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1、词组: 酒店入住 check in 结账退宿 check out 房卡 key card 单人间 single room 双人间 double room 服务生 porter 标准 standard stndd room/twin room 小费/给小费 tip 房间预定 room reservation ,rezvein 商务标准间 business standard room 无烟标准间 non smoking room 豪华标准间 deluxe dlks standard room现代酒店英语实务教程现代酒店英语实务教程 01 Room Reservation(客房预订)(客房预订) 八

2、八.经典对话经典对话 -Good morning! Room reservations, may I help you? 早上好,客房预订部,我能帮您什么吗? -Yes, Id like to reserve a room. 是的,我想预定一个房间。 -Thank you, sir. For which date and how many person will there be in your party? 请问您预定哪一天的,人数是多少呢? -From April,16th to 20th. Just my wife and myself. 从 4 月 16 日到 20 日,只有我和我老婆

3、。 -From April, 16th to 20th. And which kind of room would you prefer, sir? 从 4 月 16 日到 20 日的,那您想预定什么类型的房间呢? -A twin, please. 标准间。 -Could you hold the line please. I will check our room availability ,veilbilti. Thank you for waiting sir. We have a twin room at 180 dollars per night. Would that be all

4、 right? 请稍等一下,我得核实一下是否有合适的房间。让您久等了,我们有一个标准间, 房费是每晚 180 美元,这个可以吗? -Ok, Ill take it. 好的,我就预定这个房间了。 -Thank you, sir. May I have your name and phone number, please? 谢谢,能告知您的名字和电话号码吗? -Sure, my name is Aron Johnson. My phone number is 32425827. 可以,我的名字是 Aron Johnson。我的电话号码是 32425827。 - Thank you Mr. John

5、son. May I know your arrival time on April, 16th. 谢谢,能告诉我您 4 月 16 日大概几点到吗? -Around 9pm. 大概是晚上九点。 -Mr. Johnson. For the unguaranteed reservation, we can only hold the room by 6pm. Because it is the peak season now. If you make the guaranteed reservation, we can hold the room overnight. Would you like

6、 to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card? Johnson 先生,对于无保证金的预定,我们只能为您保留房间到晚上 6 点,因为现 在是高峰期。如果您交了保证金了,我们可以保留整晚。请问您想通过信用证卡来 支付这个保证金吗? -Fine, do you accept American express? 可以,你们接受美国运通卡吗?-Yes, may i know the number? 接受的,请问卡号是多少? -Its 134948. 卡号是 134948。 -Thank you Mr. Johnson. Youve made guara

7、nteed reservation in Guozhou Hotel. From April,16th to 20th for five nights. If you cant arrive at scheduled. Please inform us before 6pm on April, 16th. Thank you for calling. And we look forward to serving you. 谢谢 Johnson 先生,您在酒店预定的房间是从 4 月 16 日至 20 日,一共 5 晚。如果 您不能按照计划敢过来,请您在 4 月 16 日晚上六点之前通知我们。谢谢

8、您的来电。 我们期待您的带来并为您提供服务。九九. 常用句型百宝箱常用句型百宝箱 1)预定基本应对: 1. Do you have one single room for two nights? 我想订俩个晚上的单人房一间行吗? 2. Room reservations, can I help you?/ Reservations, can I help you? 客房预订部可以为你效劳吗? 3. Id like to reserve a room. 我想订个房间。 4.How many nights do you wish to stay?您希望住几晚? 5. How much is the

9、 room?房租是多少钱? 6. Which date will that be?要订在什么时候? 7. How many guests will there be in your party?您一行有多少人? 8. May I know your name? May I know your phone number? May I know your email? 能告诉我您的姓名电话和电子邮件吗? 9. How do you spell that?请问怎么拼写? 10. Could you hold the line please. I will check our room availab

10、ility. 请别挂断好吗, 我来查一下是否有空房间。 11. Thank you for waiting sir/ Thank you for waiting madam. 让您久等了先生 让您久等了女士 12. I will arrive late but please keep my reservation. 我会晚一点到达,请保留我预定的房间。 13. Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card? 您愿意用信用卡来担保预定吗? 14. Id like to confirm your reservation

11、. 我想再确认一下您的预定。2)海外预定 1. May I have your airline and flight number, please? 请告诉我您搭乘的航空公司和班机号码号码? 2. We offer free transportation to and from the airport. 我们提供免费的机场送迎服务。 3. We have a counter at the airport. Our representative ,reprizenttiv will escort you to the car.我们在机场设有柜台, 到时将有代表护送您上车。 4. Do you k

12、now your arrival time at the airport, sir?您知道您抵达机场的时间吗?5. Do you mean local time?您指的是当地时间吗? 6. Where can we contact you in Guangzhou? 在广州我们可以经由哪个单位和您联络? 7. care of *company. The phone number is * 可以经由某某公司取得联络,他们的电话号码是 8. We look forward to serving you. Have a safe trip. 我们期待为您服务。祝您旅途平安。3)对房间和床具的偏好 1

13、. What kind of room would you prefer?你想要什么样的房间 2. Id like to reserve a room with the sea view./mountain mauntin view. 我想订一间看得到海/山的房间 3.Id like a room with a very large bed/ Id like a room with a very large balcony blkni. 我想要一间有大床的房间/我想要一间有阳台的房间 4. Certainly, sir. We will book you into a room with th

14、e queen size bed/the king size bed. 好的先生,我们会为您登记一间有大号床(双人床)的房间/ 特大号床的房间4)房价和付款事项 1. A single room is 80 US dollars per night with ten percent tax and ten percent service charge.单人房每晚 80 美金外加 10%的税金和 10%的服务费。 2.We have a double at 800 Hong kong dollars and 1000 Hong kong dollars available . Which one

15、 would you prefer? 我们有价格在 800 到 1000 元港币的大床间, 您喜欢哪一种呢? 3. Does the price include breakfast?这个价钱包括早餐吗? 4. Im afraid we have no credit arrangement with your company. We will need an advance pass by bank drive or in cash before the reservation date. 恐怕我们和贵公司没有信用贷款的协定,您得在预定日期之前预先送来银行汇票或 现金作为定金。 5. We of

16、fer special range for your company, sir. For a single room there is 15% discount. 我们酒店为贵公司提供特价先生。单人房可以打 8.5 折 6. Shall we charge this to your company? 我们是向贵公司收费吗? 7. Which department of your company should bill be made out to ? 我们应该将账单送到贵公司的哪个部门? 8.Do you accept credit card/ do you accept travellers check. 你们酒店接受信用卡吗 你们酒店接受旅行支票吗5)指定的房间没空缺或酒店客满 1. Im afraid we have no twin room available bu


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