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1、本科毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译外文题目 Expert systems approach to minimize the effects of brain drain 外文出处 IJCM 外文作者 Naveed Saleem Abbas N. Azad 原文:原文:ExpertExpert systemssystems approachapproach toto minimizeminimize thethe effectseffects ofof brainbrain draindrainNaveedNaveed SaleemSaleem AbbasAbbas N.N. AzadAzadBra

2、in drain inflicts serious economic and social hardships on developing countries. Consequently, these countries resort to such measures as governmental regulations and economic incentives, which aim to slow down emigration of their skilled professionals. However, these measures prove generally ineffe

3、ctive. Furthermore, predictive research on brain drain finds only further increase in, rather than any decline of, the exodus of skilled professionals from developing countries, which exacerbates the brain drain problem. This paper advocates the use of expert systems to alleviate the scarcity of exp

4、ertise caused by brain drain. The use of expert systems for this purpose appears logical, because these systems have been successfully used to combat similar problems in developed countries. INTRODUCTION Brain drain, the emigration of trained professionals to other countries, is a matter of great co

5、ncern to developing countries. Brain drain jeopardizes a countrys economic development and weakens its ability to provide essential services to its citizens. To make matters worse for these countries, no reprieve appears to be on the horizon for them. The empirical, predictive studies augur only fur

6、ther increase in rather than any decline of the loss of skilled manpower. The traditional solutions applied to this problem have proved generally ineffective, hence, underlining the need for innovative approaches to address this problem. This paper advocates that the use of expert systems, one kind

7、of information technology, provides an effective tool to minimize the effects of brain drain from developing countries. EFFECTS OF BRAIN DRAIN Brain drain inflicts serious economic and social hardships on developing countries. First, it drains the scarce capital resources of the country, as well as

8、hurts the performances of the business entities. For instance, it creates dependence on foreign consultants, which results in the outflow of already scarce capital resources (Kiggundu, 1989). In addition, it forces businesses to promote less experienced individuals, who may be unprepared to handle t

9、heir responsibilities, and thus hurt the overall performances of the organizations in national and international markets (McHale, 1988). Second, brain drain jeopardizes the essential services provided to the citizens of the developing country. In the Philippines, for example, some hospital wards had

10、 to be closed down due to shortage of nursing staff (Cohen, 1988). In Mexico, the emigration of university teachers to other countries, appears to have caused a decline in the quality of its higher education (Tangeman, 1989, p. A45). In short, brain drain causes serious economic and social implicati

11、ons for a country. Sometimes, however, the argument is advanced that emigration actually benefits developing countries, because it affords their citizens the opportunity to acquire direly needed expertise and skills. This argument assumes that the majority of these individuals returns to the home co

12、untry and makes valuable contributions to its development. However, as described later in this paper, this assumption is not borne out by reality. CAUSES OF BRAIN DRAIN The two primary reasons believed to trigger brain drain from developing countries are: (1) higher compensation with better opportun

13、ities abroad; and (2) political uncertainty at home. Inadequate compensation for ones skills in the home country becomes a source of frustration to the trained professionals, which motivates them to look abroad for employment. This frustration is well-spoken by a university professor in Mexico, who

14、complained, “I am a Ph.D. from Stanford and I cannot afford to buy a used Volkswagen“ (Tangeman, 1989, p. A47). Economic considerations aside, when an uncertain political environment occurs in the home country, this event also sparks an exodus of the professional talent. For example, Chinas planned

15、takeover of Hong Kong in 1997 scared a number of businesses, alongwith a high number of trained professionals, into the move to other countries (McHale, 1988). TRADITIONAL SOLUTIONS TO BRAIN DRAIN The goal of the traditional approaches, used to overcome the brain drain problem, focuses on how to slow down the emigration of trained professionals. Typically, two methods are used to accomplish this goal. One method involves governmental legislation that creates difficulties for professionals to leave the country. For instance, in the Philippines, legislation is unde


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