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1、6.3 位置状语在句子中的位置相对灵活,即它可以置于句首、句中或句尾。6.3.1 句首状语(1)评注意义状语主要置于句首1. Frankly, I dont like it.坦白地说,我不喜欢它。 (也可以说,I dont like it, frankly)2. Confidentially , I dont want the money,.作为机密,我不要这笔钱。3. You know, I think you are wrong.你知道,我认为你错了。4. Personally, I dont like the color of the coat.就个人而言,我不喜欢这外套的颜色。5. A

2、ccording to John, Mary is now in London.据约翰称,玛丽现在在伦敦。6. To tell the truth, Mary has already backed out.实话告诉你,玛丽已经退出比赛。7. Generally speaking, it will take three hours to get the result.一般说来,要三个小时才能有结果。8. Most important, how shall we negotiate with them.最重要的是,如何与他们谈判。9. Whats more, we should make out

3、decision as soon as possible.更重要的是,必须尽快做出决定。(2)连接意义的状语主要置于所连接分句的句首 1. He was too ill to stay. Accordingly we sent him home.他病重不能久留,于是我们把他送回了家。2. Thus we see that plants need light.因此我们看到植物需要光。3. In short, the subject is one of the most important parts of a sentence.简而言之,主语是句子最重要的部分之一。(3)修饰意义状语在少数情况下

4、置于句首。修饰性状语表原因置于句首。如:1. As a newsboy, he knew everything about being poor.由于他是个报童,他深知贫困是怎么回事。2. Now that you are grown up, you should wash your clothes.既然你已经长大了,你就自己洗衣服吧。3. Because he was a man of principle, even him opponents respected him.他是个讲原则的人,就连反对他的人也尊敬他。4. Since Mr Fox is ill, he has to cance

5、l the appointment.福克斯先生病了,不得不取消约会。修饰性状语表时间置于句首。如:1. When the rain stopped, we set out.雨停了,我们就出发。2. After taking my name and address, he asked me a lot of questions.他把我的姓名和住址记下后,还问了我许多问题。 (置于句首)3. When two or more computers are linked together to share files and electronic mail, they form a network.两

6、台以上电脑连结在一起共享文件和电子邮件时,就形成了一个网络。4. Once youve finished, go to bed.你干完了在睡觉。5. At seven we have breakfast.我们 7 点吃早饭。修饰性状语表地点置于句首。如:1. There she goes, driving too fast ass usual.她走了,车还是开得太快。2. Where food is hard to find, few birds remain there.在难找到食物的地方,就很少鸟逗留。3. Everywhere they appeared there were ovati

7、ons.不管他们出现在哪,都收到热烈欢迎。修饰性状语表目的置于句首。如:1. So that everyone could hear, they used a loud-hailer.为了使人人都能听到,他们使用了扩音器。2. In order that he would be warm, he built a fire.为了暖和身子,他生起了火。3. In order to get into a good school, I must study even harder.为了考入一个好的学校,我必须更加用功。4. So that the coming generation can learn

8、 the martial arts, he has recently devoted much time to writing books on the subject.为了下一代能够学会这些武术,他近来花了很多时间著书立说。修饰性状语表条件置于句首。如:1. In case of rain bring your raincoat with you.以防下雨,带上雨衣。2. Unless you oil the motor regularly, it wont run smoothly.如果不给发动机经常加润滑油,它就不会顺利运转。3Provided you sign the receipt,

9、 I will pay you the money.如果你在收据上签个字,我就付你钱。5. Assuming that you are right, well make a great deal of money from the project.假定你是正确的,那我们将会从这项工程中赚很多钱。6. If necessary, ring me at home.必要时可打电话到我家找我。修饰性状语表让步置于句首。如:1. Though it was only nine oclock, there were few people in the street.虽然才九点钟,可街上已没什么人了。2.

10、Child as he was, he saved the city.他虽然是个孩子,却拯救了这个城市。3. Despite the difficulties, they finished the job.尽管困难重重,他们还是把工作完成了。4. For all his money, he didnt seem happy.他尽管有钱,但似乎并不幸福。5. In spite of the setbacks, the conditions of blacks are improving.尽管遭到种种挫折,黑人的状况人在改善。6. For all his money, he didnt seem

11、happy.他尽管有钱,但似乎并不幸福。7. Although he got little from his job, he refused to look for a better one.虽然他的工作收入不多,但是他拒绝找一份收入更好的工作。6.3.2 句中和句尾状语(1)修饰意义状语主要位于句中或句尾表示方式1. Jane writes with her left hand.简用左手写字。2. She looked at him concernedly.她关切地看着他。3. Dont look at me like that!不要那样看人。4.He smiled in an encour

12、aging way.他微笑着以示鼓励。5. He worked carefully, as an expert works.他干得很谨慎,就像一个专家一样。6. You ought to write as he does.你应该像他那样写字。7.You answer as if you did not know the rule.你回答问题好像不知道这条规则似的。8.She closed her eyes as though she were tired.她闭上眼睛,好像她累了表示程度1. Her heart beat so that she could hardly breathe.她的心跳

13、得几乎喘不过去来。2. A computer is intelligent only to the extent that it can store information.计算机的智能只限于它能存储信息。表示原因1. I lent him the money because he needed it.我借给他钱因为他需要钱。2. She stayed at home as she had no car.她因为没有车而呆在家里。3. It is still in excellent condition considering that it was built 600 years ago.它还

14、保护完好,要知道它是 600 年前建的。4. I do remember, now that you mention it.你这一提,我倒确是想起来了。表示结果1. Tom shook the young tree so violently that it was snapped.汤姆拼命摇小树,结果树“啪”地断了。2. I was in the bath, with the result that I didnt hear the telephone.我在洗澡,所以没听见电话铃声。3. His angry was such that he lost control of himself.他勃

15、然大怒,以致不能自制。表示比较1. She looks paler than she used to.她脸色比以前更苍白了。2. He woke up as suddenly as he had fallen asleep.他醒来的和入睡一样突然。3. I can walk faster than you can run.我可以走得比你跑的还要快。4. I like tea while she likes coffee.我喜欢茶,而他喜欢咖啡。5. She arrived earlier than necessary.她提早到了。(2)连接意义状语偶尔在句中或句尾出现。例如:1She has

16、high responsibilities, and equally, a high salary.2. I dont enjoy tennis, and I dont much like swimming either.3. Lets wait for them. At the same time, we can make some preparations.4. He said he was certain. However, he was wrong.他说他肯定,然而他错了。5. Lets meet at the school gate. By the way, do you know whether Bob will come?让我们在学校大门碰面。顺便问一下,你知道鲍勃会来吗?(3)删节意义的状语总是置于句尾。例如:


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