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1、- 1 -学位英语语法词汇学位英语语法词汇学位英语语法词汇测练(学位英语语法词汇测练(1) 例:The news coming from different parts of the world are often extremely discouraging A B C D these days. (2006.6) 例:The responsibility of the manager in such a large international enterprises is far greater A B C than his typist. D 例:It was during the 19

2、66s that the friendship between Edward and Jeremy reached their A B C highest point. D 例:The waste, according to the people there, has already found their way into the drinking A B C D water. (2004.3) http:/ 例:Those of us who work in chemical laboratories should have their lungs checked quite A B C

3、D regularly. (2000.6) 【答案】C。句子的主语是 The news,是不可数名词,因此谓语动词应当是 is。 【答案】D。因为比较的对象是 responsibility,因此选项 D 应当改为 that of his typist,用 that 来代 替前面出现过的抽象名词 responsibility。http:/ 【答案】C。本句的意思是“在 1966 年间 Edward 和 Jeremy 的友谊达到了顶点。 ”their 应当改为 its,这里的 its 指代前面的两人的 friendship,是一个抽象名词,为了与其保持数上的一致性,应当 用 its 代替。 【答案

4、】C。本句的意思是“那里的人们说,废品流到了饮用水里面。 ”their 应当改为 its,这里的 its 指代的是前面的 the waste,是不可数名词,为了与其保持数的一致性,应当用 its 来代替。 【答案】D。本句的意思是“那些在实验室工作的人应当定期对其肺部进行检查。 ”their 应当改为 our,这里的 our 指代前面的 those of us,为了与其保持人称上的一致性,应当用 our 来代替。学位英语语法词汇测练(学位英语语法词汇测练(2) 英语语法 2010-03-30 22:12:19 阅读 229 评论 1 字号:大中小 1. The teachers lecture

5、 on American history was three hours long, and Mary felt very _.A. upset B. bored C. disturbed D. neglected 2. Her mind was so _ by the disease that she could not remember what she had done.A. acted B. influenced C. effected D. affected 3. Every boy and girl _ not to swim in the lake, for it is poll

6、uted.A. has been warned B. have been warnedC. has warned D. have warned 4. She heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. this C. which D. that5. Why cant you do this small _ for me? Ive helped you often enough in the past.A. command B. demand C. effort D. favor- 2 -6. _ he

7、often forgot their wedding anniversary greatly annoyed his wife.A. All B. What C. Which D. That 7. You screamed in your sleep last night. You _ a terrible dream. A. must have had B. must haveC. must had had D. must have been 8. However much _, it will be worth the money.A. the dictionary costs B. co

8、sts the dictionaryC. the dictionary will cost D. does the dictionary cost 9. I dont care _ or not she will apologize to me.A. if B. whether C. what D. which 10. One of my brothers many faults is that he never _ anything very long. A. decides on B. sticks toC. goes over D. makes up http:/ 11. The dep

9、arture of the train will be _ for half an hour.A. cancelled B. delayed C. postponed D. set off 12. But for his sisters help, I _ the work.A. did not finish B. will not finishC. could not finish D. would not have finished 13. Emphasis is laid on the necessity that all the objectives to be attained _

10、into account before starting a new project. A. be taken B. should take C. would be taken D. have to be taken 14. Sixty per cent of television viewers chose her as their _ actress.A. fortunate B. preferred C. favourite D. preferable 15. Judges must be independent _ political pressure.A. to B. of C. u

11、nder D. on 16. I looked everywhere for some cooking oil, but I could only find _. 58 英语学习网,简单学英语A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 17. Als doctor insists _ for a few days.A. that he is resting B. him to rest C. his resting D. that he rest 18. There wasnt much snow last winter so people couldnt go

12、 _ except in the mountains.A. skiing B. skied C. to ski D. having skied 19. Youve got to be on top _ to do well in a competition like that.A. condition B. form C. shape D. training 58en 20. Your behavior was shocking. You should be ashamed _ yourself.A. of B. at C. to D. on 21. I suppose you couldnt let me borrow your car this evening, _?A. couldnt I B. dont IC. could you D. will you 22. _ five hundred people are believed to have drowned.A. As many as B. As much as 58 学习C. So many as D. So much as 23. I chose a small room with the window _ the street.- 3 -A. faces B. faced C. fa


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