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1、1.议论文的模式a.单边支持型作者提出一个赞同或反对题目中论点的单方观点, 然后举出之处该观点的理由. 具体结构:Introduction: your opinion of the issue (agree or disagree)Main body: A.reason/support 1B.reason/support 2C.reason/support 3Conclusion: summary of your opinion and reasons/supportb.双边支持型作者提出一个认为正方或反方都有利有弊的中立型观点, 然后分析论述双方的优点和缺点, 最后达成一个平衡的结局. 具体

2、结构如下:Introduction: your opinion of the issue(neutral/ impartial)Main body: A.advantagesB.disadvantagesConclusion: summary of your opinion and advantages/disadvantagesc.分析解决型这种模式有一种前提条件, 即题目中提出一个社会问题或现象. 作者先提出自己对该问题的看法, 然后再分析其产生的原因和引起的后果,最后提出对该问题或现象的一些解决的方法. 具体结构如下:Introduction: your opinion of the p

3、roblem/ phenomenonMain body: A.causes of the problem/ phenomenonB.effects of the problem/ phenomenonC.solution of the problem/ phenomenonConclusion: summary of the problem/ phenomenon and its causes, effects and solutionsStructure planning1. Introduction (30-60 words)factor 1: restatement of the iss

4、ue (题目中提出的问题的重述)factor 2: your opinion of the issue (表明你自己的观点)factor 3: layout of the main body (文章的主体段落布局的预先交代)2.Main bodyUse examples to support your ideas3.Conclusion (30-50 words)Function 1: 使用一些表示结论的连接词来表明文章接近尾声Function 2: 给出作者对论题的最终性的思考和评价Function 3: 对文章提出的论点进行斟酌和权衡, 并强调和突出作者自己的观点.议论文写作常用套语1.a

5、t present, currently, lately, recently, nowadays, these years, in the past / next several decades, over the last several years 目前、当前、近来、现今、这些年、在过去几十年里、过去几年来2.With the rapid, marked, amazing, eye-catching, remarkable, fantastic development/ progress/ growth/ advance/ improvement of , great changes ha

6、ve taken place in 3.随着经济、社会、工业、生活水平的快速、显著、惊人的、令人瞩目的发展、进步、增长、提高,发生了巨大变化。4.as develop 随着的发展5.Along with the development of , more and more. 随着的发展,越来越多6.as living tempo/pace quickens 随着生活节奏的加快7.A public debate has arisen as to(about) the phenomenon of 关于的现象引发了一场公众争论。8.There is a long-running debate as

7、to whether 关于是否有一场持久论战。9.Those who criticize/oppose/object to/ are against smoking contend/ argue/hold that but people who advocate/favor/are for, on the other hand, maintain/ assert/ claim that批评/反对的人争论/认为,但是赞成/支持.的人则认为/声称Those who criticize smoking argue that smoking is bad for your health, but pe

8、ople who advocate smoking, on the other hand, maintain that Some argue/ hold that, but others set forth a totally different argument about the issue of 有些人争论/认为, 但另外一些人则对的问题提出了完全不同的观点。10.The other side of the coin has voiced strong opposition saying that 争论的另一方发表了强烈的反对声音,声称11.Some people advocate th

9、at They claim that My opinion is identical with theirs.有些人赞成他们声称我的看法和他们一致。12.Personally, I side with the former/latter opinion. 就个人而言,我赞同前者/后者的看法。013.As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that 就我而言,我赞同的观点。14.For my part, I completely agree with the former/latter. 至于我, 我完全同意前者/后者的观点。

10、15.I fully agree with the statement that the reasons are mainly/ chiefly as follows: 我完全同意,主要理由如下16.My argument for this view goes as follows: 我关于这个观点的论证如下:17.There is considerable evidence in favor of 有相当多的证据支持.18.firstly, first, in the first place, first of all, to begin with 首先19.secondly, beside

11、s, in addition to, furthermore, moreover 再者/其次20.finally, last of all, last but least, lastly 最后21.It can not be denied that 不可否认的是22.Nowadays, it is generally/widely/commonly/prevalently accepted that 目前,经常/广泛/普遍认为的是23.It goes without saying that 毫无疑问的是24.There is no denying that 不可否认的是25.Undeniabl

12、e, is good in many aspects, however, it has its disadvantages, too. For one thing, it; for another, it 不可否认的是,.在很多方面是好的,然而,它也有不利之处。首先其次26.in general, on the whole, generally 总的说来27.all in all 总而言之28.in brief, in summary, in sum, in conclusion, in short, in a word 总而言之/综上所述29.To sun up, to conclude,

13、to summarize 总而言之/综上所述30.Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to/ draw the conclusion that 从所提供的证据来看, 我们可以得出以下结论31.From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that 从以上所讨论的来看, 我们可以得出以下结论32.For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the no

14、tion that 根据以上所述的理由, 我坚决同意这个观点。33.All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that 所有的证据证明了一个不可动摇的观点。34.All the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that所有的证据证明了一个千真万确的结论To conclude my essay, I would like to quote an old saying 我想引用一句古老的谚语来结束我的文章。1. at the turn of the century 在世纪之交2. At th

15、e mercy of the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology, there are rapid changes/development in all aspects of our daily lives.受益于日益发展的现代科学技术, 我们日常生活的方方面面都发生了巨大的变化.3. Recently, this phenomenon has aroused wide concern. 最近这个想象引起了广泛关注.4.Personally, I stand on the side of 就我个人而言, 我支持5.People

16、 from different background, put different interpretations on the same thing. 然而不同背景的人对同一事物却有不同的看法. 6.to be frank, frankly / honestly speaking, 7.There is a good side and a bad side to everything and that includes 任何事情都有好的一面和坏的一面, 这包括8. is a two-edged sword. 是一把双刃剑.9.Just as the proverb goes, “Every coin has its two sides.” is no exception.正如谚语所说的 “每个硬币都有两面”. 也不例外.10.To achieve the


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