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1、异彩纷呈的天津民间工艺天津民间工艺异彩纷呈,有许多不仅是天津民间艺术中的瑰宝,而且也是中国民间艺苑中 的奇葩。 “泥人张”彩塑、 “风筝魏”风筝、 “刻砖刘”刻砖等,都以其独特的艺术风格被世人称之 为民间艺术之绝品,在国内外享有很高的声誉,成为天津人的骄傲。天津民间工艺风格受宫廷美术、文人美术及市民欣赏需求等诸多因素影响,而呈雅俗共赏 的特点。且注重写实,表现手法细腻传神,许多内容带有吉祥寓意。“泥人张”彩塑 是泥塑艺人张明山于19世纪中叶创造的一门雅俗共赏的泥塑艺术。张明山用 泥塑创造劳动人民形象,并能根据古典名著、戏剧和神话传说等内容,塑造出各种惟妙惟 肖的人物形象,用于居室中的装饰与陈设

2、,丰富了中国传统泥塑的内容。张明山所创作的 泥塑,既注重色彩的运用,同时更注重雕塑,极富写实性。从刻画得细致入微的人物衣纹、 皱褶、棱角等处,能让人清楚地分辨出衣服的质地。他用漆点画人物眼睛的黑瞳,使人物 更栩栩如生。加之其精湛而传奇的制作技艺,在天津、北京乃至海内外都享有极高的声誉, 被人们尊称为“泥人张”。“泥人张”彩塑的原料主要是粘土。制作泥人主要有两个步骤:第一步是制胎,即用泥塑出 所需造型。第二步是上色。 “泥人张”的传统作品都上国画色,现在也有的用水粉色或油画色。 创始人张明山自幼受家庭熏陶,从8岁起帮父亲制作泥玩具。不仅使他掌握了泥塑全部的制 作过程,而且为他以后创作自成一家的彩

3、塑艺术打下了良好的基础。张明山随着年龄的增 长和生活经验的不断丰富,其所创作彩塑题材日趋广泛,表现手法亦日趋成熟。他捏塑的 泥人,有的选自中国的古典名著中的人物;有的选自戏剧中的人物或情节塑像;有的取自 中国的民间故事;有的则取自神话传说中的人物;还有许多作品是各界人物的肖像以及他 所熟悉的劳动人民形象;还有反映当时天津民间风俗的作品。他的惜春作画等作品,今仍收藏于北京故宫。现存于颐和园乐寿堂中的“八匣泥人”就 是当年的内务府大臣庆宽在光绪二十八年(1902禧太后70寿辰进贡的张明山晚年的作品,包 括木兰从军 、 红楼梦 、 孙夫人试剑 、 白蛇传 、 福禄寿 、 风尘三侠 、 张敞画 眉 、

4、 春秋配等。张玉亭为“泥人张”彩塑艺术的第二代传人。张玉亭在继承“泥人张”彩塑创作方法的同时, 经不断的艺术实践,形成了自己的艺术风格。作品更多的则注重在人物动态中去寻找人物 的思想感情,来塑造有血有肉的艺术形象。根据中国民间神话故事内容而塑造的钟馗嫁 妹组像,堪称他的代表作。作品展示了能镇邪降妖的钟馗,带领大小鬼为其妹出嫁而护 驾的送亲场面。其中有20多个神鬼组成了送亲仪仗队伍在前面鸣锣开道,后面鬼拉车, 鬼推车,另有鬼打灯照明,钟馗妹就端坐于车轿中,威严的钟馗坐于骏骑上护驾。 如此众多的神鬼人物被刻划得各具风采、活灵活现。张玉亭作品的题材,除与第一代有类似之处外,更多的作品则是反映社会中的

