative medical care while also adhere to the principle of voluntary participation, but at the time of top-down requirements to promote this system, in cooperation with th

7、e medical fees charged still possesses certain mandatory, and 本科毕业论文3collective economy as cooperative medical obtain relatively stable sources of funding system provides the guarantee. To sum up, as a result of the new rural cooperative medical system in the operation process of the failed to close

8、 contact situation in rural areas, coupled with the lack of necessary policy influence and corresponding reference, so as to restrict the development of the new rural cooperative medical system. Based on the current rural situation analysis, put forward the new rural cooperative medical system sever

9、al ponders.Key word :The new type of rural cooperative medical system ;problems ; thinking本科毕业论文4目目 录录中文摘要.2Abstract.3引言.51.建设社会主义新农村必须建立医疗保障制度.61.1 医疗卫生基础薄弱仍然是普遍现象.61.2 疾病预防滞后仍然是突出问题.61.3 农民医疗保障短缺仍然是关注重点.72.建立医疗保障制度必须建设社区卫生服务网络.72.1 把医院建在农民身边.72.2 把诊费恢复公益性质.82.3 把医保纳入改善民生.83.建设社区卫生服务网络必须以人为本.93.1 让农民得到实惠.93.2 让环境得到保护.93.3.1 实现人与自然的和谐.103.3.2 实现农民素质提高.103.3.3 实现改革成果共享.11结束语.11参考文献.12谢辞.13本科毕业论文5引言引言上个世纪 70 年代,我国在农村创办了以建设赤脚医生队伍为主要内容的合 作医疗制度。虽然当时是文化大革命时期, “左”的思想给各行各业带来了致命 的灾难,但赤脚医生在农村的客观存在,大大缓解了农村缺医少药的局面,显 著改善了农村人口的健康水平。然而,改革开放以后,各种合作医


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