5、平民生活。 如吹糖人 、 卖糕者 、 搬卸工 、 木工 、 采桑 、 占卜者 、 渔妇 、 渔翁 、 老 僧 、 二学士等,再现了平民生活中360行的各个侧面。“泥人张”一二代,是该彩塑艺术发展的高峰期。民国四年(1915年)在美国举行的巴拿马万 国博览会上, “泥人张”参展了16件作品,被会议誉为是出类拔萃之作。只因赛会规定,泥制 品必须经过800度火力烧制,而参展的泥塑未经火烧被获得名誉奖。此外, “泥人张”彩塑作 品还在南洋各地展览会上荣获奖状、奖牌20多件。有些国家还将“泥人张”彩塑作品标明“中 国特产”作为藏品陈列。如今, “泥人张”数代人的彩塑艺术的代表作均被天津市艺术博物馆收藏,

6、并辟专室予以陈列, 作为该馆陈列展览的一大特色。张乃英也被安排在天津市艺术博物馆,专门从事对祖辈传 下的彩塑艺术事业的研究和创新工作。作为天津特有的民间艺术绝品的“泥人张”彩塑艺术,1957年中央新闻电影制片厂拍摄了“泥 人张”彩塑艺术的专题影片。1979年,出版了天津彩塑作品选 , “泥人张”彩塑艺术在国际 上一直享有盛誉。许多外国友人早就“以重值购之,置诸博物馆,供人观赏”(引自津门 杂记卷中)近年来, “泥人张”作品仍行销海内外,作品曾到世界上数十个国家展出。有的 国家还特邀“泥人张”专业人员到国外献艺,进行文化交流活动。The splendid Folk Art in TianjinT

7、ianjin folk art is splendid, which is not only the gems of folk art, but also the wonderful work in China. “Clay Figure Zhang“, “ Kite Wei“, “ Engrave Liu“ and so on, they have enjoyed a great reputation and to be the pride of Tianjin.Tianjin folk art is suitable for all tastes because of palace art

8、, scholars arts and citizens demanding and so on many factors, besides, it pays attention to realistic, expression exquisite and preached, and many implies lucky.Clay Figure Zhang is a famous folk art in Tianjin, Chinas second biggest city. It was initiated by Zhang Mingshan (1826-1906), a folk arti

9、st of Tianjin, during Daoguang period in Qing Dynasty (1821-1851). Up until now, Clay Figure Zhang has four generations and nearly 180 years of history. Clay Figure Zhang is made of ripe clay which is pure puddle with little sand through the process of weathering, slurrying, filtrating, evaporating

10、and adding cotton to rub up. It has the characteristics of viscosity. The side materials include wood, vine, lead, paper, flowers and so on. After completely drying, the clay figure is put into stove for firing. The temperature is up to 700 degree Celsius or so. After coming out of stove, the clay f

11、igure is polished and painted. It takes about 30 days or so to finish a piece of work.The images of Clay Figure Zhang vary from palace maids in costume, historic figures, religious figures, and modern figures to local customs. It is usually displayed indoor, on the shelf for example, because of its

12、small size (usually 20 cm high). Therefore it is also called shelf sculpture. Clay Figure Zhang has vivid realistic characteristics, and can portray the figures personality and posture, pursue dissection structure, reasonable exaggeration, suitable acceptance and rejection, special applying to give

13、attention to both shape and spirit and have great originality. Several Chinese authors and artists, including Guo Moruo, Zhao Puchu, and Wu Zuoren, have collected Clay Figure Zhang.Zhang Yuting, as the second generation of Clay Fugure Zhang, carrys on creation means of making and creatively study an

14、d formed his style. His works more focuses on the dynamic characters and tried to provide vivid art works. “Zhong Kui Marries the Sister“, is his masterpiece according to the folklore, which shows the picture of expelling evils and leads evils to protect the marriage of his sister. There is a scene

15、which describes 20 evils beating gongs in front of team, Zhong kuis sister sitting in the cart, and these clays have their own style.The most works of Zhang Yuting show more about the common life in society, such as “ woodworker“, “fishfag“, “ the bachelor“ and so on, which show the aspects in diffe

16、rent field.The first and second generation have reached the peak. 16 works of Clay Figure Zhang are selected the outstanding work in 1915. But they just got honorary ward because of rules.Besides, Clay Figure Zhang has won more than 20 prizes in Araucaria exhibition. Some countries regard Clay Figure Zhang as Chinese specialty.Now, the works of several generations of Clay Figure Zhang are kept in Tianjin


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